The Process Benefit Elections (IBEL) screen allow users to elect multiple coverages for an employee on one form.

Note that the IBEL screen presents "transitional" data that is only valid while you are in this screen. The actual processing of these records is as follows:

  1. When you enter IBEL, any ELECTION records present are deleted
  2. Based on the SCHEDULE defined in IBSC for that employee (or unit, group, etc.), ELECTION records are then created with a status of "Not yet Elected". Benefit plans with end date on IBSC will not appear in IBEL for employees hired after the end date.
  3. The ENROLLMENT records from IBEN are then processed, as of the date that you are running. Any ELECTION records that are for a plan that there is an IBEN record existant are updated to reflect the correct status ("Enrolled", "Declined" etc.)
  4. Any ENROLMENT records that do not have a matching ELECTION record are then added to the set of ELECTION records. If the plan has a flag to indicate that the plan MUST be on a schedule, then the record is marked as "Pending Removal"
If there is a component that must be manually entered at the time the employee elects the coverage then the component should have a BC action of ‘Store on Enroll’ or ‘Store on Line & Enroll’ and have the ‘Allow Value Override’ toggle ON.

This ensures that the component will be provided for input in the Process Benefit Elections (IBEL) form. All other components may have the ‘Allow Value Override’ OFF, but still have a BC action of ‘Store on Enroll’ or ‘Store on Line & Enroll’.

Process Benefit Elections data is stored on the P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS, P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS and P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_COMPONENTS tables.

Additional information:

Plan Code is a user-defined code uniquely identifying the plan to the organization.
Coverage is a user-defined code uniquely identifying the coverage to the organization.
This field indicates the set of rates that apply to this enrollment. Codes may be numeric (e.g. 01, 02, 03...) or they may be alphanumeric (e.g. A, B, C, FS, MN, A1, B2...).
This field holds the date from when an employee is enrolled into the coverage. This field is populated by the rules of the coverage but may be altered by user.
This is the date after which the employee is no longer enrolled in the coverage. This field is populated by the rules of the coverage but may be altered by the user.
This field indicates whether participation in a benefit plan or coverage is mandatory or optional. The participation rule on the plan definition is used as a default entry to the benefit schedule. Only the participation rule from the benefit schedule is enforced.
This field indicates the status of the enrollment.

Details tab#

Registration #
Plan registration number is an employee's individual registration number within the plan.
Claim %
This field indicates the benefit percentage an employee receives in the event of a claim.
This is the frequency of the benefit cycle for this coverage for the employee. This field only needs to be entered if the frequency is different than the one established on the benefit schedule. Ones the user gets enrolled into Benefit Plan/Coverage, the frequency defaults from IBPN.
Change Reason
The change reason, a user-defined table, allows users to track why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
Evidence of Insurance
If this toggle is ON, there is a hard copy of “Evidence of Insurance” that has been received. If this toggle is OFF, there was no hard copy provided.
Eligibility Start
This field shows the earliest date from which an employee may submit claims. This field is populated by the rules of the coverage but may be altered.
Eligibility End
Eligibility End This field provides the last date that an employee may submit claims. This field is populated by the rules of the coverage but may be altered.
Premium Start
This is the date from which premium deductions start. This field is populated by the rules of the coverage but may be altered.
Premium End
This is the date after which premium deductions end. This field is populated by the rules of the coverage but may be altered.

Reduction tab#

Reduction Rules govern the way an employee will be processed when they are either in a Benefit Elections special employment status that causes premiums to be waived, or they reach an age limit that triggers a reduction in benefit coverage.
Up to Limit
This field indicates the highest age for which this reduction rule applies, if applicable.
Waiver Method
This field indicates who pays the premium amount when an employee is on a benefit waiver.
Coverage Percent
This field indicates by how much the coverage/benefit amount is reduced.
Premium Percent
This field indicates by how much the premium is reduced.
This field indicates by how much the employee deduction is reduced.
ER Percent
This field indicates by how much the employer contribution is reduced.
Employment Status
The employment status of an employee may be pending approval, active, on a leave of some type, or terminated.
This is a user-defined description of the employment status. The information for this field defaults from the Employment Status (IDES) form.

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