The Generate Time and Scheduled Shifts (UEGTS) program is used to generate time sheets for all of the different paths outlined in The Various Paths of Time Management. This function is used in the Time Management Self Service module of Personality.

Similar to the functionality of the Generate Pay Transactions (UPTG) screen, this function generates scheduled shifts and time sheets (From/To time) or time cards (Hours) for the employees selected; whereas UPTG generates pay transactions for the employees selected.

A time sheet/card contains all of the information pertaining to how many hours an employee has worked in addition to any exceptions that may have occurred. E.g. any vacation, sick, expenses, etc.

UEGTS provides for mid-period changes. This is where a new hire or termination that has occurred in a mid-period or a change to an employee's assignment is applied in a mid-period E.g. shift change, position change, job change, etc.

The purpose of the UEGTS is to generate Time Sheets (WxTTS) with from/to time according to scheduled shifts or Time Cards (WxPTS) with hours.

In order for UEGTS to work correctly a Work Calendar MUST be associated to the Work Rule and a Work Rule MUST be associated to the employee’s assignment.

UEGTS can be run over and over, in order to pick up any changes; promotions, terminations, hires, schedule changes, etc.

UPTG can still be run for Salaried Employees

UTTP builds the schedules shifts, and at the same time the time sheet details are created.

UEGTS and UTTP can be run in either order.

If performance is an issue with UEGTS, the function may be configured to use multiple processing threads to speed up performance. For more information on this please see the page titled Multiple Processing Threads.

Processing Information#

Uses a standard people selection criteria as with other updates within Personality.

The process can select multiple assignments, however there is a parameter to restrict the selection to 'Prime ONLY'.

Generates time sheets (WxTTS) and time cards (WxPTS) under the payroll associated with the group on the assignment selected.

The employees’ work rule/calendar will drive what gets generated in Station Schedules (DTSH) screen.

Will generate scheduled shifts when the Shift field is populated on Work Calendar (IDWC)

UEGTS uses the Time Generation Destination field from the employees’ Work Rule to determine whether to generate Time Sheets (From/To time) or Time Cards (Hours).

NullSame as '50PR - Calendar'.
UEGTS will ignore any employee with this ‘Time Generation Destination’ on their Work Rule.
TS - Shift PatternStandard 'From/To' times is will be generated thru Time Scheduling's UTTP and Time Management's UEGTS will create the Time Sheet header and Paid Holidays.
If the 'Create Header' toggle is set to ON, Time Sheet Headers (WxTTS) are generated.
If the 'Add Details' toggle is set to ON, time is generated as defined in the Work Calendar and Shift.
If the 'Add Holidays' toggle is set to ON, Holiday Hours are generated as defined in the Holiday Calendar.
TS - Event SchedStandard 'From/To' times is will be generated thru Time Scheduling's ITESR (automatically) and Time Management's UEGTS will create the Time Sheet header and Paid Holidays.
TM - Shift CalendarStandard 'From/To' times, Time Sheet header and Paid Holidays will be generated thru Time Management's (UEGTS).
If the 'Create Header' toggle is set to ON, Time Sheet Headers (WxTTS) are generated.
If the 'Add Details' toggle is set to ON, time is generated as defined in the Work Calendar and Shift.
If the 'Add Holidays' toggle is set to ON, Holiday Hours are generated as defined in the Holiday Calendar.
TM - Hours CalendarStandard 'Hours Only', Time Card header and Paid Holidays will generated thru Time Management's UEGTS).
If the 'Create Header' toggle is set to ON, Time Sheet Headers (WxTTS) are generated.
If the 'Add Details' toggle is set to ON, time is generated as defined in the Work Calendar and Shift.
If the 'Add Holidays' toggle is set to ON, Holiday Hours are generated as defined in the Holiday Calendar.
PR - CalendarStandard 'Hours Only' will be generated thru Payroll's UPTG; any employee with this Time Generation Destination will be ignored by UEGTS.
UEGTS will ignore any employee with this ‘Time Generation Destination’ on their Work Rule.


  • 'Override Calendar' on IEAS will be looked at first
  • If there is no Override Calendar the 'Work Calendar' on IDWR is used

Regular Time Code#

  • The Work Calendar Time Code is used, if it is not indicated then
  • The Work Rule Shift tab Time Code is used, if it is not indicated then
  • The Employment Status Time Code is used, if it is not indicated then
  • The Time Rules tab the time code defined in the time rule 'DFLT TIME CODE'is used
UEGTS TM - Time Management
i) TM - Shift Calendar
  • Work Calendar
  • Shift Rules and if not the Time Rule "DFLT TIME CODE"
  • Work Time Rule (regular time)
ii)TM - Hours Calendar
  • Work Calendar
  • Work Time Rule (regular time)
UTTP TS - Shift Pattern

Lunch/Break Time Code#

  • Applies only to TM - Shift Calendar.
  • A pay component needs to be associated to the time-code only if the lunch is paid for.
  • In ITSS, create shifts as needed. It is important that the period designated as 'Lunch' have a Time Slot Type' of 'Lunch'.
  • Add the 'MEAL' time rule in the IDWR on the Time Rule tab and indicate the Time Code to be used.
  • When UEGTS is run, the work entry for 'lunch' will now have the time code Time Code Type 'LUNCH-OR-BREAK'.


  • The timesheet is generated with a status of 'Active'.
  • Time Sheet Source will be generated as Scheduled Time ('05') and/or Generated Time ('01') Time Generated (UEGTS)
  • Auto balancing logic will update 'Generated Time' record for each day based on 'Scheduled Time' and 'Manual Entered' time only if on the Time Code the field Adjust Scheduled Time is not null.


TimeSheetTimeGenerator is called by#

  • PTSE processLeaveLineChangeEvent


1. PTSE records created before the PTS.START_DATE
Keep manually entered PTSE records created before the PTS.START_DATE
Delete any generated PTSE records generated before the PTS.START_DATE
  • business example: UPTRA generated PTSE (UPTRA Apply Time Rules For Prior Periods)
2. PTSE records created after the PTS.END_DATE
Delete any PTSE records generated after the PTS.END_DATE
  • business example: PTS changed the time frame from PP to weekly or EE termination
3. Determine the last “Manual” changed PTSE
Any PTSE record with “Manual” TIME_SHEET_ENTRY_SOURCE
4. Determine if there are leaves with status “1-Requested” before the last manual change
5. Determine dates to be reprocessed
Dates too be reprocessed = any dates after last manual (#3) + any dates for “1-Requested” leave before the last manual change (#4)
6. For dates to be reprocessed - delete any PTSE records that are not manual
Attention if we do not have any leaves with status “1-Requested” leave before the last manual change, there will be no need to check for manual PTSE because they will not exist for the reprocess dates
7. Rebuild PTSE for reprocess dates
  • Holiday generation for Hours, Shift Calendar, Shift Pattern & Event scheduled
    • Determine the holiday date (reusable WorkTimeProjector logic)
    • Generate holiday PTSE records
  • Work /Leave Time generation
    • Hours PTS
      • Determine the work day (reusable WorkTimeProjector logic)
      • Create work PTSE conform with the work calendar/assignment/ work rule setup
      • Create leave PTSE For “1-Requested”, “2-Request Processed” approved/not required approval
      • Note: On PTSE insert the “3-In Payroll” AAL will be created(LeaveRequestProcessor logic)
        • ZERO amount “3-In Payroll” AAL indicator
        • When a leave PTSE is delete (IPTS…) a ZERO “3-In Payroll” AAL is created.
        • If this logic is rerun, this indicator will instruct the system to do not regenerate “3-In Payroll” AAL for that d
        • Create time sheet replacement if need it
        • Removes the TRs records, perform auto balancing, calculate Givens and apply TRs (reusable RemoveOffsetRecordsBalacingCalculateGivensAndApplyRulesByTimeSheet logic)
    • Shift Calendar PTS
      • Create TSH
      • Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions form the last manual date to the end date
      • Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions for leave dates before last manual date
    • Shift Patter PTS
      • TSH should be already generated (by running UTTP before UEGTS)
      • Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions form the last manual date to the end date
      • Call BuildScheduleAndProcessExceptions for leave dates before last manual date

Report Parameters and Filters#

Report Parameters
Beginning of PP or WKMandatory, Date, LOV availble
This field will identify the time frame to begin generating time.
By Assignment Optional, Yes or No
Users can specify if they want to generate separate time sheets/cards for each of the employees’ assignments.
Weekly Time Sheets Optional, Yes or No
If Yes is selected a time sheet will be generated for the week selected in the Beginning of PP or WK parameter. If No is selected, the time sheet will be generated for the entire pay period.
Split by Fiscal Optional, Yes or No
The time sheets may be generated to split by the fiscal period.
Pay Period All TSOptional, Yes or No
This parameter will generate time sheets for the entire pay period that begins with the date selected in the Beginning of PP or WK parameter. If Yes is selected in the Weekly Time Sheets parameter and Yes is selected for this parameter the time sheets will be generated on a weekly basis for the entire pay period. For example, in a biweekly period two time sheets will be generated (one for each week). If No or null is selected in the Weekly Time Sheets parameter and Yes is selected in this parameter one time sheet will be generated for the entire pay period.
Exception Level Mandatory, Date, LOV available
User should run with 'Exception only' except for debugging

Report Filters
People List Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This is a list containing the names of employees to be included in the report.
Person Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This is a comma-delimited list of person codes. This field should not be used if the People List field is used.
Work RuleOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces the list of people to those employees with the selected work rule.
Entity Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within the entities listed.
Payroll Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within Payrolls listed.
Department Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within Departments listed.
Org Level Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within org. levels listed.
Authorization Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within auth areas listed.
Location Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within locations listed.
Unit Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within units listed.
Group Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within groups listed.
Pay Type Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This limits the types of pays to be included in the report.
Status Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field allows you to select the employment status that you want to process for.

Notes #

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