Human Resources Functions#

FunctionDescriptionFunction Type
DEDAView Daily Replacement ApproversScreen
IEALDefine Aliases/Other NamesScreen
IEASMaintain AssignmentsScreen
IECIDefine General ContactsScreen
IECTDefine Employee ContactsScreen
IEDAMy Designated ApproversScreen
IEDAPView Assigned Approval ProcessesScreen
IEEIMaintain Employment RecordScreen
IEHREstablish Personnel ProfilesScreen
IEIDMaintain Identity Information Screen
IEMDAManage Designated ApproversScreen
IEMGRManage Employee's SupervisorsScreen
IEMMOMessage BoardScreen
IEMTMaintain Military InformationScreen
IEPIMaintain Personal InformationScreen
IEPPTrack Property InformationScreen
IEQHQuick Hire EmployeesScreen
IERQManage all Requests for UserScreen
IESTTrack Employee StatisticsScreen
IETRTerminate EmployeesScreen
LEVSLoad Employee VerificationsReport
REAUDITAssignment Audit ReportReport
REDRHR Departmental ReportReport
REDWEmployees By WCB Class By DepartmentReport
REDWFEmployees By WCB Class By Department (French Version)Report
REECEmployee Count ReportReport
REECFEmployee Count ReportReport
REEIEmployee Information ReportReport
REEO1EEO-1 Employment Equity ReportReport
REEO4Employment Equity EEO-4 ReportReport
REEO4AHawaii State/Local Govt EEO-4A ReportReport
REEO4NEEO-4 New Hire ReportReport
REEO5EEO-5 Elementary-Secondary Staff InformationReport
REEPEmployment ProfileReport
REJIJob Information ReportReport
REMPEmployee ProfilesReport
REMPFEmployee Profiles (French Version)Report
RENAEmployee Name and Address ReportReport
RENTNew Hires and Terminations ReportReport
REOLAOfficial Languages Information ReportReport
REPCEmployees By Position ReportReport
REPIPosition Information ReportReport
REPMPersonnel Movement ReportReport
REQRQuarterly Employee ReportReport
RETPEmployee Transfers and Promotions ReportReport
RETPWEmployee Transfers and Promotions Report (WINWARD)Report
REVSUS Veterans Employment ReportReport
REWDWage Details ReportReport
REWDFReport Wage Details (French Version)Report
REWINSWinSTAR Interface ReportReport
UECTRNWRenew ContractsReport
UEEEPrint Employment EquityReport
UEGTSGenerate Scheduled Shifts and Time SheetsReport
UENHCreate New Hires InterfaceReport
UESMGRUpdate Assignment ManagerReport
VEALView Alias InformationScreen
VEEPView Employment ProfileScreen
VERQView All RequestsScreen
VERQ_SPLASHInternal requests I need to respond toScreen
WEECEMy Calendar EventsScreen

Related Functions#

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