The procedure must be called ‘NEW CANDIDATE’ (no underscores or dashes, no abbreviations) for the product of ‘RE’.
There must be at least one sequence/step in the procedure with the function ‘WCRLI -Candidate Log-In Information’.
Execution Rights for all of the functions in the procedure must be given to the CANDIDATE user.
Subject Table: P2K_HR_IDENTITIES
Since this type of procedure is strictly adding new records, there is no need for a Find Block for any of the steps, instead a HEADER should be added to the Form Definition in IMFD.
Since the newly hired employee will already be in the system, there is a need for a Find Block on the first step to locate the employee.
Since all of the screens are for the same subject table (P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS) the procedure may be defined with a HEADER or the Find block may be added to each step.
A Subject Table and Header are not necessary for this type of procedure.
Since the procedure is made up of only reports, a find block and header are not necessary.
Since the task of this procedure is to end an existing employee's employment, there is a need for a Find Block on the first step to locate the employee.
Since all of the screens are for the same subject table (P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS) the procedure may be defined with a HEADER or the Find block may be added to each step.
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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