Time code sets are to time codes as pay elements are to pay components.

The Time Code Sets (IDTCS) screen may be used for two very different but important tasks:

  1. Several of the Time Sheet / Time Cards / Time Exception screens allow users-defined data to be displayed. Time code sets can be used to specify which time codes can be accumulated together and displayed as one total.
  2. Time rules that are set up in the Work Rule (IDWR) screen have two time code sets that may be used to indicate what should be processed (Target Time Code Set) and what the results should be applied to (Apply Time Code Set).
Time Code Set
This field holds a user-defined code that uniquely identifies a group of time codes that will be grouped together for the purposes listed above.
This field provides a short description of the time code set defined.
Is IPTR Total
This toggle enables clients to choose which time code sets to use for transaction totals in IPTRB and IPTRE. Only the time code sets they wish to use for transaction totals should have this toggle checked ON. If there are no time code sets with this toggle turned ON, the system will dynamically choose up to fifeteen time code sets to display in both IPTRB and IPTRE.
By enabling the "Is IPTR Total" feature, time code sets can also be used on the IPTRB to batch totals.
Time Code
This field holds the time code that will participate in the time code set.
This is an abbreviation or short code for the type of time.
This field indicates the basis for the time code indicated
Time Type
This field is used to identify the type of time that this time code will store.

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