ACCRUAL_STATUS is a field which will indicate the current status of the leave line. The general flow of leave line statuses is:

  • Data entered from Self Service or through IAAL starts as 1-Requested and when picked up by the leave processors UEGTS and/or UPTG is flipped to 2-Request Processed. These 2-Request Processed leave lines will also be read IF they have the PARTIALLY_PROCESSED flag on.
  • At that point a leave line is created that is tied to payroll (through IPTS, IPTR or IPPH) at a 3-In Payroll status that represents the 1-Requested information that falls into that period. Note that a 1-Requested leave line that spans timesheet or pay periods will also have the PARTIALLY_PROCESSED flag on when flipped to 2-Request Processed.
  • As a leave line In Payroll is being processed it transits through 4-Update in Progress but then ends as 5-Unofficial Accr Upd. Leave Lines in this status are also shown in the VALB columns for unofficial time earned and taken.
  • Once the leave processors in UACLOZ and/or UPCLOZ are executed, the line status is switched to 6-Official Accr Upd. If the leave line started as a "Requested" leave line, you will also see it in the 2-Request Processed status.
  • Status Reevaluated is only used during the loading of timesheets into pay headers and is an internal code that you should not see

X_ACCRUAL_STATUS is a fixed lexicon with the following values:
Displayed Value
01 3-In PayrollLeave lines associated to an active payroll process will have this status. Leaves in this status also can be manually entered by users. When payroll is completed, there should be no leaves in this status
02 6-Official Accrual Upd This is the final status of a leave line. These are updated by the UPCLOZ/UACLOZ process
03 4-Update in Progress This should never been seen by any users - leaves lines are moved to this temp status while the UACALC or UPCALC process are running
04 5-Unofficial Accr Upd This will be the status of a leave line after UACALC or UPCALC
05 1-Requested This will be the initial status of the leave line if entered by an employee prior to any payroll processing. Any leave line will remain in this status until an Timesheet, Transaction Batch or Pay Header is created. This status field is not changed by the approval processes on a leave line. The approval indicator is maintained in the LEAVE_APPROVAL field. If approvals are being used, the approval must be completed for the leave line to be processed into the next status
06 2-Request Processed Requested leaves that have been processed into payroll will take on this status (IPTS/IPTR/IPPH). This is the end of the life cycle of this transaction as it will remain as an audit of the original leave request/approval. A matching leave line will be created in a status of "3-In Payroll". If leave approvals are being used, the leave line must be approved prior to any payroll processing in order for the request to be moved into this status.
07 ReevaluatedThis status should not be visable to users. When a leave from a Timesheet is processed via UEGTS or UEGTSSR the line line in a status of 3-In Payroll is changed to this status. The system will generate a new leave line that matches the payline created with a status of "3-In Payroll"

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