Processing Information#

The Load Time Sheets to Payroll (UPCTS) will load the timesheets to Maintain Pay Transactions (IPTR) screen.

In the Load Time Sheets to Payroll (UPCTS) screen there are two parameters that will determine what stage a time sheet needs to be in order to be picked up.

'Ready for PR ONLY'
  • If YES, then only time sheets that are "50- Ready for PR" will be processed
  • If NO, then any time sheet in the "40- Submitted" or "50- Ready for PR" stage will be processed
'Add Open Time Sheets'
This parameter determines if additional time sheets should be picked up
  • If YES, then time sheets that have NOT been submitted ("30- Rules Applied") will be processed
  • If NO, then no additional time sheets will be added.

If selections are:

  • Ready for PR ONLY: NO
  • Add Open Time Sheets: NO
Will process 40- Submitted and 50- Ready for PR and leave 30- Rules Applied untouched

If selections are:

  • Ready for PR ONLY: YES
  • Add Open Time Sheets: NO
Will process 50- Ready for PR and leave 30- Rules Applied and 40- Submitted untouched

If selections are:

  • Ready for PR ONLY: NO
  • Add Open Time Sheets: YES
Will process all time sheets; 30- Rules Applied, 40- Submitted and 50- Ready for PR

If selections are:

  • Ready for PR ONLY: YES
  • Add Open Time Sheets: YES
Will process 30- Rules Applied and 50- Ready for PR and leave 40- Submitted untouched

A new ‘PR in Process’ time sheet status X_TIME_SHEET_STATUS has been implemented to enforce NO insert/update/delete rules on time sheet/time sheet details, leave lines and time exceptions and NO Approval on time sheet and leave line. This feature has been implemented only for UPCTS, so once the process is started, the information on the time sheet cannot be modified (a message will pop up) and time sheet status will become ‘PR in Process’. If system refresh is fast enough the time sheet will disappear from the list on IPTS and details will be frozen. In case of UPCTS failure, the time sheet status will be restored.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
Entity Mandatory, LOV Available
This field identifies the entity associated with this report.
Payroll Mandatory, LOV Available
This field identifies the payroll associated with this report.
Pay Period Mandatory, LOV available
This field identifies the pay period that the report is being run for.
From Date Mandatory, Date, LOV Available
This is the first day of the pay period and will default from the Pay Period Date.
To Date Mandatory, Date, LOV Available
This is the last date of the pay period and will default from the Pay Period Date.
Pay Category Mandatory, LOV available
Only one `Pay Category' may be selected
Batch ByMandatory, Batch by lexicon available
This will determine how the batches are set, by department, etc.
Batch For Each PPOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
If <<YES>>, there will be a batch for each pay period.
Ready for PR OnlyOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
See note above on how to set YES / NO toggles.
Add Open Time SheetsOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
See note above on how to set YES / NO toggles.
Exception LevelOptional, Exception Level lexicon available
This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
TrialOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
You may choose to run the report in a trial mode or in update mode. If <<No>> then the update is committed. If <<Yes>> then the update is not committed and the process may be run again. This field allows you to see the results without committing them.

Report Filters
People List Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. A people list may be used to indicate specific employee transaction to be processed.
Person Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field holds the person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed. This list should not be used if a people list is used.
Department Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified departments
Org Level Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified organizational levels.
Authorization Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This reduces the list of people to those employees within Auth Areas listed.
Location Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified locations
Unit Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified units.
Group Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified groups
Pay Type Optional, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field identifies the type(s) of pay being processed.
Status Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified employment status.

Notes #

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