The My Work History screen allows you to view and edit your work history.

At the top of the screen, your past employment records are identified and listed through the following fields:

Start Date
This field displays the first date you were employed.
End Date
This field displays the last date you were employed.
This field displays the title you held at the company.
This field displays the name of the company where you were employed.
This field displays the years of experience gained in this position. The system will automatically calculate this information once you enter the start date.
Available to Contact
This field indicates if the previous place of employment may be contacted as a reference.

By clicking on one of the employment records listed, you will be able to see further details about that record in the following fields.

Employer Address#

This field displays the name of the company where you were employed.
Address 1
This field displays the company’s address.
Address 2
This field displays the second line of the company’s address.
This field displays the company’s city, district or township name of residence.
State, Country
This field displays the name of the company’s state/province, followed by the standard country code.
This field displays the zip or postal code for the company’s address.

Employer Contact#

This field displays the name of the individual within the company who may be contacted.
This field displays the working title of the contact identified in the field above.
Phone #
This field displays the contact’s main phone number.
Phone Ext.
This field displays the extension (if any) for the contact.

Job Info#

This field identifies the job associated with this employment.
This field defines the type of job associated with this employment.
This field indicates the level of responsibility you had at the company.
Reason for Leaving
This field displays the reason you left the position.

Summarize Major Work Duties#

This field allows you to give a brief description of your duties and responsibilities within this position.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page