My Time Cards#

WEPTSN form is a copy of WEPTS form with a few differences. It is designed as per request from SNC to centralize leave changes in one place to avoid the need to go on WEALP to enter/delete a leave record.
To accomplish that a new tab Time Card Leaves has been implemented.

What's new:

  • The new Clear Daily Changes action button on Update My Time Card tab replaced the original Clear My Changes (by Day) action button.
    This new action clears all the changes entered by the user that are not leaves.
    All leave changes are now performed on Time Card Leaves tab.
  • The action button Record Time Away From Work has been moved from the Update My Time Card tab to a new Time Card Leaves tab.
    This action creates a leave request that does not require approval.
    Enter Leave Hours/Away From Work dialog no longer defaults the hours. The user needs to enter leave hours only if taking partial day leave.
  • Remove Leave Request button can be used to remove the requested leave.
    Note: If the leave record crosses pay periods and the timesheet has already been processed to payroll, the leave cannot be removed.
  • Leave records awaiting approval (i.e. entered on WEALP screen) can be removed from the approval process using Unsubmit from Approval button and submitted again using Submit Leave button.

Time Card Leaves tab#

Start Date
This is the date that the leave line record begins.
End Date
This is the date that the leave line record ends.
This field holds the user-defined code to indicate the leave type.
Start Time
This is the time that the leave began.
End Time
This is the time that the leave ended.
This field displays a reason for the leave of absence.
Projected Time
This field displays the 'projected' amount of time that has been requested. This field is populated when a leave line is entered for a future dated leave.
Actual Time
This field displays the total amount of time that has been requested.
This is the time basis of the requested time to be taken.
This field indicates whether the leave line has been picked up (in full or in part) into Payroll or Timemanagement.
This field tracks whether the leave has been ‘approved’, is ‘awaiting approval’ or has been‘denied’.
This is a toggle field used to indicate if the time has been cascaded from one leave bank to another.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page