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The first stage in the recruiting process is to identify and manage any job openings with the entity. These job openings will be managed through job profiles, which in turn are used to produce job postings. Job Profiles are created through the IRJP form.

Job Profile records may contain statements on compensation, work environment, employment eligibility, EEO status and how to apply for the job profile. The following information may also be provided:

  • a list of the essential and desirable requirements of the job
  • a list of training needs
  • a list of preferred recruiters
  • the stages and steps in the recruiting cycle

Job profiles are uniquely identified within an entity by a manually entered job profile code. Job profiles are reusable and may be associated with several jobs, positions or postings. They can also be easily cloned and tailored to handle special situations.

Companies routinely re-examine and upgrade their job profiles and each profile has a ‘last review’ date. The system can assist managers with this process by identifying the job profiles coming up for review through the RRJP screen.

If you have purchased the Workflow module, the addition, modification or removal of job profiles can trigger activities, such as emails or pop-up reminders to other you. In addition, the “up for review” situation can also trigger special activities.