Generate Postings#

Processing Information#

New posting records for vacant positions may be automatically created by running URPO.

To be eligible for auto-posting, a position must be active, approved and not abolished, and the job profile must indicate that “auto posting” is allowed. A “vacancy detected” event can trigger special activities.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
Default ManagerMandatory, LOV available
This field will identify the default manager for the postings to be generated
Position StandingLOV available
Only postings with the position standings indicated in this field will be generated
Position StatusLOV available
Only postings with position status(es) indicated in this field will be generated
Budget RuleLOV available
Only postings with position status(es) indicated in this field will be generated
TrialMandatory, LOV available, <NO>
You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV available, <EXCEPTIONS ONLY>
You may select the level of logging desired: ‘Exceptions Only’, ‘User Trace’,
‘Legislation’, ‘UserCalc Trace’, ‘Program Trace’ or Utility Trace

Report Filters
EntityMandatory, Match, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Postings will be generated for the entities) identified in this field.
Org. Level TypeMandatory, LOV available, <ALL>
Only postings within the organizational level types indicated here will be generated.
DepartmentMandatory, Match, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Only postings within the department(s) indicated here will be generated.
UnitMandatory, Match, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Only postings within the unit(s) indicated here will be generated.
GroupMandatory, Match, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Only postings within the group(s) indicated here will be generated.
Authorization AreaMandatory, Match, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Only postings within the authorization area(s) indicated here will be generated.
LocationMandatory, Match, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Only postings within the location(s) indicated here will be generated.

Notes #

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