Table of Contents
The Work Rules Interface File screen is used to import work rule codes into the software data structures.
Work Rules Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_WORKRULES table.
- ID
- This field uniquely identifies the unit record within the data base.
- Entity
- This field displays the entity to which the work rule belongs.
- Work Rule
- Work rules are used to determine standard processing information required in creating pay headers and transactions for a person.
- Standing
- This field indicates whether this work rule is active, obsolete or frozen.
- Effective As Of/Expires On
- If the group is temporary, these fields will define the dates the work rule is effective.
- Change Reason
- This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
- Work Calendar
- This is the work calendar code to be used for this work rule, if applicable. If no calendar is supplied, the system will assume MON-FRI workweek.
- First Day of Week
- The field shows the first day of the week the pay period begins.
- Pieces Per Day
- This field shows the standard number of pieces per day an employee produces. Example: A seamstress sews 14 shirts (pieces).
- Std Hours Per Day
- This field shows the standard number of hours per day.
- Std Hours Per Week
- This field shows the standard number of hours per week.
- Std Hours Per Pay
- This field shows the standard number of hours in a pay period.
- Weeks Per Year
- This field shows the standard number of weeks in a year (default is 52).
- Months Per Year
- This is the standard number of months in a year (default is 12).
- Pays Per Contract
- This field identifies how many pays will be covered in this contract.
- Work Is Scheduled
- This field indicates that the transactions generated through the Transaction Generator (UPTG) into Pay Transactions (IPTR) must always be equivalent to the time scheduled.
- Time Rounding Rule
- This field indicates how the time an employee works should be rounded, if at all.
- Time Rounding Factor
- This field indicates to what decimal point the time should be rounded.
- Pay Starting Date
- This field identifies the day when the pay for this work rule will commence.
- Group Source
- This is the group source for pay headers to be created.
- Work In Restriction Rule
- This field specifies if the work is to be done in a specific department.
- Overtime Time Code
- This field allows you to provide a unique code to identify the overtime being recorded.
- Time Sheet Required
- This field indicates if the employees are required to submit some kind of record (paper or electronic) of their work and/or attendance.
- Time Generation Rule
- This field indicates the type of time transactions that must be generated for a person.
- Generate Headers
- This field indicates if pay headers will be generated for all employees who have this work rule.