Table of Contents
- 'Maintain Job Profiles'
- Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Job Profile
- Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Requirements
- Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Stages
- Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Recruiters
- Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Jobs
- Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Positions
- Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Postings
- Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Competence
- Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Training Needs
Job Profiles may be established for jobs, positions and postings within an entity to clearly define their purpose, functions and prerequisites.Job Profile records may contain statements on compensation, work environment, employment eligibility, EEO status and how to apply for the job profile.
The definition data for the Maintain Job Profiles screen is stored in the P2K_RE_JOB_PROFILES, P2K_RE_REQUIREMENTS, P2K_RE_RECRUITING_STAGES, P2K_RE_RECRUITERS and P2K_RE_POSTINGS tables.
'Maintain Job Profiles' #
- Job Profile
- This field holds the code that identifies a job profile within a company.
- Title
- This field displays the specific title of the job profile.
- Entity
- This field identifies the entity to which the job profile belongs.
Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Job Profile#
- Type
- This field displays the nature of the job profile.
- Category
- This field allows you to further categorize the job profile.
- Status
- This field will display the status of the job profile.
- Last Review Date
- This field displays the latest date the job profile was reviewed.
- Auto Application
- If the toggle is ON, the system will allow an application to be automatically generated. If the toggle is OFF, then no application will be generated.
- Auto Posting
- If the toggle is ON, then a posting will be allowed to be automatically generated. If the toggle is OFF, then no posting will be generated.
- Profile in Use
- If the toggle is ON, then the job profile will indicate that is in use. If the toggle is OFF, then the job profile will not indicate that it is use.
- Days
- This field indicates the number of days this profile is valid.
- Job Purpose
- This field has been provided to allow you to describe the purpose of the job within the company.
- Job Function
- The Job Function field allows you to describe the function of and services provided by the job within the company.
- Prerequisites
- This field allows you to describe the required skills and experience need for this profile.
- Compensation
- This field allows you to define the compensation associated with this profile, such as salary, wage step, benefits, etc.
- How to Apply
- This field allows you to describe the process by which a candidate to this job would apply.
- Environment
- This field describes the work environment this job profile is situation in.
- Work Eligibility
- This field will describe any work eligibility restrictions associated with this job profile.
- EEO Statement
- This field allows you to include an equal employment opportunity statement with the posting for this work profile.
Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Requirements#
- Type
- This field allows you to define the nature of the qualification being defined.
i.e. Skill, Certificate, License, Award, Education, Student Teacher, Experience etc...
- Description
- This field provides a short description of the requirement being defined.
- Category
- This field allows you to further categorize the requirement.
- Start Date
- If the requirement is time sensitive, the first valid date of the requirement will be displayed here.
- End Date
- If the requirement is time sensitive, the last date that the requirement is needed will be displayed here.
- Priority
- This field allows you to rank the requirements in order of priority for this job profile.
- Desired Proficiency
- This field displays the level of proficiency desired for this requirement.
- Essential Proficiency
- This field displays the level of proficiency essential for this requirement.
- Requirement Text
- This field allows you to provided further details and information about the requirement being defined.
Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Stages#
Recruiting Stages
Recruiting Stages are the individual parts of the recruiting procedure for this job profile.
- Seq
- The field will define the sequential order of the recruiting stages.
- Description
- The field allows you to provide a short description of the stage.
- Recruiting Stages Text
- This field allows you to supply a more in-depth explanation of the stage.
Recruiting Steps
Recruiting Steps are the procedures that comprise individual recruiting stages.
- Seq
- The field will define the sequential order of the recruiting steps.
- Description
- The field allows you to provide a short description of the step.
- Assessment
- This field will display any assessment associated with this recruiting step.
- Weighting
- This field will display weighting this step holds within the entire stage.
- Desired Points
- This field displays desired amount of points the candidate should achieve in this assessment.
- Essential Points
- This field displays minimum amount of points the candidate should achieve in this assessment.
- Recruiting Step Text
- This field allows you to supply a more in-depth explanation of the step.
Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Recruiters#
- Seq #
- The field will define the sequential order in which the recruiters will be employed.
- Recruiter
- This field allows you to identify the recruiters to be used in a search to fill this job profile.
- Description
- This field allows you to provide a short description about the recruiter.
- Status
- This field displays the job profile’s status with the recruiter.
The remaining fields in this tab will be automatically completed by the system once the recruiter is chosen. These fields are for information only and cannot be altered in this screen.
- Type
- This field will identify the type of recruiter being defined.
- Category
- This field further classifies the recruiter into a specific ‘group’.
- Company
- This field displays the name of the company of the recruiter.
- Contact
- This field displays a contact name for the recruiter.
- Phone #
- This field displays a phone number for the recruiter.
- Phone Ext.
- If there is a phone extension for the recruiter, that number will be displayed in this field.
- This field shows the email address of the recruiter.
Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Jobs#
This will display any jobs associated with this job profile.You may not add jobs directly to this screen. In order to associate a job to a job profile,you must first create the job profile and then link that profile with a job through the Maintain Jobs (IDJB) screen. Once the IDJB screen is saved, the job information will appear in the Jobs tab of IRJP.
- Job
- The job code is the short name, reference code, or number that uniquely identifies this job within the organization.
- Job Title
- This is the formal title by which the organization knows this job.
- Unit
- This is the unit to which the job belongs.
- Occupation
- Occupation is a user-definable occupation code.
- Description 1
- This field allows you to provide additional text or title information about the job.
- Description 2
- This field allows you to provide further comments about the job.
- Type
- This field identifies the nature of the job type.
- WBC Class
- This field displays the Workers’ Compensation classification used to determine the WC category for reporting.
- EEO Category
- The Employment Equity Opportunity category is a user-definable code.
Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Positions#
This will display any positions associated with this job profile.
You may not add positions directly to this screen. In order to associate a position to a job profile, you must first create the job profile and then link that profile with a position through the Maintain Position (IDPS) screen. Once the IDPS screen is saved, the posting information will appear in the Position tab of IRJP.
- Position
- The position code is the number, reference code or abbreviation that uniquely identifies this position within the organization.
- Position Title
- This is the official or formal title of the position.
- Unit
- This field displays the name of the unit to which this position belongs.
- Job
- This field displays the job on which the position is based.
- Department
- This field displays the department in which the tasks take place.
- Location
- This is the location where the tasks are being performed.
- Description 1
- This field allows you to give a brief description of the position including any details other than the title.
- Description 2
- This field provides a space for further information about the position.
- Position Type
- This field shows the nature (i.e. executive, management, supervisory, etc.) of position being defined.
- WCB Class
- This field displays the Workers’ Compensation classification used to determine the WC category for reporting.
- Responsibility Level
- This field displays the responsibility level of this position, for example, staff, supervisor, or
- Status
- Indicates whether the position is approved, not approved or obsolete.
- Budget Rule
- Indicates whether the position is budgeted, not budgeted or encumbered.
- Authorized FTE
- The number of full time equivalent positions for which a commitment has been made by the organization.
Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Postings#
This will display any postings associated with this Job Profile.You may not add postings directly to this screen. In order to associate a posting to a job profile, you must first create the job profile and then link that profile with a posting through the Maintain Posting (IRPO) screen. Once the IRPO screen is saved, the posting information will appear in the Posting tab of IRJP.
- Date Opened
- This field displays the date the posting was opened.
- Posting
- The posting code is the number, reference code or abbreviation that uniquely identifies this position within the organization.
- Posting Title
- This is the official or formal title of the posting.
- Status
- This field shows the status of the posting (e.g. Open, Offer Made, Completed)
- Source
- The source of the posting (e.g., New Position, Vacant Position) will be shown here.
- Type
- This field shows if the positing is internal, external or both.
- Category
- This field allows you to group the posting into different classifications.
- Priority
- This field will indicate the priority of the posting, e.g. high or low.
- Required FTE
- This field will identify the amount of Full Time Equivalent needed for this posting.
- Entity
- This displays the entity associated with this posting.
- Department
- This displays the department associated with this posting.
- Location
- This displays the location associated with this posting.
- Unit
- This displays the unit associated with this posting.
- Group
- This displays the group associated with this posting.
- Managed by
- This field will show the manager for this posting.
Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Competence#
This will record the competenies required for this job profile.
- Category
- This field identifies competencies associated with the job profile along with the competency category and level for the individual competency.
- Competence Group
- This field further classifies the competency.
- Weighting
- This field indicates the value of the competency level within the entity.
- Confirmed Status
- This field will indicate the status of confirmation for the competency for this job profile.
i.e. To Be Confirmed, Confirmed OK, Confirmed Not OK
- Date Confirmed
- This field will indicate the date the competency was confirmed for this job profile.
- Start Date
- If the competency is time sensitive for this job profile, this field displays the first day of the time period.
- End Date
- If the requirement is time sensitive for this job profile, this field displays the last day of the time period.
- Confirmed by
- This field allows you to indicate who confirmed the competency for this profile and any other additional information about the competency.
Define Job Profiles (IRJP) - Training Needs#
- Description
- This field allows you to provide a short description of the training need required for this job profile.
- Type
- This field allows you to classify the training need to a specific activity type.
- Program
- This field will indicate the program associated with this training need.
- Course
- This field will indicate the course associated with this training need.
- Assessment
- This field will indicate the assessment associated with this training need.
- Repeat Interval
- This field will indicate the assessment associated with this training need.
- Repeat Basis
- This field will define the basis for the repeat time interval defined.
i.e. Years, Months, Bi-Weekly, Days, Hours, Units, Semi-Monthly
- Mandatory
- If this toggle is on, the training need is mandatory for the job profile.
- Training Need Text
- This field allows you to provide additional information about the training need.