Review Previous Setup#

Prior to working through the Recruitment application, it is advised to go through the following setup checklist.

Common Definitions#

Salary Administration#

Personnel Records#

  • Identities (IEID)
    • Internal Applicant
    • Managers
    • Internal Recruiters
  • Contacts (IECT)
    • Interviewers

Training and Development#

  • Competency Categories (ICCC)

Manage Job Openings#

The first stage in the recruiting process is to identify and manage any job openings with the entity. These job openings will be managed through job profiles, which in turn are used to produce job postings.

If there is a vacancy within the entity, a job posting must be created before a suitable candidate can be hired. Job postings may be created through a job requisition or directly, depending on the hiring policies for the entity. These newly created job postings will be published and used to find suitable candidates for the vacancy.

  • Identify the Need to Hire
    • List Employees by Positions (REPC)
  • Create and Approve Job Postings
    • Generate Postings (URPO)
    • Requisitions (IRPO)
    • Posting Approvals (IRPOA)
    • Publish Requisitions/Postings (RRPO)

Process Candidates#

The search for an appropriate applicant begins with the recruiters who will be a source of candidate. Once the candidates submit their application, that information will be gathered and recorded as a candidate profile. All the profiles can be reviewed and you can narrow down the list of preferred candidates or even find the candidate to fill the position.
  • Define Recruiter Profiles (IRRE)
  • Define Candidate Profiles (IRCA)
  • Generate Candidate Profiles (URGC)
    • Purge Candidate Profiles (URPRCA)
    • Update Candidate Applications (URCA)
    • Email Candidates (UREC)
    • Publish Recruiter Profiles (RRRE)
    • Publish Candidate Profiles (RRCA)

Assess Applicants#

It may be necessary to evaluate potential candidates' competency levels to determine which candidate is the mosT appropriate for the position.

  • Prepare Assessments (IRAS)
  • Schedule Assessment Events (IRSA)
  • View Assessment Event Schedule (DRASE)
    • Grade Assessments (IRGA)
    • Publish Assessment Results (RRAR)
    • Publish Assessments Profiles (RRAS)
  • Email Applicants (UREA)

Review and Rank Applicants#

The search for an appropriate applicant begins by reviewing the candidates and ranking their eligibility. Once a suitable candidate has been selected, approval to hire must be obtained and the hiring process completed.

  • Rank/Hire Applicants (IRAP)
  • Close Posting
  • Track Applicants
  • List Applicants (RRAP)
  • List of Recruiting Statistics (RRAN)

Notes #

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