The Job Profiles Interface File screen is used to import job profile records into the software data structures.

Job Profiles Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_JOBPROFILES table.

This field uniquely identifies the job profile record within the data base.
This field identifies the entity to which the job profile belongs.
Job Profile
This field holds the code that identifies a job profile within a company.
Profile Title
This field displays the specific title of the job profile.
Profile Status
This field will display the status of the job profile.
Profile Type
This field displays the nature of the job profile.
This field further categorizes the job profile.
Last Reviewed On
This field displays the latest date the job profile was reviewed.
Profile In Use
This field will indicate if the job profile will indicate that is in use.
Auto Posting
This field will indicate if a posting will be allowed to be automatically generated.
Auto Application
This field will indicate if the system will allow an application to be automatically generated.
Auto Look Back Days
This field indicates the number of days this profile is valid.
Stage Seq #
The field will define the sequential order of the recruiting stages.
Stage Description
The field provides a short description of the stage.
Step Seq #
The field will define the sequential order of the recruiting steps.
This field will display any assessment associated with this recruiting step.
Step Description
The field provides a short description of the step.
This field will display the weighting this step holds within the entire stage.
Desired Points
This field displays desired amount of points the candidate should achieve in this assessment.
Essential Points
This field displays minimum amount of points the candidate should achieve in this assessment.

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