G/L Accounts codes are short names or abbreviations that point to a more detailed account or account mask.

Users less familiar with accounting systems and general ledger accounts usually find G/L account codes simpler to work with than account numbers.

G/L Accounts data is stored in the P2K_CM_GL_ACCOUNTS table.

G/L Account
This field provides the name or abbreviation for a general ledger account that uniquely identifies it to the organization. G/L account codes include items such as expense accounts for labor, salary, wages, benefits, payroll taxes, and fringe costs, liability accounts for taxes, benefits, and other sundry liabilities, and payroll clearing accounts, bank accounts, suspense accounts, etc.

Accounting Information#

This field shows the user defined description of the purpose of the account.
Journal Type
This field indicates that the GL account code posts to either a financial or a statistical journal.
Account Type
This field catagorizes the account into a specific type. Account type is used for sorting and query purposes. Asset, Liability (CR), Equity, Revenue, or Expense (DR) Most accounts will be Liability (CR) or Expense (DR).
Account Usage
Indicates the purpose of the account, for example, as an expense, liability, clearing or other special type of account.
General Expenses (DR)
- indicates that the amount is to be journalized as ‘Expenses’
- Expense (DR) amount is posted exactly as the amount specified, positive
or negative.
- these are normally wages (that make up gross) and ER contributions of
company benefit
- need to be indicated on Pay Component (IPPC) form as ‘Debit Account’
in order to be posted as a expense
General Liability (CR)
- indicates that the amount is to be journalized as ‘Liabilities’
- Liability (CR) amount will be negated and then posted
- these are normally EE deductions and ER contributions for company
- need to be indicated on Pay Component (IPPC) form as ‘Credit Account’
in order to be posted as a liability
EAS Work Type
- indicates to use the GL account code to concatenate with the assignment's
work type and then further retrieve the distribution mask by this
GL account and work type from IDGA form
GL Account = 'SAT O/T WAGES
'EAS Work Type = '10' means 'Booth set up'
then use 'SAT O/T WAGES10' to retrieve Distribution Mask from IDGA
Payroll Suspense 0101- to hold amount not journalized correctly
- to force balance the Financial Journal
- Payroll Suspense will be posted at Employee/Pay# level for the user to
review the Suspense amount to locate problems for re-run
Labor Clearing 0102- to balance Labor GL entries during 'Journalize Labor' (UPLG)
- to clear Labor GL entries during 'Journalize Pays' (UPGL)
- only those GL accounts with the 'Pre Payroll' toggle set to ON will be
accumulated to 'Labor Clearing'
Payroll Outstanding
- to journalize outstanding amount for current fiscal period when journalizing
crosses to next fiscal period- this force balances the current fiscal
Fiscal 2004-05
Total Wages
$1000 (as DR)
Payroll O/S
$1000 (as CR to balance)
Payroll Clearing 0104- to bring in the outstanding amount from previous fiscal period to current
fiscal period for clearing purpose.
Fiscal 2004-06
Payroll Clearing
$1000 (as DR from 2004-05)
EE Deductions
$300 (as CR etc)
Accrual Clearing 0105- to force balance total accrual amounts in the accrual fiscal period.
- to clear accrual amounts from accrual fiscal period with the actual Fiscal
- only those GL accounts with the 'Accrual Required' toggle set to ON will
be accumulated to 'Accrual Clearing'.
Fiscal 2004-05 (Accrual Fiscal Period)
Total Wages
$1000 (DR)
Accrual Clearing
$1000 (CR to balance)
Fiscal 2004-06 (Actual Fiscal Period)
Accrual Clearing
$1000 (DR to clear 200405)
Total Wages
$1000 (CR to clear 200405)
Fringe Expense 0111
Fringe Liability 0112
Burden Expense 0113
Burden Liability 0114
Fringe Exp (orig PC)
Fringe Liab (orig PC)
InterCompany Expense
InterCompany (CR)
Work In Progress (DR)
I/C Suffix Mask 0124
I/C Suffix (DR) 0125
I/C Suffix (CR) 0126
Cash G/L Account 0201
Deposit G/L Account
Check G/L Account 0203
Posting Date Method
The Posting Date method controls the accounting period to which general ledger entries are to be attributed and by default, entries for a pay period are allocated based on the type of payment. Post all entries based on the ‘Pay Period End Date’ or the ‘Pay Issue Date’, or post by the ‘Derive Fiscal’ (most commonly used) method.
For the Derive Fiscal method, all pay line transactions use the Pay Line Start date to determine the fiscal period. All internally generated amounts are posted by the Pay Issue date’s fiscal period.
For example, a pay period ending on the 28th November has a check issue date of 3rd December, which means the pay line transactions will be journalized against the November accounting period and the internally calculated amount such as taxes, company benefits will be journalized against the December accounting period. If there is a need to process all of the entries in December then all of the G/L Accounts should be set up with a Posting Date Method of ‘Pay Issue Fiscal’. If all the entries are to be journalized in November then ‘Pay Period End Fiscal’ should be the method.
Distribution Mask
This field holds the distribution code or distribution mask associated with this GL account code.
Account Charge To
This field indicates if this G/L Account is to be charged to either the 'Wage’ or 'Benefit' accounts set up on IEAS distributions tab for each employee's assignment. The Account Charge To field will typically be set to ‘Wage Account’; for Benefit Burden G/L Accounts, you must manually set it to ‘Benefit Account’. UPGL will use the IEAS Distributions tab entries according to IDGA 'Account Charge To' set up as follows:
If IDGA’s Account Charge To field is set to ‘Benefit Account’, then the IEAS Distribution entries with the Split Rule field set to ‘Benefit Account’ will be used.
If the IEAS distribution entries with the ‘Benefit Account’ Split Rule are not set up, then the split rules will be used. Otherwise, IEAS distribution entries with other split Rule will be used. i.e. 'Split by Percent', etc.
Affects Costing
If the Affects Costing toggle is ON, this account will create cost accounting entries for posting to a costing system. If the Affects Costing toggle is OFF, no costing entries will be created.
Retain Detail
When interfacing to a G/L system, if the Retain Detail toggle is ON, no consolidation of payroll accounting entries will be performed. Detailed entries will be created by account, by person, by pay and by pay line detail. If the toggle is OFF, payroll accounting entries will be consolidated by general ledger account.
If the Pre-Payroll toggle is ON, any accounting process that runs prior to payroll processing (e.g. UPLG - labor distribution) will create accounting entries for posting to the general ledger and costing. If the Pre-Payroll toggle is OFF, these accounting processes will create no accounting entries.
Accrual Required
If the Accrual Required toggle is ON, this account will have accrual accounting entries created on the last payroll of a fiscal period. Accruals will be calculated based on the accrual method of the Employee's Group (IDGR). If the toggle is OFF, no accrual entries will be created for this account.
Post Payroll
If the Post Payroll toggle is ON, the payroll process will create accounting entries for posting the general ledger (UPGL) and for costing purposes. If the Post Payroll toggle is OFF, the payroll process will create no accounting entries.
InterCompany Required
If the InterCompany toggle is ON, inter-company accounting entries will be generated between entities. If the toggle is OFF, no inter-company accounting will be done.

Account Suffix#

The Account Suffix area is used to allow G/L accounts to be varied by entity, unit, group, or legislative (state/prov, county, tax jurisdictions or school district) information.

You must define one ‘default’ G/L account entry without any Account Suffix information. Then set up the same G/L account with as many varying Accounting Information and Account Suffix entries as needed.

Finally, indicate on Acct/Arrears tab of IPPC if the pay component should be varied by Suffix Information.

The G/L account should vary by the entity identified in this field.
The G/L account will vary by the unit identified in this field. You must enter an entity prior to specifying the unit.
The G/L account should vary by the group identified in this field. You must enter an entity and unit prior to specifying the group.
Other Suffix
This field is currently not being used.
The G/L account should vary by the state/province identified in this field.
The G/L account should vary by the county identified in this field. You must enter a state prior to specifying the county.
The G/L account should vary by the tax jurisdiction (i.e. Geo code) identified in this field. You must enter a state prior to specifying the tax jurisdiction.
School District
The G/L account should vary by the school district identified in this field. You must enter a state prior to specifying the school district.

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