Review Previous Set Up#

Prior to working through the Forecasting & Costing application, it is advised to go through the following setup checklist.
  • Business Calendars (IDCL)
    • Set up all business calendars to the end of the budget period
  • Entity (IDEN)
    • The GL company must be indicated on the entity form
  • GL Segments (IDGS)
    • Ensure segments have been defined
  • Work Rules (IDWR)
    • Set up work rules with appropriate work calendars for all budgeted positions and assignments, if no calendar is specified then Monday to Friday is assumed.
    • Ensure that the status rules have been established
    • If establishing budgets in a database separate from production, create standard work rules for loaded or manually entered assignment and positions.
  • Positions (IDPS)
    • Ensure that all budgeted positions have an appropriate range, scale/step or wage
    • Ensure that the Authorized FTE is completed
    • Set up a Default FTE for positions that is less than fulltime
    • Set up positions for projected new hires
    • Ensure that the standing is set to ‘active’
    • Ensure the budget rules is set to ‘budgeted’
    • Ensure that the distribution is completed
  • Assignments (IEAS)
    • Ensure that all active employees have an appropriate range, scale/step or wage
    • Ensure that the Authorized FTE is completed
    • Ensure that the distribution is completed
    • Use the Scale Override toggle to prevent ‘Stepping’ for UFSTEP if required
  • Benefit Plans (IBPN)
    • If there are planned rate changes for benefits they should be entered as date effective changes
    • Only benefit plans that have components B0840 or B0850 and a coverage step code of 1 will be processed.
  • Benefit Schedules (IBSC)
  • Set up default coverages for benefit plans that will be used for VACANT positions; only fill the default coverage
  • UserCalcs (IMUC)
    • Copy all UserCalcs to be used in FC, especially BE UserCalcs
      • You must be signed in as P2K to copy UserCalcs for FC
      • All UserCalcs copied for the FC 'Product' will be prefixed by 'FC_'
      • The old UserCalc and the new one must be exactly the same after the “FC_” prefix
      • Example of a bad copy: Old UC = ’Supp Life Prem’, New UC = ’FC_Supp Life Pre’ (These are not the same after the ‘FC_’ prefix.)
      • Example of a good copy: Old UC = ’SUPPLIFEPREM’, New UC = ‘FC_SUPPLIFEPREM’
    • Change operand types EC/PC to EP/PP when used in a formula
    • Ensure all PPH database items are changed to another database item or hard coded
    • Write new Benefit UserCalcs that will be applicable for budgeting User Variables (IMVR)
    • Define new user variables that will be applicable for budgeting Wage Scales (ISWS)
    • Enter planned wage scale/step changes that will occur during the budget time frame
  • Wage Step Rules (ISRS)
    • Ensure that the Allow Wage Stepping toggle is checked in the bottom block of the ISRS screen
  • Premium Types (ISPT)
    • Define new premium types that will be applicable for budgeting
  • Premiums (ISPM)
    • Define new premiums that will be applicable for budgeting
    • If establishing budgets in a production environment, premiums must be used to create earnings for loaded or manually entered assignments and positions
  • Pay Calendars (IPCL)
    • Set up all pay period calendars to the end of the budget period
  • Pay Components (IPPC)
    • Ensure that all time pay components have a calculation method of “EV: Entered Value”
  • Processing Frequencies (IPPF)
    • Define new processing frequencies that will be applicable for budgeting, if required
  • Pay Points (IPPP)
    • Define new pay point sets for budgeting purposes.

Budget Structure#

The budget structure defines the construction of budgets and budget areas, plans, assumptions and rules.
  • Budget Setup
    • Create Initial Budget (UFBDGT)
    • Define Budgets (IFBU)
    • Budget Areas (IFBA)
    • Associated Words (IMAW)
  • Wage Stepping for Budget Seats
    • Wage Step Rules (ISRS)
    • Maintain Experience (ISEP)
    • Apply Wage Stepping for Budget Seats (UFSTEP)
    • Assumption Statements (IFAS)
    • Report Budget Makeup (RFBU)

Establish Budgets#

After the budgets and budget areas have been created, the budget amounts need to be reported. UFCALC runs special pays for the budget time frame to generate time expected to work, regular wages, premiums, overtime, allowances, ER tax amounts and ER benefit amounts.
  • Create Budget Amounts (UFCALC)

Analyze Financial Information#

After a budget is reported users will want to analyze the information and determine if the budget should be adjusted or reported and accepted.
  • View Budget Amounts (IFVP)
  • Cost Accounts (IFCA)
  • Viewpoint Components (IFVC)

Notes #

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