Time Management Self Service Terminology#


This field holds the abbreviation or short code for the type of time.
The occurrence of employees not being in their scheduled work place at the scheduled time.
Accumulate Experience (for ISEP)
This toggle will be discussed more during Salary Administration Training.
Add Details
If this toggle is ON, then time sheet details will be generated when a time sheet is generated.
Add Holidays (based on IDHC set up)
If the Generate Holidays toggle is ON, holiday hours will be generated when a time sheet is generated.
Adjust Scheduled Time
If this toggle is ON, time entered through this time code will reduce any scheduled time generated for the same dates.
Approval Status
Used to indicate the status of the approval type. A field the user may fill with the X_APPROVAL_STATUS fixed lexicon provided.
Approval Timestamp
This field indicates what date approval was given. A date field that is filled by the system once the approval has been made.
Approval Type
The ‘Approval Type’ field is used to indicate type of approval. A field the user may fill with the X_APPROVAL_TYPE fixed lexicon provided.
This field displays the employee’s title from their assignment (IEAS).
Assigned To
If the defined day is associated to any work shift, it should be identified in this field.
Audit Text
This field displays clock entries, any step up/out of class logic that has taken place or internal messages associated to the Pay Transaction table.
Authorized Jobs
A list of pre-authorizations for employees to perform specific jobs if the need arises.
Authorization Type
This field defines whether the employee is already authorized to work in this job, or is kept on a reserve list and would need authorization each time the filled this job. This field is tied to the lexicon X_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE.


Basis can mean the rate basis is the unit of measure the associated rate is being stored or displayed in or the basis in which a time code is kept.
Automatic numeric number assigned to a batch.


Change Reason
This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
Clock Device
A time collection device that has the ability to record clocked times by employee.
Clock Input Rule
This field defines whether the employees are required to clock their shifts. The field is tied to the lexicon X_CLOCK_INOUT_RULE
Clock Time
If this toggle is ON, the user will be able to refer to a specific clock time for this time rule in other screens.
Cost Center
A cost area within the company that requires special distribution coding. This is a user-defined time code that uniquely identifies the cost center.
Create Header (EE info and time frame)
If this toggle is ON, the pay headers will be generated for all employees that have this work rule.


Days in Cycle
This field defines the number of days in the cycle.
This field displays the calendar date of a specified day in the work calendar. This system will use the Starting Date and Relative Day # fields to automatically populated this field.
A subdivision of an entity that manages people - may be part of a work area or may consist of multiple work areas. This field uniquely identifies an area of the organization to which the data will be assigned.
This field provides a short description of the code being defined.
Coding that identifies how costs are to be categorized in the financial system. This field holds part or all of the distribution code receiving the portion of the costs.
Distribution Format
This field defines how the distribution code is formatted and segmented. The format determines how users throughout the system see the code and how it is validated.
Distribution Heading
The distribution heading enables different segments of the distribution code to be given user-defined headings used for reporting purposes. For example if each segment represented the division, cost center and account, the heading would be ‘DV-CNT-ACCT’.


Earned Holiday Time Code
This field identifies the time code to be used by the time entry, work scheduling and pay generation processes to link the earned holiday with payroll.
Elapsed Time
The recorded time between when an employee 'clocks' in and out. It may be paid or unpaid time, according to the rules applicable to the particular employee.
This area allows the user to indicate what time rule types are eligible for each time code. The user can indicate what is eligible by checking the toggles.
This field displays the employee who is filling this assignment. The LOV will provide names of qualified employees, unless the ‘Allow Unqualified People’ toggle is on.
Employment Status
This field holds the employment status code that may be indicated on an employee’s record. (ACTIVE should be defined as the default).
End Date
The beginning date of a time frame for this data. End_Date is a date field that the user may enter either manually or select through the calendar button (F9).
An organization that conducts business, may be a whole corporation or a subsidiary company, may be a legal entity or an operational entity This is the entity to which the data being defined belongs. A 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field the user must fill either manually or with a value from the LOV (F9).


Field Prompt
This is the ‘label’ that the user will see for the GL segment being entered (IDGS) and the approval level needed (IDAP)
Final Approval
If this toggle is on, the approval type is a final approval.
First Day of Week
This field defines the first day of week the pay period begins or when shifts are scheduled for this work division, this field will identify the first day of the schedule week. First_Day_of_Week is a mandatory field that the user must fill using the fixed lexicon X_DAY_OF_WEEK provided.
Float Days Allowed
If a contract is indicated are there float days? Float_Days_Allowed is an optional 5 digit numeric field the user may manually enter.
FLSA Method
For U.S. installations only: Indicates the method by which FLSA must be calculated. FLSA_Method is an optional fixed lexicon X_FLSA_CALC_METHOD.
From Clock Time
If the time rule type is only applicable to a certain time of day, the start times needs to be indicated here. From_Clock_Time is an optional 5-character numeric field the user may fill manually.


Generate Details
Indicates the type of time transactions that must be generated for a person. TIme_Generation_Rule is an optional field filled with the fixed lexicon X_TIME_GENERATION_RULE.
Generate Salary as
This field identifies the time code that salaried employees are to be paid out under. T
Generate Time
If this toggle is ON, the holiday time will be generated under the time code(s) indicated.
Generate Warning
If this toggle is ON, a warning will be generated to alert the user to apply the time rule type.
Generated By
Displays the execution id (MEX_ID) of the function that created the transaction
GL Company
This field holds the name of the GL company associated with the segments being defined.
Gl Valid Value
This field displays the actual valid segment value to be compared to what the user may be entering as a distribution code.
GL Value Edit Mask
This field will aid in the validation of the segment by restricting the type of data to be entered. Specific characters in the segment mask will dictate what can be entered.


Holiday Calendar
A list of the standard company holidays. This is a user-defined time code that uniquely identifies the holiday calendar.
Holiday Date
This field displays the calendar date of the holiday.
Holiday Identity
This field identifies the name, occasion or reason for the holiday. Holiday_Identity is a mandatory user-defined lexicon X_HOLIDAY_IDENTITY
Holiday OT Factor
This is the premium factor that is to be applied for any overtime worked on this day. Overtime_Factor is an optional numeric field the user may enter manually.
Holiday Rule
This field indicates if the holiday is designated as a paid day off, scheduled workday, or if it varies by work schedule. Holiday_Rule is an optional fixed lexicon X_HOLIDAY_RULE the user may use to look up the value. There is a holiday rule titled ‘Partial Shifts Apply.’ If this rule is selected it will ensure that a shift that falls across the beginning or the end of a holiday will have only the hours that fall in the holiday period applied to the leave time code.
Holiday Type
This field indicates type of holiday being defined. Holiday_Type is an optional fixed lexicon X_HOLIDAY_TYPE the user may use to look up the value.
Hours per Day
This field identifies the number of hours to be paid/tracked for the day (leave blank if employee’s assignment hours are to be used).


In or Out Times
The exact time in hours and minutes at which an employee clocks in or out.
Into Time Code
This field displays the time code that normal time is to be paid out under.


A type of work a person does, may be an occupation, task or function, governed by a unit of an entity. This field shows the job code from the employee’s assignment.
Job Code
This field will display job for which the replacement jobs are being defined. All jobs associated with this unit will be displayed in the Job Code fields. The data for this field will default in once the unit has been selected; the user may not edit the information on this screen.
Job Title
This field will display the title of the replacement job. Will default in once the Job/Unit field has been selected.
This field displays combined data of Job and its associated Unit.
Tax jurisdiction defaulting from employee’s assignment


No Terminology


Leave Time Code
This field defines the time code to be used by the time entry, work scheduling and pay generation processes to link the leave with payroll.
Leave Type
If this time code is to affect any attendance leave policies, the leave policy type must be indicated here.
This is the number of digits of the segment.
Line of Progression
Specifies the order in which jobs in a workstation must be filled. The rank on the station post record denotes the order in the line of progression.
A physical address that is a place of business such as a building, a wing, a floor, an office unit. This field displays the physical location of the work division.


This field holds the person code of the employee who manages this area.
If the toggle is ON, then the segment must be completed at all distribution levels. This means no masking is allowed. If the toggle is OFF, then the segment may be completed, wild carded or left blank.
Max Autofill Days
This field indicates the maximum number of days that a worker can be scheduled in one week.
Message Text
This field displays the text that will appear when a warning is generated.
Military Time
Time is recorded in a 24-hour format where 13:00 denotes 1:00 pm.
Min Autofill Days
This field indicates the minimum number of days that a worker can be scheduled in one week in one Station Post.
Minimum Hours Off
This field indicates the minimum hours that an employee in that work area must be off before they can be scheduled for another shift. The format for this field is xx,xxx.xx
Months per Year
Standard number of months in a year for this work arrangement (default is 12).
Must Be Scheduled
Both the ‘Must Be Present’ and ‘Must Be Scheduled’ toggles are future features. However, at the present time, if either toggle is ON, the system will automatically pair station posts with work teams to screen team posts.
Must Validate
If the toggle is ON, then the segment, at the distribution level, will be validated against the information in segment values. If the toggle is OFF, then the segment will not be validated.


This field displays the name of the segment.
No Earlier
If the employee does not want to work before a specific time, that time is indicated here.
No Later
If the employee does not want to work after a specific time, that time is indicated here.
Not Available On
If there is a specific day of the week that the employee is not available for, the user may indicate that day here.


Obtain Details from
When generating time for an employee in the indicated employment status where does the core information come from?
  • TS - Shift Pattern
  • TS - Event Scheduling
  • TM - Shift Calendar
  • TM - Hours Calendar
  • PR - Calendar
O/R Basis
If entered the Override Basis will be used in place of the Basis that has defaulted from the premium.
O/R Rate
If entered the Override Rate will be used instead of the premium Rate.


Pattern Start Date
This field displays the first date of the indicated shift pattern.
Pay Period
Pay periods are numbered by the year, followed by the week # of the year. All weeks in the year must be defined, although not all week must be pay periods.
Pay Starting
This field identifies the date the pay would begin.
There can only be one payroll attached to each batch. If more than one payroll needs to be processed through the pay cycle then additional batches must be created for each payroll. All of the batches may then be calculated together.
Pays Per Contract
This field identifies the number of pays that will be produced for this contract.
PC Code
If this time code is to affect payroll, the pay component to be generated must be indicated in this field.
Pieces Per Day
If the employee produces some measurable unit, this field shows the standard number of units per day.
This field shows the position code from the employee’s assignment.
An amount of money earned by an employee that is in addition to their regular wage, for performing a specific duty or working under a special situation such as shift differential, bilingual bonus, hazard pay, etc. Premiums may be calculated by various methods and may be given as a lump sum on a certain frequency or prorated by time work. This field provides the premiums for any units associated with the data.
Premium (toggle)
If this toggle is ON, the user will be able to associate a premium to this time rule in other screens.
Premium Type
A classification of premiums such as shift, seniority, danger pay, supervisory, etc. Only one premium of the same type may apply at any given point of time. The determination of the premium that applies depends on the following priority order, pay line, pay transaction, time entry, assignment, position, job, work station


Qualifying Band
This field identifies qualify bands that are the points at which different levels of overtime will be invoked.
Qualifying Band Basis
The ‘Qualifying Band Basis’ field is used to indicate whether the basis for qualification for this rule is in ‘minutes’, ‘hours’, or ‘days’.


This field indicates the order in which the replacement job being defined will fill the position. If a job is ranked as ‘1’ it will be chosen as the first to fill this position, etc.
Standard Rate is the rate used for this premium.
Rate Basis
The rate basis is the unit of measure the associated rate is being stored or displayed in; for example: hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, or annual. Rate_Basis is a fixed lexicon X_RATE_BASIS
Raw time
The total time worked, normally shown in hours and minutes of the day.
Reason for Time
This field displays an explanation for the time code. Reason for time entered. May be a reason for a leave, or a reason for overtime. Defaults from the IDWR Time Codes tab for the Time Code being entered. Reason_for_Time is an optional field that users may fill with a value selected from the user defined lexicon X_REASON_FOR_TIME.
Reference ID
This field allows the user to identify the approval for later reference.
Reference Info
This field allows the user to provide any additional reference information about the approval.
Reference Match
If an approval type has multiple sub categories, this field is used to identify those subcategories.
A record of an employee's refusal of a work assignment, shift or overtime offer, also know as a decline.
Relative Day #
This field assigns a day number, relative to the starting date of the work calendar, to each defined calendar date.
Rel. Start Date
This field indicates which day of predefined shift a team would begin with. For instance, on August 22, one team may start on the 1st day (Aug 22) of an 8-day shift pattern while another team would start on the 3rd (Aug 24) day of that same pattern.
Replacement Jobs
A list of jobs related to another job that can be used as alternates in the search for qualified employees to fill vacant posts.
Replacement Rule
If the job in the station post is vacant and must be replaced, the replacement rule is designed to give the user detailed information regarding how to make the replacement. A field the user may fill using the fixed lexicon X_REPLACEMENT_RULE.
Required WSE
The ‘Required Work Shift Equivalent (WSE)’ is the measure of work to be done in a station post in one shift. If the post requires a full-time person the WSE will be 1. If the post requires a person only half time, the WSE will be .5
Reserve List
List of the spare employees who may be called in to work on short notice, Call In List, Reserve, Casual or Float Pool.
Restriction Type
If the employee has any preferences or restrictions for this job, that type of restriction is indicated here.
Rounding Rules
Rounding Rules are associated with the conversion of raw times to elapsed time.


Sched. Time
If time was generated on the pay transaction then the amount that was generated will be indicated here. This will be used to ensure that the day, week or period scheduled time will always added up to the generated time.
Schedule Deadline
This field identifies the day of the week used as the deadline day for time scheduling. Schedule_Deadline is an optional field that the user may fill using the fixed lexicon X_DAY_OF_WEEK.
A method for bringing together work requirements and the people resources that are needed to complete them within the required time frame, may be referred to as work scheduling, shift scheduling, personnel/staff scheduling, manpower loading.
This is the sequential order of the segments. Maximum of ten segments may be defined numbered between 1 through 10.
Seniority Date
This field shows the date that the employee will gain seniority in this assignment
The order that the data must be displayed or processed
A time period within a day during which work is done. In certain industries a system of shifts is required to keep operations running effectively. A shift is described by when it occurs (e.g. day, afternoon, night, graveyard, or swing shift). The rules determining the start, stop, meal, and break times etc. vary by shift. Shifts sometimes need to be divided into a smaller number of periods called time slots. The name of the shift.
Shift Differential
An amount of money that is earned in addition to an employee's regular wage for working a particular shift; it is given to employees as a premium.
Shift Letter
This field identifies whether the shift is ‘D’-Day, ‘E’-Evening, or ‘N’-Night (defined in ITSS). A field the user may fill with the user-defined lexicon X_SHIFT_LETTER.
Shift Pattern
Specifies a daily sequence of shifts worked and "off" days, repeating every "n" days. Shift patterns are used in establishing work team shift rotations. This field displays the user defined code that uniquely identifies the shift pattern.
Shift Rotation
Specifies the day by day shift pattern that occurs for a given work team. Rotations are used in a shift environment to cycle workers through the different shifts fairly ensuring that the work stations are properly filled.
Shift Status
Status is used to indicate whether an area is active at a SPECIFIC point in time, which is different from the standing of an area. For example, while a lifeguard station may have ongoing active standing (not obsolete or frozen), the station may only be active 9 months of the year. For remaining three months of the year, the area’s status is non-active.
This field is used to indicate whether the record is ‘active’, ‘frozen’ or ‘obsolete’. Standing is a field the user may fill using the fixed lexicon X_STANDING.
Start At
This is the starting position of the segment. This is not the VALUE in that position. It does not count ‘-’ or ‘.’ as a position
Start Date
The beginning date of a time frame for this data. A date field the user must either manually enter or choose a value from the calendar icon (F9).
Start Time
This field defines the start time of the shift.
Start Time of Day
When shifts are scheduled for this work division, this field will identify the daily start time for the schedule week.
Starting Date
This field identifies the first date the work calendar begins. This field will be used to populate the details
Station Post
A list of jobs required within a work station ranked in the order they must be filled (based on level of responsibility, skill and pay), also known as a promotion line or line of progression. A station post is a job done by an individual person; it may be full-time or part time, mandatory or optional. This user-defined value is used as a ‘line of progression’ to rank the jobs necessary to fill a workstation. Rank may be used during call-in or replacement situations as well as scheduling to move employees up/down the line of progression for the workstation.
Status is used to indicate whether an area is active at a SPECIFIC point in time, which is different from the standing of an area. For example, while a lifeguard station may have ongoing active standing (not obsolete or frozen), the station may only be active 9 months of the year. For remaining three months of the year, the area’s status is non-active.
Std Hours Per Day
This is the standard number of hours per day
Std Hours Per Pay
This field holds the standard number of hours in a pay period for this work arrangement.
Std Hours Per Week
This field holds the standard number of hours per week for this work arrangement.
Stop Time
This field defines the ending time of the shift.


Occurs when a defined late tolerance is exceeded and for which a penalty or consequence is usually applied.
Team Post
A specific station post on a specific work team. A team post may be filled or vacant at any point in time.
This screen provides additional information about the time rule in this screen, For example, a short description of the usage and purpose of the time rule.
Time Basis
This field indicates the basis in which the time code is kept. Time_Basis is a mandatory fixed lexicon X_TIME_BASIS.
Time Code
A user-defined code used during scheduling and time entry that breaks down time work, leave time or other entries. Time codes are classified by time code types. Time codes are transformed into pay components upon entry into payroll system. This field displays the user-defined time code that uniquely identifies a type of time. This is the time code to be used by the time entry, work scheduling and pay generation processes to link with payroll. Time Code to be used to create transaction detail. More than one time code can exist per IPTR line.
Time Code (toggle)
If this toggle is ON, the user will be able to associate a time code to this time rule in other screens.
Time Exception
A condition that must be highlighted or a situation that requires attention.
Time Format
This field identifies the format that will be used when scheduling work divisions. Time_Format is a mandatory field that the user must fill using the fixed lexicon X_TIME_FORMAT.
Time Rounding Factor
This field identifies the factor by which the time is rounded, either up or down.
Time Rounding Rule
This field defines how the time should be rounded. Time_Rounding_Rule is an optional field that the user may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon X_ROUND_RULE provided.
Time Rule Action
The ‘Time Rule Action’ field is used to indicate whether the time rule is to ‘add’, or ‘replace’. Time_Rule_Action is a mandatory field the user may fill with the fixed lexicon X_TIME_RULE_ACTION provided.
Time Rule Type
This field identifies the category of time rule.
Time Rule Value
Time_Rule_Value is an optional 18-character numeric field the user may fill manually.
Time Sheet Required (info only)
If the Time Sheet Required toggle is ON, employees are required to submit some kind of record (paper or electronic) of their work and/or attendance.
Time Slot
A subdivision of a shift identified by a start and stop time. Time slots may be for time worked, time off, breaks or lunches.
Time Slot Type
This field describes the employee’s activity during the specified time. Time_Slot_Type is a mandatory field the user must fill with the fixed lexicon X_TIME_SLOT_TYPE provided.
Time Sheet
A paper or electronic form that records employee work and absentee time, also knows as a Time Card, Time Entry or Worksheet.
Time Type
This field categorizes the time code as a time type. Time_Type is a mandatory field the user must fill either manually or with the fixed lexicon X_TIME_TYPE.
To Clock Time
This field displays the end time of any time rule applicable to a certain time of day.
The amount of time granted to employees before being considered late for a shift.
Total Hours
This field shows the total hours for this employee in this batch.


A subdivision of an entity that rules and policies are established by, may be a union, a bargaining unit, a contract group or a set of employees governed by the same rules
Up to Approval
If this toggle is ON, the employee may approve all employees beneath him/her (up to and including themselves) in one action.
Updated By
Displays the execution id (MEX_ID) of the function that changed/updated the transaction
User Calc
If this toggle is ON, the user will be able to associate a usercalc to this time rule in other screens.
User Calc Code
This field will display any user calc code associated with the time rule.
User Name
This field displays the name of actual user give approval rights.


Vacancy List
Lists any vacancies to be filled after all eligible employees have received their assignments, also know as Shortage List.
Validate Unit
This is the sequential order of the segments. These segments should be numbered 11 and greater in order to keep the separate from the original G/L segments.
Validation Name
This field provides the name of the segment combination.
Amount of time entered on the pay line.
Value (toggle)
If this toggle is ON, the user will be able to associate a value (e.g. hours paid, number of meals) to this time rule in other screens.
Value Prompt
This field shows the descriptive name of the value associated with the time rule.
A deviation from the standard or expected measure or amount that has been defined.


Wage Rate
Standard wage rate from primary assignment.
Weeks per Year
This field holds the standard number of weeks in a year for this work arrangement (default is 52).
Work Area
A subdivision of a work division where work is performed such as a plant location, production line, process, product, cost center, floor, ward or department, managed by a supervisor, pit boss or foreman who may be responsible for more than one work area. A work area is generally subdivided into work stations based on activities, machinery, equipment or processes. Quite often, a work area consists of a single work station. This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the work area, a subdivision within a work division.
Work Area Status
Status is used to indicate whether an area is active at a SPECIFIC point in time, which is different from the standing of an area. For example, while a lifeguard station may have ongoing active standing (not obsolete or frozen), the station may only be active 9 months of the year. For remaining three months of the year, the area’s status is non-active. A field the user may fill using the fixed lexicon X_WORK_AREA_STATUS.
Work Area Type
The ‘Work Area Type’ field allows the user to categorize work areas. Work_Area_Type is an optional field the user may fill using the user-defined lexicon X_WORK_AREA_TYPE.
Work Calendar
A day by day picture of days worked and days off that may repeat every "n" days. The field displays the work calendar code to be used for this work rule, if applicable. If no calendar is supplied, assume MON-FRI workweek
Work Calendar Code
This field holds a user -defined time code that uniquely identifies the work calendar.
Work Calendar Type
Indicates the type of work calendar. Work_Calendar_Type is a mandatory field the user must fill manually or through the fixed lexicon X_WORK_CALENDAR_TYPE.
Work Day Type
This field indicates the workday type this calendar date is. Work_Day_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon X_WORK_DAY_TYPE.
Work Division
A subdivision of an operational entity in a physical location such as a plant, factory, mill, store, restaurant, theater, casino, police force, fire service, treatment plant, hospital, school or campus, overseen by a manager or director of operations. A work division is generally subdivided into a number of work areas where work is performed. This field is a user defined code that uniquely identifies the work division, a subdivision within an entity.
Work Division Status
Status is used to indicate whether an area is active at a SPECIFIC point in time, which is different from the standing. For example, while a lifeguard station may have ongoing active standing (not obsolete or frozen), the station may only be active 9 months of the year. For remaining three months of the year, the area’s status is non-active. Work_Division_Status is tied to the fixed lexicon X_WORK_DIVISION_STATUS.
Work In Progress
If the Work in Progress toggle is ON, this pay line is considered a WIP transaction, which will be journalized to the Work in Progress account of the general ledger, instead of the payroll clearing account. If the toggle is OFF, the pay line is a not journalized as work in progress.
Work Is Scheduled
If this toggle is ON, then transactions generated through the Transaction Generator (UPTG) into Pay Transactions (IPTR) must always be equivalent to the time scheduled.
Work Order
An order for a quantity of work to be done, handled as special cost centers.
Work Preference
Records any shift or work related employee preferences.
Work Restrictions
A list of employee constraints that must be taken into consideration during scheduling.
Work Rule
This is a user-defined time code that uniquely identifies the work rule.
Work Station
A place within a work area that must be filled by a person or a team of people; usually based on machinery, equipment, posts or processes. This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the workstation, a subdivision within a work area.
Work Station Status
Status is used to indicate whether an area is active at a SPECIFIC point in time, which is different from the standing. For example, while a lifeguard station may have ongoing active standing (not obsolete or frozen), the station may only be active 9 months of the year. For remaining three months of the year, the area’s status is non-active. A field the user may fill using the fixed lexicon X_WORK_STATION_STATUS.
Work Station Type
The ‘Work Station Type’ field is used to let the user categorize workstations. Work_Station_Type is an optional field the user may fill using the user-defined lexicon X_WORK_STATION_TYPE.
Work Team
A set of employees that work together in a work station on the same shift rotation, often led by a team leader or lead hand, may be referred to as a crew, a squad, a work station complement. In a shift environment, each work station has its own work team for each shift. This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the ‘Work Team’ employed in the Work Station or associated to the Team Post.
The measure of full-time or part-time work to be done in a station post on one shift. This field will indicate the Work Shift Equivalent for this assignment.


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