Wage Scales are used to hold the exact value of an employee’s wage, and to maintain a historical record of the changes to these wages over time. Scales are linked to units which are usually union agreements. If a scale is the same for more than one unit, the system allows you to apply the scale to both units as separate independent scales. This allows you to later modify one scale without affecting the other. Wage scales may be created and updated through the Maintain Wage Scales/Steps (ISWS) form.

Wage Scales/Steps data is maintained on the P2K_SA_WAGE_SCALES, P2K_SA_WAGE_SCALE_STEPS and P2K_SA_WAGE_STEP_DETAILS tables.

Wage Scale
This field holds the name of the scale.
This field allows you to mark scales as Frozen or Obsolete
Each scale must be associated with a unit which may be identified in this field.
Each scale must be associated with an entity which may be identify in this field.
Wage Step Rule
The stepping rule for the wage scale may be identified here. For one unit, there may be more than one step rule which will be assigned to different groups within the unit. The employee will be assigned a step rule according to their group. This step rule will then be applied to their assignment scale/step. It is, however, possible to have different wage stepping rules within one group. This is accomplished by indicating the rule on the scale.
Rate Matrix
Enter the rate matrix code that allow you to associate a matrix cell with a step within the scale. This field may be updated later, after matrices have been discussed and created.
In this field, you may enter a description of the wage scale created.

Current Steps#

Within this field, you will enter the actual name of the step you are creating. This name may be a numeric, alphanumeric, or descriptive value.
Seq #
This field will allow you to define the sequential order of the wage steps. This sequential order will be used by Personality to process the steps in order.
Effective as of
This field displays the date the wage is effective. Effective only be changed through the ‘Scale Modification’ area in this screen, in the Change Date field.
Scale Rate
This is the rate, based on the rate basis (below), defined for the step. Enter a dollar amount in this field.
This field shows the time basis the rate is expressed in and how often it is earned. For example, is this rate earned monthly, weekly or daily?.
% of Base
This field indicates the percentage of the wage base. See Percentage of Base for a full explanation.
Change Reason
This field displays the reason for the rate change. This field may be used in mass update programs to insert a change reason into the new records (with the new rate) that will be created.
Cell #
Cells are a specific point on the Define Rate Matrices (ISRM) form. You may place this cell number on several different scales and control its rate through the matrix.
Add Step
This action allows you to add a new step to the scale.

Step Change History#

Within this field, you will enter the actual name of the step you are creating. This name may be a numeric, alphanumeric, or descriptive value.
Seq #
This field will allow you to define the sequential order of the wage steps. This sequential order will be used by Personality to process the steps in order.
Effective as of/Expiry On
The Effective and Expiry fields indicate the dates through which a wage step is in effect. These fields have a default entry of the 01-Jan-0001 and 31-Dec-3999. Effective and Expiry dates can only be changed through the ‘Scale Modification’ area in this screen, in the Change Date field.
This process does NOT allow a ‘trial’ run but the changes are not committed until the form is saved.
Scale Rate
This is the rate, based on the rate basis (below), defined for the step. Enter a dollar amount in this field.
This field shows the time basis the rate is expressed in and how often it is earned. For example, is this rate earned monthly, weekly or daily?.
% of Base
This field indicates the percentage of the wage base.
Change Reason
This field displays the reason for the rate change. This field may be used in mass update programs to insert a change reason into the new records (with the new rate) that will be created.
Cell #
Cells are a specific point on the Define Rate Matrices (ISRM) form. You may place this cell number on several different scales and control its rate through the matrix.

Mass Change#

You may update an entire scale within the Scale/Step form by using the Mass Change button.

Step Change#

You may update an entire scale within the Scale/Step form by using the Step Change button.

Modify Effective#

If the effective date split is correct but the date is wrong then it may be modified, one step at a time. This can be done by pressing the Modify Effective button.

Delete Effective#

If the effective date split is to be deleted, this can be done by pressing the Delete Effective button.

Notes #

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