Viewpoints Components may be viewed as a list through Personality.

The Maintain Viewpoint Components (IFVC) is a provided form for information purposes only. It holds a list of the elements that make up the viewpoint options.

It is not recommended to alter these components without the assistance of your consultant.

The definition data for Maintain Viewpoint Components is maintained on the P2K_FC_VIEWPOINT_COMPONENTS table.

This field displays the sequential order of the viewpoint component.
Component Name
The name of the viewpoint component will be displayed in this field.
Component Type
The component type will be indicated in this field.
If this toggle is ON, the component is mandatory.
Single Value
If this toggle is ON, there can only be one instance of this title. All the components in this screen must have the ‘Single Value’ toggle on.
Field Type
This field will indicate the type of field for this component.
This field holds a short description of the viewpoint component.
This is a future feature
Component Text
This is a future feature
Default Value
This is a future feature.

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