Processing Information#

UTCIO is an update process designed to process clock entries into time exceptions. These time exceptions are then available for processing into time sheets.

All clock entries which fall within the date range specified for all employees or the employees selected will have their pre-defined schedules, if any, matched to each clock punch and paired together (an IN with an OUT). The pairing is made by creating a time exception with the start time representing an IN time and the end time representing an OUT time.

Time exceptions with a Time Exception Action of ‘Clock Punch’ will only be processed into Time Sheets (IPTS) once a pairing has been made.

The matched schedule and paired time exception values may be viewed and maintained in ITCE – Maintain Clock Entries. Only Newly Entered ‘IN and ‘OUT’ punches will be processed.

Additional information pertaining to Clocking may be found in the Clocking page.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
From DateDate, LOV Available. This is provided to select a start date to the time frame in which to process.
To DateDate, LOV Available. This is provided to select an end date to the time frame in which to process.
Undetermined EntriesOptional, LOV Available. This allows the UTCIO to pick up clock entries that are created for a clock device which states its entries are a type 'undetermined'.
Re-processOptional, LOV Available. This allows the client to re-process clock entries if pairing is done incorrectly or errors occur.
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV available, <Exception Only>. This field indicates the exception level (report messages) required.
User CommentOptional, Text. Users may enter a comment here that will appear on the selection criteria (header page) of the report.

Report Filters
SourceAllows the user to narrow the data to a specific clock entry source.
EmployeeAllows the user to narrow the data to a specific employee. If an employee is not specified all employees with unprocessed clock entries will be assessed.
Clock DeviceThe function may be run to process clock entries associated to a specific clock device.
Clock CardThe function may be run to process clock entries associated to a specific clock card.

Notes #

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