Table of Contents


The View Planned Leaves (DAAL) allows you to planned leaves for a specific employee.

Data for the 'View Planned Leaves' screen is maintained on the P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES table.

Time Code
This field holds the time code for which the leave line record is created.
Leave Type
This field holds the Leave Type code.
Start Date
This is the date that the leave begins.
End Date
This is the date the leave ends.
The amount of time associate with the leave line record is identified in this field.
The rate basis is the unit of measure in which the associated rate is being stored or displayed.
This field indicates whether the leave line has been updated into the accrual record.
This is a toggle field used to indicate if the time has been cascaded from one leave bank to another.
The ‘Source’ field indicates the originating program/form that the leave line information came from.