The Station Schedules (DTSH) screen allows authorized users to:

  • view/override detailed shift information
  • view/update generated time exceptions
  • manual enter time exceptions
  • view and select from a list of employees qualified for the station post
  • view a log of any calls that have been made

Detailed schedules are based on generated time entries derived from:

  • Operational definitions
  • Team post assignments
  • Holiday calendars
  • Planned leaves
  • Clock entries from polled clock devices
  • Time entries submitted electronically from other systems or the WEB

Schedules show daily details a week at a time from a specified date.

Shift times are shown for each day for each work team or worker.

Dynamic Calendars are used in the DTSH form to allow companies to specify the start of the work week.
In IMST in the preference tab clients must add 1ST_DAY_OF_WEEK(System_Preference) preference; with a value of 1 through 7; 1 representing Sunday to 7 representing Saturday.
The information below the calendar is derived based on the date in focus on the calendar.
The scheduled shift displays in this field for the highlighted day.
The start time is derived from the shift for the highlighted day.
The end time is derived from the shift for the highlighted day.
The scheduled job code is displayed in this field.
The department code of the scheduled team post will be displayed here.
The complement field derives the employee who has filled the post.

Shift Info tab#

The definition data for the Shift Info tab is stored on the P2K_TS_SCHEDULED_SHIFTS table.

Station Post
The description of the work station is displayed in this field.
Work Team
The work team of the scheduled team post is displayed in this field.
Job Owner
The employee who owns the post is displayed in this field.
Override Start Time
If the shift start time has been overridden, the new time will be displayed here.
Override End Time
If the shift end time has been overridden, the new time will be displayed here.
Time Code
The time code for which the time will be applied to will be displayed here.
Sched. Shift Status
This field provides the status of the scheduled shift.
If a shift is generated by a program like UTTP and a user deletes the scheduled shift on DTSH, the Sched. Shift Status will be marked with a status of "Canceled".
If a user clicks on the "Reset to Generated" the shift will update with the original value from the UTTP process
Reset to Generated

Post Exceptions tab#

This tab displays any Post Exceptions that have been set up for the specific post. This can be for a specific length of time and can include a different position, job, department, work rule or cost center.

The definition data for this tab is stored on the P2K_TS_TIME_EXCEPTIONS table.

Time Exception Type
The time exception type is used to record the type of exceptions to the schedule.
Start Date
The date of when the time exception for the post begins.
End Date
The date when the time exception for the post ends.
Start Time
The start time of the time exception.
End Time
The end time of the time exception.
This field may hold an overridden position for the post.
This field may hold an overridden job code for the post.
This field may hold an overridden department for the post.
Work Rule
The work rule may be overridden using this field.
Cost Center
The Cost Center may be overridden.
Scheduled Shift
The scheduled shift associated with the post exception is indicated in this field.

Staff Exceptions tab#

This tab displays employee staff exceptions. For example and employee exception for Jury Duty was created in IAAL and the information will be displayed in DTSH as well as changing the post from Filled to Vacant.

The definition data for this tab is stored on the P2K_TS_TIME_EXCEPTIONS table.

Time Exception Type
The time exception type is used to record the type of exceptions to the schedule.
The worker the time exception is for may be selected from the LOV.
Start Time
The start time of the time exception is stored in this field.
End Time
The end time of the time exception is stored in this field.
Time Code
The time code for which the time will be applied to will be selected in this field.
Reason for Time
This field provides the reason for the time exception.
Cost Center
A Cost Center may be selected in this field.
Work Order
A Work Order may be selected in this field.
This field provides the purpose of the time exception.
The Source field displays how the time exception was generated.
Start Date
The start date of the time exception is displayed here.
End Date
The end date of the time exception is displayed here.

Qualified EEs tab#

This tab displays the employees that are qualified to fill this post based on the details for this Team Post and ITRJ Replacement Jobs and ITWO Workers Screen. Preferences on ITWO are not used.
Qualification Check
Ranks the EE’s in order of qualification highest to lowest.
A Equal Job - EE is currently in the same job, which is vacant.
B Replacement - EE is currently in the defined replacement job for the vacant job.
C Authorized Equal - EE is authorized to fill the Equal job, which is vacant.
D Authorized Replacement - EE is authorized to fill the Replacement job for the vacancy.
Work Restriction Check
Will not schedule an EE as a qualified fill if a work restriction is in place for the time frame being scheduled
A The EE will not work that particular day of the week; for example, Mondays
B The EE will not work that particular shift, for example, night shifts
C The EE will not work in the particular time frame
This field indicates the hierarchical order in which the employees are qualified for the selected post.
This field indicates the person code of the qualified worker.
This field displays the last name of the qualified worker.
This field displays the first name of the qualified worker.
This field displays the assignment code of the qualified worker.
The qualified worker's seniority date is displayed here.
If the worker has defined work restrictions, these will be displayed here.
This toggle indicates if a call was made to the employee.
Show Restricted Workers
This toggle enables the user to see all of the qualified workers who have restrictions.
Spare Pool Only
This toggle enables the user to show the workers in the spare pool.

If the qualified worker is scheduled to work within the time frame selected at the top of the form, their scheduled work days will display below.
This field displays the date the employee is scheduled to work within the selected time frame above.
This field indicates the shift the employee is working on the date displayed in the previous field.
This field displays the job the employee will be working on that scheduled day.
This displays the work station code the employee is scheduled to work in on the scheduled day.
Record Call to Employee
This action button will create a call log to record the call made to the employee.
Schedule EE
This action button will schedule the employee into the selected post above.
Show Employee All Restrictions
Go to EE's Schedule
This field allows the user to drill to the employee's work schedule on DTESH.

Call Logs tab#

If Contacted and Accepted then the employee will be accepted. Can also see all Call Logs for the day not just the specified post.

The definition data for the Call Log tab is stored on the P2K_TS_CALL_LOGS table.

The employee who the call was made to will be displayed here.
Call Placed On
This field displays the date the call to the employee took place.
Time of Call
This field displays the time the call took place.
Call Status
The status of the call will be displayed in this field.
Call Result
This field displays the result of the call (i.e. if the employee accepts work, declines work or calls in).
Show all call logs for the day
This action button allows the user to display all of the call logs for the day in focus.

Shift Time Frame#

If a worker is called and a call log is recorded where work is either "accepted" or is a "call In" (Call Status) then the date and time provided below is used to create a time exception that will be processed to directly adjust the workers schedule for both scheduled and non-scheduled work.
From Time
This field indicates the time in which the additional work is set to start.
To Time
This field indicates the time in which the additional work will finish.
A brief description of the reason for the call or of the conversation within the call may be provided here.
Call Placed By
This displays who made the call to the employee.

Schedule Details tab#

This tab is view only.

This tab represents the schedule details for this particular shift.

The data displayed in this tab is from the P2K_TS_TIME_ENTRIES table.

This field indicates the start time of the time entry in the schedule.
This field indicates the end time of the time entry in the schedule.
This field displays the person code and name of the employee the tine entry is for.
The job the employee is working in is indicated here.
The employee's department code is displayed here.
The shift the employee worked is displayed here.
The type of time entry is displayed here, for example Overtime, Meal.
Time Code
The time code used to store the time is displayed in this field.

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