Leave Lines are the records of leave time that an employee has taken or is planning to take, and audit lines of when and what the attendance routine has calculated.

Leave Line Details are the specific attendance components affected by a leave line transaction.

Accrual Status reflects the processing stage for the leave line. Leave accrual status are defined by the fixed lexicon X_ACCRUAL_STATUS. Each tab on the IAAL will display leave lines based on this status.

Leave Line data is maintained on the P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES and P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINE_DETAILS.

All Leaves At A Glance tab#

This tab will display all leaves that include a time code.

Start Date
This is the date that the leave line record begins.
End Date
This is the date that the leave line record ends.
Leave Type
This field holds the user-defined code to indicate the leave type.
Time Code
This field holds the time code for which the leave line record is being created. The field will be blank if created by UPCALC.
Start Time
This is the time that the leave began.
End Time
This is the time that the leave ended.
Projected Time
This field displays the 'projected' amount of time that has been requested. This field is populated when a leave line is entered for a future dated leave.
Actual Time
This field displays the total amount of time that has been requested.
This is the time basis of the requested time to be taken.
This field indicates what status the leave line currently is at.
This field tracks whether the leave has been ‘approved’, is ‘awaiting approval’ or has been‘denied’.
This is a toggle field used to indicate if the time has been cascaded from one leave bank to another.
Entitlement Earned
If this toggle is ON, then the leave line was for an entitlement type time code and it has been updated to the accrual record. If this toggle is OFF, then the leave line is not an entitlement type time code.
Banked Time Still Owing
If this toggle is ON, then the leave line was for a Banked Overtime Entitlement and still has time remaining that an employee may take from. If this toggle is OFF, the employee has taken all the time for this leave line.
Partially Processed
This toggle is an indication that the leave line has been partially completed by payroll.
Payroll Complete
If this toggle is ON, then the Payroll Process application has completed its association with the leave line (the UPCLOZ procedure has been run). If this toggle is OFF, then the Payroll Process application has not yet started or has not yet finished with the leave line.

Requested/Processed tab#

This tab will display all leaves that include a time code and whose ACCRUAL_STATUS is '1-Requested' or '2-Request Processed'.

Leave lines when entered in advance of payroll (using for example the form WEALP) will have the status '1-Requested'.

Once payroll processing has begin the leave line status will be relfected as '2-Request' Processed. A seperate leave line will be created at the same time with a status of '3-In Payroll'. The leave line in a status of '2-Request' processed, will not be updated or modified from this point. Any changes will reflect in the '3-In Payroll' leave line. This line is will remain as a audit of the actual time off requested by the employee (and approved by the manager if leave approvals are being used).

If leaves are entered directly into payroll (via a timesheet, pay transaction batch or pay header) a leave line will not be created containing a '1-Requested' or '2-Request Processed' status.

Start Date
This is the date that the leave line record begins.
End Date
This is the date that the leave line record ends.
Leave Type
This field holds the user-defined code to indicate the leave type.
Time Code
This field holds the time code for which the leave line record is being created. The field will be blank if created by UPCALC.
Start Time
This is the time that the leave began.
End Time
This is the time that the leave ended.
Projected Time
This field displays the 'projected' amount of time that has been requested. This field is populated when a leave line is entered for a future dated leave.
Actual Time
This field displays the total amount of time that has been requested.
This is the time basis of the requested time to be taken.
This field indicates whether the leave line has been picked up (in full or in part) into Payroll or Timemanagement.
This field tracks whether the leave has been ‘approved’, is ‘awaiting approval’ or has been‘denied’.
This is a toggle field used to indicate if the time has been cascaded from one leave bank to another.
This field holds a user-defined description of the leave type entered.
If desired, the reason for the leave may be maintained.
Any certificates (doctor’s note, jury notice, etc.) that are required may be noted here as ‘received’.
Source Module
The ‘Source’ field indicates the originating program/form that the leave line information came from. Most commonly TE Data entry for time code related leave lines or AT Calculation for ‘audit’ leave lines.
Entitlement Earned
If this toggle is ON, then the leave line was for an entitlement type time code and it has been updated to the accrual record. If this toggle is OFF, then the leave line is not an entitlement type time code.
Banked Time Still Owing
If this toggle is ON, then the leave line was for a Banked Overtime Entitlement and still has time remaining that an employee may take from. If this toggle is OFF, the employee has taken all the time for this leave line.
Partially Processed
This toggle is an indication that the leave line has been partially completed by payroll.
Payroll Complete
If this toggle is ON, then the Payroll Process application has completed its association with the leave line (the UPCLOZ procedure has been run). If this toggle is OFF, then the Payroll Process application has not yet started or has not yet finished with the leave line.
Original Start Date
The date that the leave line record originally started. One leave line record may need to be split into several leave line records to be processed over several pay periods. Each ‘split’ will contain the original start date of the leave line.
Time Not Yet Taken
This field shows the derived amount that is not being taken.
Wage Rate
The wage rate from the employee’s assignment record.
The field holds the time basis of the time not taken.
Audit Text
This field displays the audit generated for this line. Users must scroll through the text or double-click on the icon.

In Payroll tab#

This tab will display all leaves that include a time code and whose accrual status is 3-In Payroll.
Start Date
This is the date that the leave line record begins. Start_Date is a mandatory date field.
End Date
This is the date that the leave line record ends. End_Date is a mandatory date field.
Time Code
This field holds the time code for which the leave line record is being created. The field will be blank if created by UPCALC.
Leave Type
This field holds the user-defined code to indicate the leave type.
Projected Time
This field displays the 'projected' amount of time that has been requested. This field is populated when a leave line is entered for a future dated leave.
Actual Time
This field displays the total amount of time that has been requested.
This is the time basis of the requested time to be taken.
This field indicates whether the leave line has been updated into the accrual record.
This is a toggle field used to indicate if the time has been cascaded from one leave bank to another.
This field holds a user-defined description of the leave type entered.
If desired, the reason for the leave may be maintained.
Any certificates (doctor’s note, jury notice, etc.) that are required may be noted here as ‘received’.
Source Module
The ‘Source’ field indicates the originating program/form that the leave line information came from. Most commonly TE Data entry for time code related leave lines or AT Calculation for ‘audit’ leave lines.
Entitlement Earned
If this toggle is ON, then the leave line was for an entitlement type time code and it has been updated to the accrual record. If this toggle is OFF, then the leave line is not an entitlement type time code.
Banked Time Still Owing
If this toggle is ON, then the leave line was for a Banked Overtime Entitlement and still has time remaining that an employee may take from. If this toggle is OFF, the employee has taken all the time for this leave line.
Partially Processed
This toggle is an indication that the leave line has been partially completed by payroll.
Payroll Complete
If this toggle is ON, then the Payroll Process application has completed its association with the leave line (the UPCLOZ procedure has been run). If this toggle is OFF, then the Payroll Process application has not yet started or has not yet finished with the leave line.
Original Start Date
The date that the leave line record originally started. One leave line record may need to be split into several leave line records to be processed over several pay periods. Each ‘split’ will contain the original start date of the leave line.
Time Not Yet Taken
This field shows the derived amount that is not being taken.
Wage Rate
The wage rate from the employee’s assignment record.
The field holds the time basis of the time not taken.
Audit Text
This field displays the audit generated for this line. Users must scroll through the text or double-click on the icon.
This field displays a system-provided code defining the attendance component. All AC codes begin with the letter “A” followed by a 3 or 4 digit number.
Time Code
The time code for which the leave line record is being created.
Leave Policy
This field holds the leave policy that the leave type or time code is connected to.
Wage Rate Override
If a user needs to override the wage rate on the leave line it may be done here for this leave line detail.
Basis Override
This field displays the rate basis for the wage rate from the employee’s assignment record.
This field holds a user-defined description of the attendance component entered.
This field holds the time, amount, etc. of the attendance components indicated.
The basis for the amount of the time code or attendance component.
Amount Override
If the user needs to override the amount that was generated, it may be done here.
Bank Exceeded
This toggle is updated by the leave line logic that is invoked when leave time is taken. If this toggle is ON, then the time requested has exceeded the time available. If this toggle is OFF, the time requested was less then the time available.

Historical tab#

The Historical tab is a view only tab which displays leave lines that include a time code and whose accrual status is either 4-Update in Progress, 5-Unofficial Accr Upd or 6-Official Accrual Upd.

Start Date
This is the date that the leave line record begins.
End Date
This is the date that the leave line record ends.
Time Code
This field holds the time code for which the leave line record is being created. The field will be blank if created by UPCALC.
Leave Type
This field holds the user-defined code to indicate the leave type.
Start Time
This is the time that the leave began.
End Time
This is the time that the leave ended.
Projected Time
This field displays the 'projected' amount of time that has been requested. This field is populated when a leave line is entered for a future dated leave.
Actual Time
This field displays the total amount of time that has been requested.
This is the time basis of the requested time to be taken.
This field indicates whether the leave line has been updated into the accrual record.
This field tracks whether the leave has been ‘approved’, is ‘awaiting approval’ or has been‘denied’.
This is a toggle field used to indicate if the time has been cascaded from one leave bank to another.
This field holds a user-defined description of the leave type entered.
If desired, the reason for the leave may be maintained.
Any certificates (doctor’s note, jury notice, etc.) that are required may be noted here as ‘received’.
Source Module
The ‘Source’ field indicates the originating program/form that the leave line information came from. Most commonly TE Data entry for time code related leave lines or AT Calculation for ‘audit’ leave lines.
Entitlement Earned
If this toggle is ON, then the leave line was for an entitlement type time code and it has been updated to the accrual record. If this toggle is OFF, then the leave line is not an entitlement type time code.
Banked Time Still Owing
If this toggle is ON, then the leave line was for a Banked Overtime Entitlement and still has time remaining that an employee may take from. If this toggle is OFF, the employee has taken all the time for this leave line.
Partially Processed
This toggle is an indication that the leave line has been partially completed by payroll.
Payroll Complete
If this toggle is ON, then the Payroll Process application has completed its association with the leave line (the UPCLOZ procedure has been run). If this toggle is OFF, then the Payroll Process application has not yet started or has not yet finished with the leave line.
Original Start Date
The date that the leave line record originally started. One leave line record may need to be split into several leave line records to be processed over several pay periods. Each ‘split’ will contain the original start date of the leave line.
Time Not Yet Taken
This field shows the derived amount that is not being taken.
Wage Rate
The wage rate from the employee’s assignment record.
The field holds the time basis of the time not taken.
Audit Text
This field displays the audit generated for this line. Users must scroll through the text or double-click on the icon.
This field displays a system-provided code defining the attendance component. All AC codes begin with the letter “A” followed by a 3 or 4 digit number. Definitions of each of the attendance components may be found in the “Detailed Information for Attendance Components List” in the previous section.
Time Code
The time code for which the leave line record is being created.
Leave Policy
This field holds the leave policy that the leave type or time code is connected to.
Wage Rate Override
If a user needs to override the wage rate on the leave line it may be done here for this leave line detail.
Basis Override
This field displays the rate basis for the wage rate from the employee’s assignment record.
This field holds a user-defined description of the attendance component entered.
This field holds the time, amount, etc. of the attendance components indicated.
The basis for the amount of the time code or attendance component.
Amount Override
If the user needs to override the amount that was generated, it may be done here.
Bank Exceeded
This toggle is updated by the leave line logic that is invoked when leave time is taken. If this toggle is ON, then the time requested has exceeded the time available. If this toggle is OFF, the time requested was less then the time available.

Requires Leave Reason tab#

This tab displays all leave lines whose associated leave policy requires a leave reason.

Start Date
This is the date that the leave line record begins.
End Date
This is the date that the leave line record ends.
Leave Type
This field holds the user-defined code to indicate the leave type.
Time Code
This field holds the time code for which the leave line record is being created. The field will be blank if created by UPCALC.
Actual Time
This field displays the total amount of time that has been requested.
Projected Time
This field displays the 'projected' amount of time that has been requested. This field is populated when a leave line is entered for a future dated leave.
If the Leave Reason Required toggle is checked ON for the leave policy, a leave reason must be provided in this field.
This field indicates whether the leave line has been updated into the accrual record.

Notes #

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