Maintaing Military Information #

Maintaining Military Information is optional; it does not have to be used.

Military Records contain basic service information for an employee who has a prior (or current) employment history of some form of military service. Military records are used to verify pensionable service, security clearances, to confirm eligibility for special leave (i.e. U.S. National Guard) and to track employees on a reserve status in case of emergency recall to temporary or active duty. There may be multiple records per employee. This information is not used for the veteran’s report; the veteran status on the employee’s identity is used for this purpose.

This military data may be created and updated on the Maintain Military Information (IEMT) form.

Military data is stored in the P2K_HR_MILITARIES table.

Enlisted as of
This field shows the date the employee was enlisted or commissioned.
This field displays the branch of the military in which an employee has service.
Description is used to specify rank, occupation or specialization information for the employee.
This field indicates current military status (i.e. Active Reserve).

Security Clearance
This field displays the level of security clearance the employee received.
Discharged on
This is the date the employee was discharged.
Discharge Type
This field displays the type of discharge from military service the employee received.

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