This page (revision-40) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by kparrott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JEscott

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
40 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB kparrott to previous
39 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB mhodgins to previous | to last
38 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB jmyers to previous | to last
37 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB jmyers to previous | to last
36 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB jmyers to previous | to last
35 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB jmyers to previous | to last
34 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB jmyers to previous | to last WORK_RULE_CODE ==> WORK_RULE (Field)
33 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB JMyers to previous | to last
32 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB JMyers to previous | to last
31 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JMyers to previous | to last
30 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JMyers to previous | to last
29 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JEscott to previous | to last FEATURES OF IPTR ==> FEATURES OF IPTR and IPTRE
28 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JEscott to previous | to last
27 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JEscott to previous | to last
26 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JAiken to previous | to last
25 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JEscott to previous | to last REQUEST_SYNOPSIS ==> REQUEST_SYNOPSYS
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JMyers to previous | to last REQUEST_SYNOPSYS ==> REQUEST_SYNOPSIS
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JEscott to previous | to last
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JEscott to previous | to last
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 7 KB JEscott to previous | to last

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See [FEATURES OF IPTR] for information on IPTR.
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See [FEATURES OF IPTR|FEATURES OF IPTR and IPTRE] for more information on IPTR.
;[Batch #|BATCH_NUMBER]:This field will display the automatic numeric value assigned to this batch.
;[Batch Code|BATCH_CODE]:This field specifies the batch code.
;[Payroll|PAYROLL_CODE]:There can only be one payroll attached to each batch. If more than one payroll needs to be processed through the pay cycle then additional batches must be created for each payroll. All of the batches may then be calculated together.
;[Pay Period|PAY_PERIOD]:This field indicates the pay period the batch was generated for. Pay periods are numbered by the year, followed by the pay period # of the year \\199901 is the first pay period in 1999.\\199902 is the second pay period in 1999 and so on.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field will display the entity the batch belongs to.
;[Ready for Approval|READY_FOR_APPROVAL]:This field indicates that the batch is ready for approval.
;[Reopen Batch|ACT_REOPEN_BATCH]:This button allows the batch to be re-opened if it has been marked as Approved.
;[Add a Comment|ACT_ADD_BATCH_REQUSTS]:This button allows the user to add comments or additional information pertaining to the batch.
;[Balance Batch]: This button will open the [IPTRB] form where the user may balance the batch.
%%information Although we provide a standard, all other columns are may be customized.%%
;[Batch #|??]:This field will display the automatic numeric value assigned to this batch.
;[Batch Code|??]:This field specifies the batch code.
;[Payroll|??]:There can only be one payroll attached to each batch. If more than one payroll needs to be processed through the pay cycle then additional batches must be created for each payroll. All of the batches may then be calculated together.
;[Pay Period|??]:Pay periods are numbered by the year, followed by the pay period # of the year \\199901 is the first pay period in 1999.\\199902 is the second pay period in 1999 and so on.
;[Eligible|??]:If this toggle is ON then the batch is eligible to be processed by UPTR. If OFF then the batch is not eligible to be processed.
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;[Employee #|PERSON_CODE]:This field shows the Person code of the employee associated with the pay transaction.
;[Date|DATE]:This field displays the date of the pay transaction
;[Assign.|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:The assignment associated with the pay transaction is identified in this field.
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:This field shows the time code of the pay transaction.
;[Value|VALUE]:The amount of time associate with the pay transaction is identified in this field.
;[Position|POSITION_CODE]:The position associated with the pay transaction is identified in this field.
;[Job|JOB_CODE]:The job associated with the pay transaction is identified in this field.
;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:The department code associated with the pay line will be displayed here.
;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If the line is going to pay transactions, a cost center may be indicated in this field.
;[Sick Taken]:Any sick time taken is identified in this field.
__Although High Line provides a standard, all other columns are may be customized.__
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!!Details tab
;[Position|POSITION_CODE]:This field shows the position code from the employee’s assignment.
;[Job|JOB_CODE]:The job code from the employee’s assignment is displayed in this field.
;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:This field shows the department code defaulted in from employee’s assignment
;[Work Rule|WORK_RULE (Field)]:The work rule that governed the transaction generation is held in this field.
;[Jurisdiction|JURISDICTION_NAME]:This field shows the tax jurisdiction defaulting from employee’s assignment.
;[Distribution|DISTRIBUTION_MASK]:This field displays the distribution code associated with the transaction.
;[View Journal Entries|ACT_VIEW_JOURNAL_ENTRY]:When you click this button, a pop up screen will appear displaying the journal entries for this transaction.
;[Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE]:This field shows the standard wage rate from primary assignment.
;[Basis|RATE_BASIS]:The rate basis is the unit of measure in which the associated rate is being stored or displayed. E.G. hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, or annual.
;[Rate Overridden|RATE_OVERRIDDEN]: This toggle indicates if the rate on the transaction has been overridden.
;[Work In Process|WORK_IN_PROCESS]:If the ‘Work in Progress’ toggle is ON, this pay line is considered a WIP transaction and will be journalized to the Work in Progress account of the general ledger, instead of the Payroll Clearing account. If the toggle is OFF, the pay line is not journalized as work in progress.
;[Work Order|WORK_ORDER]:This is a customized field used to define work orders attached to a specific sundry. The Work order validation is defined on the 'Define G/L Company' ([IDGC]) form. The work order on each pay line can be unedited (no validation) or validated from an external system that has been pre-programmed.
;[Sched. Time|SCHEDULED_TIME]:If time was generated on the pay transaction then the amount that was generated will be indicated here. This will be used to ensure that the day, week or period scheduled time will always add up to the generated time. For example, if 8 hrs was generated as regular time and then 4 hrs of vacation is entered for the exact same time frame the regular time will be reduced to 4 hrs for a total of 8 scheduled hours.
;[Total Hrs|DRV_TOTAL_HOURS]: This field will display the total number of hours for the employee in the current batch.
;[Reference Info|REFERENCE_INFO]:This field shows any reference information for the pay line generated.
;[Status|PAY_TRAN_STATUS]:This field will default to “newly entered” and is for display purposes only.
;[Source|PAY_TRAN_SOURCE]:This field will default to data on the “IPTR screen” and is for display purposes only.
;[Generated By|DRV_GENERATED_BY]:This field will display whatever function generated the batch (e.g. [UPTG]) followed by the execution id ([MEX_ID]) (e.g. run #1234). e.g. [UPTG] Run #1234 This field will be for display purposes only.
;[Updated By|DRV_UPDATED_BY]:This field will display whatever function updated the batch (e.g. [UPTG]) followed by the execution id ([MEX_ID]) (e.g. run #1234). e.g. [UPTG] Run #1234 This field will be for display purposes only.
;[Pay Number|PAY_NUMBER]:If there is a pay number attached to the pay transaction, that number will be shown here. This field is for display purposes only.
;[Alt TC|USE_ALTERNATE_TIME_CODE]:This toggle indicates if an alternate time code was used.
!!Maintain Pay Transactions (IPTR) - Details
;[Assignment|??]:This field displays the employee’s title from their assignment (IEAS).
;[Position|??]:This field shows the position code from the employee’s assignment.
;[Job|??]:The job code from the employee’s assignment is displayed in this field.
;[Department|??]:This field shows the department code defaulted in from employee’s assignment
;[Work Rule|??]:The work rule that governed the transaction generation is held in this field.
;[Jurisdiction|??]:This field shows the tax jurisdiction defaulting from employee’s assignment.
;[Distribution|??]:This field displays the distribution code associated with the transaction.
;[Wage Rate|??]:This field shows the standard wage rate from primary assignment.
;[Basis|??]:The rate basis is the unit of measure in which the associated rate is being stored or displayed. E.G. hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, or annual.
;[Rate Overridden|??]:
;[Work In Progress|??]:If the ‘Work in Progress’ toggle is ON, this pay line is considered a WIP transaction and will be journalized to the Work in Progress account of the general ledger, instead of the Payroll Clearing account. If the toggle is OFF, the pay line is not journalized as work in progress.
;[Work Order|??]:This is a customized field used to define work orders attached to a specific sundry.The Work order validation is defined on the 'Define G/L Company' (IDGC) form. The work order on each pay line can be unedited (no validation) or validated from an external system that has been programmed by High Line.
;[Sched. Time|??]:If time was generated on the pay transaction then the amount that was generated will be indicated here. This will be used to ensure that the day, week or period scheduled time will always add up to the generated time. For example, if 8 hrs was generated as regular time and then 4 hrs of vacation is entered for the exact same time frame the regular time will be reduced to 4 hrs for a total of 8 scheduled hours.
;[Reference Info|??]:This field shows any reference information for the pay line generated.
;[Status|??]:This field will default to “newly entered” and is for display purposes only.
;[Source|??]:This field will default to data on the “IPTR screen” and is for display purposes only.
;[Generated By|??]:This field will display whatever function generated the batch (e.g. UPTG) followed by the execution id (MEX_Id) (e.g. run #1234). e.g. UPTG Run #1234 This field will be for display purposes only.
;[Updated By|??]:This field will display whatever function updated the batch (e.g. UPTG) followed by the execution id (MEX_Id) (e.g. run #1234). e.g. UPTG Run #1234 This field will be for display purposes only.
;[Pay Number|??]:If there is a pay number attached to the pay transaction, that number will be shown here. This field is for display purposes only.
;[Alt TC|??]:
;[View Journal Entries|??]:When you click this button, a pop up screen will appear displaying the journal entries for this transaction.
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!!Time Codes tab
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:This field displays the time code to be used to create transaction detail. More than one time code can exist per IPTR line.
;[Value|TIME_CODE_VALUE]:This field shows the amount of time entered on the pay line.
;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:The time basis is the unit of measure in which the associated time is being stored or displayed. E.G. hours, days, weeks, months, years, pay periods, miles, kilometers, pieces or units.
;[Reason|REASON_FOR_TIME]:This field displays the reason for time entered. This reason may be given for a leave or for overtime. The data in this field defaults in from the Time Codes tab on [IDWR] for the time code being entered. This field is not updateable. The lexicon [X_REASON_FOR_TIME] is user-definable.
[Leave Reason|LEAVE_REASON]:
!Leave Information
;[Time Code|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]:This field indicates the time code used to capture the leave time taken by the employee.
;[Value|OVERALL_LEAVE_TIME]:This field displays the overall amount of leave taken by the employee.
;[Balance|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]:This field is used to display the balance remaining of the leave policy.
;[Reason|LEAVE_REASON]:If a leave reason was provided, it will be displayed here.
;[Leave Reason Text|LEAVE_REASON_TEXT]:This field provides the user to add additional information pertaining to the leave.
!!Premiums tab
;[Premium|PREMIUM_CODE]:Premium code to be applied to transaction is displayed on this field.
;[Rate|DRV_SPMD_PREMIUM_RATE]:The premium amount is provided as the rate in this field.
;[Basis|DRV_SPMD_RATE_BASIS]:The basis is the unit of measure in which the associated premium is being stored or displayed. For example, hours, days, weeks, months, years, pay periods, miles, kilometers, pieces or units.
;[O/R Rate|PREMIUM_RATE]:This field will display override premium amount provided by the user.
;[O/R Basis|RATE_BASIS]:This field will display the override premium basis provided by the user.
!!Audit tab
;[Audit Text|AUDIT_TEXT]:This field displays information about the audit, such as clock entries, leave policies, etc.
!!Comments tab
;[Number|REQUEST_NUMBER]:This field displays the request number assigned by the application to the record when saved.
;[Status|REQUEST_STATUS]:The status of the request displays in this field.
;[Created On|DATE_SENT]:This field displays the date the request / comment was created.
;[Synopsis|REQUEST_SYNOPSYS]: This field holds the synopsis of the request / comment.
;[Text|REQUEST_TEXT]:This field holds the full text of the request / comment.
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!!Maintain Pay Transactions (IPTR) - Time Codes
;[Time Code|??]:This field displays the time code to be used to create transaction detail. More than one time code can exist per IPTR line.
;[Value|??]:This field shows the amount of time entered on the pay line.
;[Basis|??]:The time basis is the unit of measure in which the associated time is being stored or displayed. E.G. hours, days, weeks, months, years, pay periods, miles, kilometers, pieces or units.
;[Reason|??]:This field displays the reason for time entered. This reason may be given for a leave or for overtime. The data in this field defaults in from the Time Codes tab on IDWR for the time code being entered. This field is not updateable. The lexicon X_REASON_FOR_TIME is user-definable.