Processing Information#

The Report Scheduled Time (RTTEP) report will allow you to report shift pattern scheduled time.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV available
This field allows you to select the entity for which this report is being produced.
Starting Date/Ending DateMandatory,Date, LOV available
These fields indicate the dates for which information is to be collected for the report.
Print Off DaysOptional,Yes or No lexicon available
If <YES>, the report will print only time entries associate with a leave line.
Print Only ExceptionsOptional,Yes or No lexicon available
If <YES>, the report will print the details of the information collected. The report will print only the time entries that are not work time type(05 on X_TIME_ENTRY_TYPE)
Unprocessed Clock PunchesOptional,Yes or No lexicon available
If <YES>, the report will print the details of the information collected.
Print Clock PunchesOptional,Yes or No lexicon available
If <YES>, the report will print the details of the information collected. The report will show additional information for Excepted Punches Prediction.
Print Missing PunchesOptional,Yes or No lexicon available
If <YES>, the report will print a summary by date of schedule/unscheduled missing punches.
The missing punch information it will be reported only for EE team post assignment.
The job is displayed for unscheduled punches since this is the information that is driving the assignment.

Report Filters
Work DivisionOptional, Multiple Selection available, LOV available
This will limit the report to the work divisions selected, only on the shift pattern version.
Work AreaOptional, Multiple Selection available, LOV available
This will limit the report to the work areas selected, only on the shift pattern version.
Work StationOptional, Multiple Selection available, LOV available
This will limit the report to the work stations selected, only on the shift pattern version.
Work TeamOptional, Multiple Selection available, LOV available
This will limit the report to the work teams selected, only on the shift pattern version.

Notes #

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