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A Change Reason code is the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date. The change reason, a user-defined table, allows users to track why an effective date change is made to an employee’s record or to a code definition form.

Each change reason may be restricted by function, by adding functions to the usage area, at the bottom of the screen. Adding a function-change reason usage will restrict the function indicated to have the change reasons shown. This may also be seen and maintained through the Maintain Functions form (IMFN).

Once a function has restricted change reasons applied, then that function will see only those change reasons. If there is no restriction applied to a function's change reasons, then all change reasons will be presented.

If your change reason matches the beginning of more than one change reason in the list (i.e. COLA, COLA 1), a message will show up stating that the change reason selected does not exist, even if it is in IDCR. The change reason names in Personality should always be distinct(i.e. COLA BASE, COLA 2, COLA 3).

This should only be used if you wish to reduce the number of change reason options, markedly, for any given screen.

A starter script to load in standard change reasons is provided.

Change Reasons Codes are stored in the P2K_CM_CHANGE_REASONS table.

Change Reason
This field allows you to define the change reasons. The value you enter in this field will be displayed on a list of change reasons from which the user may select in various screens.
If this change reason only applies to certain functions within the system those functions should be indicated in this field. This field will limit the list of values displayed to the user when they are choosing a change reason in a particular form.
Change Description
This field displays a short description of the change reason.
If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the change reason. (On the example screen, the second language is identified as French, ‘Prompt (FRE)’.)

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