Overview #

The Pay Transaction Labor Merge (UPTRLB) form loads pay transactions into existing pay headers that match a specified pay category for the person, pay period and payroll. It does not create either pay headers or batches so if no pay header is found, the time will be left in pay transactions and will be recorded as exceptions. All pay lines added will be generated within the previously closed pay header.

Although there is a ‘Trial’ capability with this form, there is no undo process to cancel or redo what has been updated by the process.

After UPTRLB has been run, UPGL can then be run against the closed pay that now contains both the dollars and the worked labor time.

UPTRLB updates the ‘To Date’ files the same way that UPCLOZ does. There is no way to undo the UPCLOZ process, so it would be wise to run this trial or have some other method of ensuring that the hours are correct before running this process in update mode.

Transactions that affect Net Pay#

Since the Time transactions being merged are for a period where the employee has already been paid, any transaction that generates money that would affect net pay is not valid.

It is possible for leaves to generate money, but it is not a requirement. If any are encountered, an exception message is issued and the transaction is left behind in the original batch.

If any premiums that generate money are encountered, an exception message is issued and the transaction is also bypassed.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Enter the pay period of the pay transactions IPTR that are to be merged into existing closed pay headers within the same pay period. Only Time codes tied to pay components that are PC Usage of ‘Time’ are selected. Any other type of time will be logged as an exception and the transaction will be bypassed.

There must be a closed pay for the employee in the same pay period as the one selected, otherwise an exception message is issued and the transaction is bypassed.

All bypassed transactions are left in the original batch and the batch will remain active.

Batches of Time are marked as ‘Processed by UPTR’ if all transaction are taken into Payroll. If there are any errors, then the batch will be left open (Active).

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV available
This field limits the process to the entity specified.
Pay CalendarMandatory, LOV available
This field limits the process to the pay calendar specified.
Current Pay PeriodMandatory, LOV available
This field limits the process to the current pay period specified.
Exception LevelOptional, Exception Level lexicon available
A ‘trace’ report of exception messages may be produced to assist in the testing phase. This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
TrialOptional, Yes or No lexicon available//You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results <Yes> or in update mode <No>.
User Comments Optional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report. This is useful during testing phases to identify similar reports from each other.

Report Filters
PayrollOptional, LOV Available
This field is used to limit the report to the payrolls indicated.
Pay CategoryOptional, LOV Available
This field is used to limit the report to the pay categories indicated.
Batch NumberOptional, LOV Available
This field is used to limit the report to the batch numbers indicated.

Sample Output#

This sample output shows transactions that are left in the original batch due to errors.


Notes #

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