UDGNIS - Load GNIS Codes#

UDGNIS - Selection Criteria#

US_Load_UDGNIS Locations_01.JPG IMPORTANT: UDGNIS is a high volume process to load all Counties, Cities, School, Municipalities, ZIP codes into IDCN, IDCI, IDSD, IDMN, IDZR for each state from Symmetry database. Each state may take from 1 to 10 minutes. To load all states, the process may take 2 to 3 hours, therefore, you may schedule UDGNIS to be run at night if necessary.

CountryThis mandatory field allows you to enter the Country Code used to filter the list of states.
StateYou may use this field to enter list of states to be processed to load GNIS codes.

When setting up a new data base environment, if there is no State for lookup, UDGNIS will automatically load in all IDSP states when UDGNIS is run in non-Trial mode.

If the list of states are not entered, then all states will be processed.
Load Symmetry GNISOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
This is an optional field, with a default of <<No>>.
If <<Yes>>, UDGNIS will load from the Symmetry database for the specified states.

If you have already loaded from the Symmetry database, then you can re-run UDGNIS to load in IDTX Tax Jurisdictions from IDCN, IDCI without re-loading from Symmetry database, therefore you can enter <<No>> to this prompt.
Remove JurisdictionsOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
If Yes, UDGNIS will remove all tax jurisdictions for the specified states from IDTX that have not been used in the system.
Create JurisdictionsOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
If <<Yes>>,UDGNIS will generate tax jurisdictions for the specified states on IDTX according to IDCI cities.

You have two options to create IDTX Tax Jurisdictions:
1) manually enter on IDTX
2) enter <<Yes>> to this prompt to load in all Tax Jurisdictions for IDCI Cities
TrialOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results <Yes> or in update mode <No>.
In Non-Trial mode, IDSP, IDCN, IDCI, IDSD, IDMN, IDZR, IDTX are updated.
Create FileOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
This field is used to generate a .csv file with the applicable geographic information.
Print DetailOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
This field is used to show detail dump of the geographic information
If <<Yes>>, the report size may be quite large, therefore, you should select <<No>>, unless for Tracing.
Vertex ConversionOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
This toggle is used to convert IDTX entries from Vertex Format to Symmetry Format
The old Vertex IDTX GEO entries that are not being used will be removed
The old Vertex IDTX GEO entries that are being used will be converted to Symmetry GNIS format
Directory Nameif Create File = 'Y', user must enter a valid Directory Name for the .csv file
File Nameif Create File = 'Y', user must enter a File Name for the .csv file
Exception LevelOptional, Exception Level lexicon available
This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
You should run with Exception Level except for Tracing
In 'Utility Trace', the report may be quite large
User Comments Optional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report. This is useful during testing phases to identify similar reports from each other.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
Country Set to USA.
StateYou may select from a specific state or if left blank, will load for all states that are in the interim file.
Exception Levelleave at 0-Exceptions Only. There is no tracing with this function.
User CommentAny comment line that you wish to appear on the report.

This report will identify the number of records that it processed of each type (as noted above). The processing will allow for the creation of new records or the updating of the name of the jurisdiction/county/zip code area if it has changed.

Notes #

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