Common Codes Functions#

FunctionDescriptionFunction Type
CDAPPCopy Approval ProcessesScreen
CDDPCopy DepartmentsScreen
CDGRCopy GroupsScreen
CDHCCopy Holiday CalendarsScreen
CDIFCopy Interface FormatsScreen
CDJBCopy JobsScreen
CDLNCopy LocationsScreen
CDOLCopy Org LevelsScreen
CDPSCopy PositionsScreen
CDTCCopy Time CodesScreen
CDTCSCopy Time Code SetsScreen
CDWCCopy Work CalendarsScreen
CDWRCopy Work RulesScreen
DDAPRView Approval RecordsScreen
IDAADefine Authorization AreasScreen
IDAPDefine Approval ProcessesScreen
IDCCDefine Cost CentersScreen
IDCCSSet Cost Center SecurityScreen
IDCLDefine Business CalendarsScreen
IDCNDefine CountiesScreen
IDCODefine CountriesScreen
IDCRDefine Change ReasonsScreen
IDDPDefine DepartmentsScreen
IDENDefine EntitiesScreen
IDESDefine Employment StatusesScreen
IDFDDefine Legislative FormsScreen
IDFDVDefine Legislative Form VariablesScreen
IDGADefine G/L AccountsScreen
IDGCDefine G/L CompanyScreen
IDGFDefine G/L FundsScreen
IDGRDefine GroupsScreen
IDGSDefine G/L SegmentsScreen
IDGVMaintain Government RegistrationsScreen
IDHCDefine Holiday CalendarsScreen
IDIFDefine Interface Formats Screen
IDINDefine Industry CodesScreen
IDJBDefine JobsScreen
IDLNDefine LocationsScreen
IDOCDefine Occupation CodesScreen
IDOLDefine Organization LevelsScreen
IDPSDefine PositionsScreen
IDSCDefine Statistical ComponentsScreen
IDSDDefine School DistrictsScreen
IDSPDefine States and ProvincesScreen
IDTCDefine Time CodesScreen
IDTCSDefine Time Code SetsScreen
IDTRDefine Termination ReasonsScreen
IDTXDefine Tax JurisdictionsScreen
IDUNDefine UnitsScreen
IDVAPView Pending Approval RecordsScreen
IDVARView All Approval RecordsScreen
IDVAR_SPLASHView Outstanding approvals I need to makeScreen
IDWCDefine Work CalendarsScreen
IDWRDefine Work RulesScreen
MDAPRView Approval InformationScreen
MDARApproval Bar DialogScreen
MDDDSDistribution Editor DialogScreen
MDFDCPYCopy Form Definition dialogScreen
MDWCUWork Calendar Utility DialogScreen
MMDAPIApproval Information DialogScreen
RDCACurrent Approvers ReportReport
RDCRList of Change ReasonsReport
RDENList of Entities, Departments and Org LevelsReport
RDFDForm Definition ReportReport
RDGAList of G/L AccountsReport
RDGRList of Units and GroupsReport
RDIFInterface Formats ReportReport
RDJBJob ProfilesReport
RDLNList of LocationsReport
RDPSPosition ProfilesReport
RDUNList of UnitsReport
RDWRWork Rule ProfilesReport
UDGNISLoad GNIS CodesReport
VDPSView Position Information with EmployeesScreen
VDTRLView Time RulesScreen
VDTXView Tax Jurisdiction by StateScreen
XDAPPExtract Approval ProcessesReport
XDIFExtract Interface FormatsReport
XDWRExtract Work Rule DefinitionReport

Related Functions#

FunctionDescriptionFunction Type

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