Set Up & Definitions#

The following information must be defined in order for the organization to make use of the Time Scheduling module.

  • Review Previous Module Set Up
  • Work Division (ITWD)
  • Work Areas (ITWA)
  • Shifts (ITSS)
  • Shift Pattern (ITSP)
  • Work Stations (ITWS)
  • Work Rules (IDWR)
  • Time Codes (IDTC)
  • Holiday Calendars (IDHC)
  • Premiums (ISPM)
  • Premium Types (ISPT)
  • Time Rule Types (ITRT)
  • Time Code Sets (IDTCS)
  • Required Time Totals (IPRTT)
  • Time Sheet Approval
    • Approval Processes (IDAP)
  • Cost Centers (IDCC)
    • G/L Segments (IDGS)
  • Define Clock Devices (ITCD)

On-Going Maintenance#

On a regular basis, workers (employee who is scheduled) will need to be added, updated and inactivated. This can be done manually through the Workers’ screen or automatically through an update process.

It will also be necessary for your organization to maintain the status of the available team posts that need to be filled as well as the cross-organizational job replacements that are allowed.

  • Worker Information (ITWO)
    • Create or Update Worker Information (UTBWO)
  • Replacement Jobs (ITRJ)
  • Team Posts (ITTP)
  • Assign Clock Cards (ITCC)

Establish Schedules#

The Scheduling tools within the Time Scheduling application facilitate the smooth running of operational areas by assisting supervisors and management with the planning activities. They ensure that the workstations in all work areas are properly filled on all shifts and that the right people can be made available as required to cover the posts in exceptional situations.

  • Maintain Leave Records (IAAL)
  • Create Schedules (UTTP)
  • View Scheduled Posts (ITSSP)
  • Fill Vacant Scheduled Posts
  • View Planned Placements (ITPPX)
  • Detailed Schedules
    • Maintain Station Schedules (DTSH)
    • Maintain Employee Schedules (DTESH)
    • Maintain Work Area Schedules (DTSWA)

Record Time & Attendance Data#

The following forms and reports allow Time Keepers to record employee work time and their attendance information. Using these forms clients can take the recorded time in the Time Scheduling module and bring the time through to the Payroll module.
  • Time Clock Information
    • Maintain Clock Entries (ITCE)
    • Daily Clock Punches (DTCP)
    • Daily Missing Clock Punches (DTMCP)
    • Approve Punch Clock Adjustments (ITAPC)
    • Load Clock Entries (LTCE)
    • Process Employee Clock Ins and Outs (UTCIO)
  • Time Sheets (IPTS)
    • Balance Time Sheets (IPBTS)
    • Time Sheets History (IPTSH)
  • Maintain Time Sheets (IPMTS)
    • Time Sheet Adjustments
  • Cancel or Delete Time Sheets (UPCDTS)
  • Time Sheets to Payroll (UPCTS)
  • Generate Pay Transactions (UPTG)
  • Pay Transactions (IPTR)
    • Print Pay Transactions (RPTR)
    • Balance Pay Transactions (IPTRB)

Notes #

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