A Unit is a union, a bargaining unit or a business sector of the organization that has a common set of employment rules and options. A unit normally has some kind of publication, such as a union contract, employee handbook, or policy and procedures manual outlining the employment rules applicable.

Units belong to an entity and own contract calendars, salary wage and premium schedules, and jobs. They may be used to determinebenefit schedules and leave schedules. Units are subdivided into [groups, which reflect policy variations within the unit. The job definitions, salary ranges, wage scales and steps, holiday calendar, benefit plan eligibility, attendance policies, work rules, and other policies are defined at the group level.

Unit details are date sensitive. This means that changes to information such as the unit description or the agreement dates may be tracked over time and a complete history of the unit can be retained.

Unit codes and names may be changed at any time and the effect of the changes will be seen immediately throughout the system. Typical organization units: Salaried, Hourly or Union ABC.

Units Definition#

The definition data for the Maintain Units screen is maintained on the P2K_CM_UNITS and P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS tables.
This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the unit being defined.
This field identifies the entity associated with the defined unit.
This field displays the standing of the unit.
This function is date sensitive and changes made in these areas below the date navigator may be split with a new effective date.

Details tab#

This field displays status of the unit.
This field holds a detailed description or name for the unit.
Agreement Start Date / Agreement End Date
For units with agreements or contracts, these fields will display the first and last dates of the agreement.
Unit Name
This field holds the name of the unit.
Unit Local
This field holds the name of the unit local.
Unit Sub Local
This field holds the name of the unit sub-local.

Union Contract (LR) tab#

Contract Text
This field allows you to supply important information about the union contract. Unit_Text is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.

Groups tab#

This tab is for viewing purposes only; you may not edit the data.

This tab is for viewing only; groups cannot be added directly to this screen. Once the unit has been defined and the IDUN screen saved, you may associate the unit to the group through the IDGR screen. Once association has been made, the group will then automatically appear in this area of the IDUN form.

Contacts (LR) tab#

The Contacts tab will identify the contacts associated with this unit. Contacts may be internal or external.

Unit Contact Type
This field will display the type of contact being defined. For example, shop stewards, union representatives, union administrative representatives or union officials.
Unit Contact Title
This field displays the official title of the unit contact.
Employee Name OR Contact Name
These fields display the identity of the unit contact.
You may only complete one of these fields.
* For internal contacts, use the Employee Name field. The link to IEID (P2K_HR_IDENTITIES) is made through the foreign key EID_ID.
* For external contacts, use the Contact Name field. The link to IECI (P2K_HR_CONTACTS) is made through the foreign key ECT_ID.
If the contact name is drawn from the contacts tables, this field will display the ‘contact type’ defined in the IECI screen. You cannot edit this field; the information will default once the contact name has been selected.
This field displays the contact’s address. You cannot edit this field; the information will default once the contact name has been selected.
This field displays the contact’s phone number. You cannot edit this field; the information will default once the contact name has been selected.

Elements tab#

The data on this screen is maintained on the P2K_LR_UNIT_ELEMENTS table as a related child of P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS.

Unit Element Typ
This field identifies the unit element type.
This field offers a short description of the element.
This field provides the name of the element for the unit.

Grievance Unit Rules (LR) tab#

If there are grievance rules directly associated with this unit, the name of those rules will appear in this screen.
A short description of this rule and how it is associated to this unit may be provided here.

Notes #

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