My Non-Predefined Matrix Time Cards#

The My Non-Predefined Matrix Time Cards (WEPTCCM) screen allows you to create a non-predefined "cost center matrix" time sheet.

The matrix lines may be added/deleted through dialogs, where the employee needs to provide the combination for matrix line.

When the employee uses the Add dialog, the system will create a prior time sheet entries (PTSE) with that combination for each day on a time sheet period.

When the employee uses the Delete dialog, the system will delete all the records in the time sheet for the combination provided. After the lines are created, the employee can record the time / sundry as needed.

The dialogs that are used to add/delete matrix line are:

  • MPMLL - Add/Delete Matrix Leave line
  • MPMSL - Add/Delete Matrix Sundry Line Dialog
  • MPMWL - Add/Delete Matrix Work Line Dialog
The time codes that are allowed to be chosen in the dialog follow the same rules as described earlier for each matrix area.
The cost centers allowed on a dialog are the ones allowed by assignment department. Please see IDDP - Allow Cost Centers tab.

For the employee that will use this screen, UEGTS should generate only the header and if needed, the holiday paid.

Since we do not generate details, auto balancing logic is not available for this type of time sheet.

This screen designs for a 7 day time sheet. If a 14 day time sheet is needed, the form definition needs to be changed as follows; on the form layout tab for any group that has the layout type of "Matrix Columns", the "SS Rows Displayed" needs to be changed from 7 to 14. This number should be the same as time sheet time frame.

Except for the matrix cell, any information on the matrix area should be display only.

The grid information alignment is dependent on the information displayed on each area they belong (work, leave, sundries), so their alignment in a form would be approximate.

First column in a matrix area should have all the time value because in other away the info can be shifted so information will not display in a correct place.(e.g. Cost center cannot be the first column in the work area since this is not a mandatory information and can be null).


Time Card #
The time card uniquely assigned number will be displayed in this field.
Time Sheet Status
This field indicates the status of the time sheet (e.g. active, submitted).
The time frame the pay period is for is displayed here.
Pay Period
The pay period the time card was generated for will display here.

Update My Time Card#

You will enter the time for your card here.

Work Time#

This section provides all the time codes that has time type Regular, Excess, Overtime, and they are defined on assignment work rule
Add Work Line
Delete Work Line
Time Code
This field will display the time code for this entry.
Cost Center
This field identifies the cost center associated with this card entry.
This field provides a short description of the time entry.
This field identifies the assignment associated with this card entry.

Leave Time#

This section provides all the time codes that has leave policy type not null, and they are defined on assignment work rule. If an employee has a holiday pay generated, then at the end of leave area a non-editable matrix shows when the holiday paid day is.
Add Leave Time
Delete Leave Time
Leave Time Code
This field holds the time code for the leave line.
A description of the leave time entry is provided here.


This section provides all the time codes that has time type Money, Meal Allowance, and they are defined on assignment work rule
Add Sundry Line
Delete Sundry Line
Time Code
This field holds the time code for the sundry entry.
Cost Center
This field defines the cost center associated with this entry
A short description of the sundry entry.
This field identifies the assignment associated with this entry.


This areas provides different type of totals (time code, time code type, time code sets, and leave balance).

Time Code Totals#

This field will display the pay period end date.
Time Code
This field will display the Time Code the total is for.
This field displays the total amount of time for the Time Code.

Time Type Totals#

This field will display the pay period end date.
Time Type
This field will display the time type the total is for.
This field displays the total amount of time for the Time Type.

Time Code Set Totals#

This section totals the hours by time code sets.
Time Code Set
The name of the time code set will be displayed here.
The total amount of time for pay period for the time code set will display here.

Leave Bank Balances#

This section displays a summary of the employee's leave balances.
The Leave Type code will display here.
This field will display the employee's leave balance.

Cascade Leaves#

This section will display any leaves recorded in the time sheet in focus that have cascaded to another leave policy.
Start Date
This field will display the start date of the leave.
End Date
This field will display the last day of the leave.
Time Code
The time code associated to the recorded leave is displayed here.
The type of leave the time is for is displayed here.
Projected Time
The amount of projected time for the leave is displayed here.
Actual Time
The actual overall amount of leave time is displayed here.
The time basis of the leave is displayed here.
Time Code
The time code of the entered leave is displayed here.
The actual policy code of the leave is displayed.
This field will hold the amount of leave taken.
This field will display the time basis of the leave.
Bank Exceeded
If the leave bank has been exceeded, it will be indicated here.

Notes #

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