Processing Information#

All batches and transactions (Pay Detail and Sundry) must be audited before UPCALC will process them.

The audit process will prepare the pays by creating lines for any attendance or benefit lines for the period, organizes the transactions by pay point, picks up sundry lines for this period and calculates per period premiums.

The Audit Payroll Transactions (UPAUDT) allows you to mass update more than one batch at a time, which will produce a detailed report of the transactions.

After the transactions have been generated or entered into IPPH (Pay Header) they must be audited through UPAUDT (Audit payroll transactions).

The audit process prepares pays for calculations by performing the following tasks:

  1. Set Toggles
    • Evaluate the period and then set the First Pay in Month toggle
    • Evaluate the period and then set the First Pay in Period toggle
  2. Checks for both a Work Jurisdiction and Home Jurisdiction on each pay header
    • If any pay headers are missing one or both of these Jurisdictions they will be listed in the report output and the batch will not be Balanced
  3. Pick up all Sundries
    • Create pay lines for all qualified sundry transactions
    • Create pay lines for all qualified arrears. (e.g. pick up areas from prior pays)
    • One Time Sundry Items are created as pay lines and removed from the sundry table
    • Declining balances are reduced for sundries with NO element
  4. Premiums
    • All ‘Per Period’ premiums are calculated and attached.
  5. Process Pay Points
    • Insert pay lines for all tasks on the associated pay point set of the pay header.
    • Pay lines are connected to the appropriate pay point set as determined by the pay category on the pay header.
  6. Establish FLSA Tasks
    • Create a pay line for each FLSA period ending in the pay period.
  7. Insert ‘UserCalc’ Pay Lines
    • Insert an additional pay line for any transaction that invokes a UserCalc.
  8. Insert Begin and End Pay Lines for UPCALC
    • These two are not from the Pay Point Set and must be inserted separately.
  9. Expire Sundry for Termination Pays
    • Expire all remaining sundry lines for a termination pay.
  10. Batch Balancing
    • Compute the totals from all pay lines of a batch and a balance to the element amount in the Control tab of IPBE, if provided.
  11. Physically Remove ‘Cancelled’ Pays
    • UPAUDT will physically remove ‘cancelled’ pay headers, pay lines, pay line details that are marked for deletion.

If this process is completed, the Audited and Balanced toggles in IPBE will be turned on. In addition, the system marks the pay headers (IPPH) in that batch so that the Stage field displays “Audit’ and that both the Audit and Preparation toggles are ON.

Before marking a batch as 'Balanced', UPAUDT ensures that there are no pays in the batch for employees with Unaudited Cancelled pays in other batches. In this situation, the UPAUDT process will NOT mark the batch as 'Balanced', and will issue exception messages for the Audit Report.

This edit ensures that there are no cancelled pays for an employee during UPCALC.

This is required since these cancelled pays may have associated leave lines that MUST be removed before the employee can be calculated.

The Include Employee Changes parameter will report the following employee fields that have changed within the pay period start and end dates:

  • New Hires
  • Terminations
  • Changes to the following fields on the Employee's Work Assignment:
    • Employment Status
    • Unit
    • Group
    • Department
    • Job
    • Position
    • Work Rule
    • Work Location
    • Pay Destination
    • Wage Rate
    • Hours per day or week

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV available
PayrollMandatory, LOV available
As of DateMandatory, Date, LOV available
Eligible Batches Optional, LOV available
Not Eligible or Eligible or Both
Sort Employees byOptional, LOV Available
Report HeadingOptional Descriptive Field
Print Pay HeadersOptional, LOV Available
Print Pay LinesOptional, LOV Available
Include Changes ONLYOptional, LOV Available
Print Transaction G/LOptional, LOV Available
Print Total PageOptional, LOV Available
Include EE ChangesOptional, LOV Available
Run ADP GarnOptional, LOV Available (Yes/No) - Default is No. If Yes, will do ADP GARN validation
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV available
‘0 – 0’ available

Report Filters
User NameOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
Batch NumberOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available

Notes #

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