The Record Grievances (ILGV) form allows you to record all grievances submitted by an employee, union or by an entire location or department.

This form will display all people involved such as the employee and union representative in the grievance without allowing duplicates. In addition, ILGV can track the status and stage of the grievance, all correspondence, and costs related to the grievance. This form can also track each step the grievance goes through complete with signatures and comments.

Grievances may originate from complaint; however, not all grievances result from a complaint.

Escalate a Complaint to a Grievance You may have also come to the ILGV screen by escalating a complaint to a grievance. In this scenario, you has created a grievance by selecting the Escalate to Grievance button on the ILCM form.

The data information for the Record Grievances screen can be found in the P2K_LR_GRIEVANCES, P2K_LR_GRIEVANCE_ACTIVITIES, and P2K_LR_GRIEVANCE_PARTICIPANTS tables.

This field displays detailed information about the grievance. This field is for display only.
This field displays information about all the participants involved in the grievance. This field is for display only.

Record Grievances (ILGV) - Grievance#


This field identifies the entity for which this grievance is being created. Entity from IDEN (P2K_CM_ENTITIES) is a mandatory field you may fill manually or through the LOV (F9) provided.
This field identifies the unit for which this grievance is being created. Unit from IDUN (P2K_CM_UNITS) is mandatory field you may fill manually or through the LOV (F9) provided.
This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the grievance being defined. While you may define the grievance code, there is also the option of setting this field to automatically assign a sequential number to each new grievance entered. You may set up this option through the IMCS screen. Full details on this function are available through the User Interface manual. Grievance_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field.
This field allows you to provide a short description of the grievance. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may manually enter.
Dispute Type
This field identifies the type of dispute under which this grievance falls. Dispute_Type from ILDT (P2K_LR_DISPUTE_TYPES) is a mandatory field you may fill manually or use the LOV (F9) provided.
Grievance Rule
This field identifies the grievance rule or union contract under which this grievance falls. Grievance_Rules from ILGR (P2K_LR_GRIEVANCE_RULES) is a mandatory field you may fill manually or use the LOV (F9) provided.
This field defines the severity of the grievance. Grievance_Serverity is an optional field you may fill with the fixed lexicon X_GRIEVANCE_SERVERITY.
Issue Date
This field will define the issue date of the grievance. Grievance_Issue_Date is a mandatory field you may fill manually or by using the calendar icon (F9).
Incident Date
This field records the date of the incident. Date_of_Incident is an optional field you may fill manually or by using the calendar icon (F9).
If this toggle has been checked, the grievance has been approved. Approved is an optional toggle you may select.
This field defines the stage of the grievance. Greviance_Stage is an optional field you may fill using the user-defined lexicon X_GRIEVANCE_STAGE.
This field identifies the current status of the grievance. Grievance_Status is an optional field you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_GRIEVANCE_STATUS.

Location of Incident#

If information is added to this area, the data will be displayed in the text box at the top of the ILGV screen., For instance:
  • If a location is identified, the text box at the top of the screen will indicate ‘The grievance involves All Employees in Location ‘XXXXX’;
  • If a department is identified, the text box will indicate ‘The grievance involves All Employees in Unit ‘XXXXX’.
Person Code
This field shows the name of the employee or company whom the grievance is against. For example, if this were a sexual harassment grievance against a supervisor, the supervisor’s name would be displayed here. Employee from IEID (P2K_HR_IDENTITIES) is an optional field you may fill manually or with the LOV (F9) provided.
If the grievance is on behalf of an entire location, that location may be entered in this field. Location from IDLN (P2K_CM_LOCATIONS) is an optional field you may fill manually or with the LOV (F9).
If the grievance is on behalf of an entire department, that department may be entered in this field. Department from IDDP (P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS) is an optional field you may fill manually or with the LOV (F9).


If this grievance has been settled, this area will display the details of the closure.
If settlement amount has come from this grievance, that amount will be listed here Settlement_Amount is an optional 18-character numeric field you may enter manually.
Disciplinary Code
If disciplinary action has been taken with this grievance, the disciplinary action code will be displayed here. Disciplinary_Code from ILDI (P2K_LR_DISCIPLINARY_ISSUES) is an optional field you may fill with the LOV (F9) provided.
This field displays the decision made in for this grievance. Grievance_Decision is an optional field you may fill using the lexicon X_GRIEVANCE_DECISION.
This field will display the date of the settlement. Grievance_Closed_Date is an optional field you may fill manually or with the calendar icon (F9) provided.

Record Grievances (ILGV) - Notes#

This field allows you to provide additional and in depth information about the witnesses. Incident_Witnesses is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Contract Notes
This field allows you to provide additional and in depth information about the contract. Contract_Notes is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Union Notes
This field allows you to provide additional and in depth information about the contract. Union_Notes is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.

Record Grievances (ILGV) - Activities#

This field defines the activities associated with this grievance. These activities are composed of the grievance steps defined in ILGR. Activity from ILGR (P2K_LR_GRIEVANCE_RULES) is an optional field you may fill from the LOV.
This field indicates the current status of the activity. Activity_Status is a mandatory field you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon X_GRIEVANCE_ACTIVITY_STATUS.
Must Reply By
This field defines the time limit for a response to this activity. Must_Reply_By is a mandatory field you may fill manually or through the calendar icon provided.
Description: Once the Activity field has been defined, the Description field will be populated with the grievance step description identified in the ILGR screen.
Next Activity
This field defines the activity that must follow the activity being defined. This activity is derived from the grievance steps defined in ILGR. Next_Activity from ILGR (P2K_LR_GRIEVANCE_RULES) is an optional field you may fill from the LOV.

Expected Reply#

Participant Type
The Participant Type field will automatically fill once the Activity field has been defined.
Activity Duration
The Activity Duration field will automatically fill once the Activity field has been defined.
This field identifies the date a reply is expected by. Reply_Timestamp is an optional field you may fill manually or with the calendar icon available.

Actual Reply#

Replied Via
This field indicates the way in which the reply was sent. Grievance_Reply_By is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may manually fill. e.g. email, letter, phone call
Reply Type
This field identifies the type of reply. Reply_Type is an optional field you fills with the fixed lexicon X_GRIEVANCE_REPLY_TYPE.
Reply Interval
This time provides the time difference between when the step was started and a reply was issued.
This field identifies the date a reply was actually received. Reply_Timestamp is an optional field you may fill manually or with the calendar icon available.
Reset Date
This button will change the date that the step was completed to the current date and time stamp.

Reply Text#

This field allows you to provide either the full reply and/or more information regarding the reply. Grievance_Reply_Text is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may manually fill.

Record Grievances (ILGV) - Participants#

Once a participant has been entered in this area, they will then be displayed in the text box at the top of the screen.

Participant Type
This field identifies the type of participation for this individual. Participant_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon you must fill with the fixed lexicon X_PARTICIPANT_TYPE provided.
This field allows you to provide a short description of the participant. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Settlement Amount
If the participant has received a settlement amount through this grievance, this amount may be listed here. Settlement_Amount is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually.


Employee Name OR Contact Name
These fields display the identity of the participant. This is a mandatory field you may fill manually or retrieve from the LOV provided.
* For internal contacts, use the Employee Name field. The link to IEID (P2K_HR_IDENTITIES) is made through the foreign key EID_ID.
* For external contacts, use the Contact Name field. The link to IECI (P2K_HR_CONTACTS) is made through the foreign key ECT_ID.
This field identifies if the participant is an employee (internal) or a contact (external). Type will default in once the ‘Name’ field has been filled.
This field identifies the street address of the participant being defined. Address will default in once the ‘Name’ field has been filled.
This field identifies the city or town of the participant being defined. Locality will default in once the ‘Name’ field has been filled.
This field identifies the phone number for the participant. Phone will default in once the ‘Name’ field has been filled.

Participant Info#

This field allows you to provide additional information about this participant. Participant_Info is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may enter manually.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page