The EEO-4 Elementary Secondary Staff Information report allows you to produce the EEO5 report that may be required for elementary/secondary staff.

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the single entity selected.
Date Range From/Date Range ToMandatory, Date, LOV Available
These dates are used to determine new hires for the period.
As of DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
The as-of date is used to establish employee demographics and should cover the payroll period which includes June 30.
Part Time MethodMandatory, LOV Available
Directory NameOptional, Text
File NameOptional, Text
Exception LevelOptional, Match, Multiple selections, LOV available.
This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
User CommentsOptional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.
Office NumberOptional,Text
The office number associated with the report is identified in this field.
School District NameOptional,Text
The school district associated with the report is identified in this field.
Street AddressOptional,Text
The street address of the school associated with the report is identified in this field.
City NameOptional,Text
The the city of the school associated with the report is identified in this field.
State AbbreviateOptional,Text
The state of the school associated with the report is identified in this field.
Zip CodeOptional,Text
The zip code of the school associated with the report is identified in this field.
The county of the school associated with the report is identified in this field.
Total SchoolsOptional,Text
The total number of schools associated with the report is identified in this field.
Number of AnnexesOptional,Text
The number of annexes associated with the report is identified in this field.
Authority WithheldOptional,Text

Report Filters
Person List CodeOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the person list selected.
PersonOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the person selected.
Org Level TypeOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the organizational level type selected.
Org LevelOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the organizational level selected.
DepartmentOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the department selected.
AuthorizationOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the authorization selected.
Unit Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the unit selected.
GroupOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the group selected.
Status TypeOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the status type selected.

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