The Process Training Requests screen will allow you to approve an employee’s request to enroll in a specific course. Only employees/candidates that have registrations will be displayed.

The user may select from the find the employee they wish to see training requests for.

Employee #
This fields displays the number used to identify the individual employee.
This field displays the employee’s full name.

Requested Class Registrations#

This section lists all of the courses/classes that the employee has requested. Only class registrations whose status is Newly Entered, Requested, Approved, Enrolled and In Progress will display.
This field displays the course being requested.
This field displays the specific class for the requested course.
This field displays the dates that the class is being held.
The hours in which the class is conducted are displayed here.
This field displays the status of the requisition.

Registration Info#

By clicking on a specific class requisition, you will be able to see full details about that registration in following section.
Registration #
This field identifies the class registration by its unique id code.
This field displays the Wait List Priority the Administrator assigned the Candidate. This field would only be used if a class enables a wait list via the Class Enrollment Options field in ICRSC. If the option is 'Auto Enroll, Allow Wait List', and this field is populated the system will automatically enroll the highest priority Candidate whose status is Wait Listed when an opening occurs for the class. If no priority is given, the system will enroll the Candidate with the earliest Date and Time as specified in the Date / Time field.
Date /Time
This field displays the date and time the Candidate requested enrollment in the class. This may be used to determine which wait listed Candidate is enrolled in a class when an opening occurs.
This field indicates the status of the registration.
This field displays when the fees for the course are to be paid.
This field provides a description of the specific registration and provides information such as how the employee registered.

If you meet the approval levels set up by your company, this following section allows you to approve the request.

Course Information#

This section displays information on the course.
This field displays the code that identifies the course. (Mandatory)
This field displays the official title of the course.
Competency Group
If completion of the course allows the employee to gain a specific competency, that competency will be displayed in this field.
This field classifies the course into specific categories. e.g. accounting, human resources, engineering.
This field displays the way in which the course will be conducted. e.g. In class, On-line, Correspondence
This field specifies the course as either internal or external.

Course Details#

This field displays a short description of the course, providing information on its purpose, requirements, and goals.

Class Information#

This section displays information on the class the employee registered for.
This field displays the code that identifies the class. (Mandatory)
This field displays the short description name of the class.
This field displays the first date of the class.
This field displays the last date of the class.
Start Time
This field displays the start time of the class.
This field displays the length of the class.
This field displays the time basis in which the duration is expressed.
Class Min
This field displays the minimum number of students that must be enrolled for the class to occur.
Class Max
This field displays the maximum number of students permitted to take the class.
Total # Registrants
This is a derived field which indicates how many registrants there are in total, regardless of their status.
# Enrolled
This is a derived field which indicates how many Candidates have been enrolled in the class.
# Waiting
This is a derived field which indicates the number of Candidates whose enrollment status is Wait Listed.
# Available
This is s derived field which indicates how many spaces are available in the class, if it is not Full.

Notes #

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