The Creation of the Budget Amounts (UFCALC) is a massive program that mimics the Transaction Generator (UPTG), Transactions (UPTR), Transaction Audit (UPAUDT) and Payroll Calculation (UPCALC) processes for the length of time of the budget period.

This special payrun will generate time expected to work, regular wages, premiums, overtime, allowances, ER tax amounts and ER benefit amounts

A unique pay point is used to drive this process and a specified pay category (normally ‘Regular’). Budget amounts may be 'split' due to:

  • Pay Periods
  • Fiscal Ends
  • Salary, Unit, Group, etc. changes in the middle of a period.
Keep in mind that UFCALC is generating, preparing and calculating for every pay period within the budget period for every seat. This means that the UFCALC process could take a considerable time to complete.

Report Parameters
BudgetMandatory, LOV Available
This field provides the user-defined name of the budget being reported.
Pay Point SetMandatory, LOV Available
This field holds the pay point set to be used in the calculation of the budget.
Pay CategoryMandatory, LOV Available
This field holds the pay category to be used in the calculation of the budget.
Fringe Mandatory, LOV Available
If this field is YES, the report will include fringe budget details.
TrialMandatory, LOV Available, <No>
This field allows you to determine if the report is to be run in Update mode (No) or in Trial (Yes).
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV Available, <Exceptions Only>
This field allows you to see ‘trace’ information.
Exception ContextOptional, Text
When a trace is needed (usually a level higher than ‘Exception Only’), a specific parameter may be entered to allow the trace to only concentrate on a specific area.
For example, TAX, UC, BENEFIT, Person Code, specific UserCalc name, specific Benefit name, specific Program name.
Exception Pay PeriodOptional, LOV available
This field allows a trace to concentrate on a specific pay period.

Report Filters
Budget AreaMandatory, Multiple Selections, LOV Available, <ALL>
This field provides the name of the budget area(s) to be reported.
ScenarioMandatory, Multiple Selections, LOV Available, <ALL>
This field provides the name of the scenario(s) to be reported.

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