This page describes the screens that are used for US Taxation in the Payroll Calculation Process.

Geographic Screens#

The UDGNIS process loads in the "US Geographic Names Information System" (GNIS) information from the Symmetry Tax Server into Personality. The process loads in all Counties, Cities, Schools, Municipalities and Zip Codes for each State selected in the parameters. Please refer to the PR_US_Load_GNIS page for more detailed information on how the UDGNIS function works.

The following describes the geographic screens that are updated by the UDGNIS function.

IDCO - Define Countries#

  • ISO Alpha 2 and ISO Alpha 3 can be defined for each Country
  • These fields contain the 2 or 3 character ISO Country code
  • Some government reporting requires to report a two character ISO Country code while some government reporting requires to report a three character ISO Country code
  • For Annual Wage W-2 or Quarterly reporting, if an organization has employees with Foreign Country Addresses, then the ISO Country codes must be set up.
  • The website to obtain 2 Alpha or 3 Alpha ISO Country Codes is

IDSP - Define States and Provinces#

  • State Code "00" is used for Federal Level Taxation
  • The FIPS code is stored at the State level. This field contains the FIPS Numeric code for each State
  • The UDGNIS process will load in the States and the FIPS codes, if they do not already exist

IDCN - Define Counties#

  • The Symmetry County code format is: 99-999
  • The Vertex County code format: 99-999-0000
  • During the UDGNIS Vertex conversion, if the Vertex County Code has been defined in the system, the Vertex County Code will be stored as an Alternate County code for reference with format: 99-999-0000. If the Vertex County Code has not been defined, this County code will be removed.
  • The UDGNIS process will load in all Counties for each State. Users do not need to manually enter information on this form.

IDCI - Define Cities#

  • City code format: Variable length, 4 digits to 7 digits
  • For each County from IDCN, the UDGNIS process retrieves all City codes for this County
  • This helps users to enter the correct combination of City, with the related County, for tax calculations
  • At the City Level, the entire combination of State-County-City codes will form a valid GNIS code for Symmetry Taxation, such as 06-001-1655980 is for Dublin, Alameda, California
  • The UDGNIS process will load in all cities for each State. Users do not need to manually enter information on this form.

IDSD - Define School Districts#

  • School District Code Format: Variable length, 5 to 6 digits
  • For each County from IDCN, the UDGNIS process retrieves all School District Codes for this County
  • This helps users to enter the correct combination of School, with the related County, for tax calculations
  • During UDGNIS Vertex conversion:
    • If a Vertex School code has not been defined in the system, this Vertex School code will be removed
    • If a Vertex School code has been used in the system, the UDGNIS process will look for a match for the School District, and the Vertex School code will be stored in an Alternate School Code for reference purposes
  • The UDGNIS process loads in all schools for Ohio and Pennsylvania only. Users do not need to manually enter information on this form. However, users must associate the School District Code to the appropriate Tax Jurisdiction in IDTX.

IDMN - Define Municipalities#

  • Municipality code format: 7 digits
  • For each County from IDCN, the UDGNIS process retrieves all Municipality codes for this County
  • This helps users to enter the correct combination of Municipality, with the related County, for tax calculations
  • The State of Pennsylvania requires a Municipality Code to calculate City taxes. Other States do not require Municipality Codes
  • The UDGNIS process loads in all Municipalities for Pennsylvania only. Users do not need to manually enter information on this form. However, users must associate the Municipality to the appropriate Tax Jurisdiction in IDTX.

IDZR - Maintain ZIP Ranges#

COUNTY_ZIP RANGES Tab - Used by Symmetry Taxation
  • For Symmetry Taxation, the 'County Zip Ranges' tab is used
  • ZIP Code Format: 5 digits
  • For each County from IDCN, the UDGNIS process retrieves all ZIP Codes for this County and Cities
  • The UDGNIS loads in all ZIP codes for each State. Users do not need to manually enter information on this form
  • Users can drag the applicable column to the first column to sort the data
    • Drag the Zip Code to the first column to show all Cities with the same Zip Code
    • Drag the City to the first column to show all Zip Codes for the same City

IDZR - JURISDICTION ZIP RANGES Tab - Used by Vertex Taxation Only

  • For Vertex Taxation, use the 'Jurisdiction Zip Ranges' tab
  • To view the list of ZIP codes by Vertex GEO codes, click the GEO Code entries with the GEO Type = City
  • During the UDGNIS Vertex conversion, the unused Vertex ZIP ranges are removed, and the new ZIP ranges are loaded by County and City. Therefore after conversion, there may be no ZIP entries on the Jurisdiction Zip Ranges tab. Users should only use the County Zip Ranges tab after the conversion

Tax Jurisdiction Feature#

IDTX - Tax Jurisdiction Concepts#

  • UDGNIS is the process that loads in all the "US Geographic Names Information System" (GNIS) Location codes into Personality
  • Before entering Tax Jurisdictions on the IDTX form, users must run UDGNIS to load in all the IDCO, IDSP, IDCN, IDCI, IDMN, IDSD, IDZR entries so that the IDTX form can be defined using the GNIS information.
  • The UDGNIS process can also be run to create Tax Jurisdictions in IDTX, for the State selected in the report parameters.
  • A GNIS code is also known as a GEO code in Personality
  • The GNIS Code Format is: SS-CCC-FFFFFFF, where:
SSState FIPS Numeric Code2 digits
CCCCounty Code3 digits
FFFFFFFCity Feature IDVariable Length, 4 to 7 digits
  • The IDTX form stores a unique combination of State, County, City, Municipality and School Districts that will be used in the system.
  • Each combination of State, County, City, Municipality and School Districts will form a tax jurisdiction that is eligible for tax calculations when an employee is being paid under this tax jurisdiction.
  • After a tax jurisdiction has been paid in a pay for an employee, this tax jurisdiction becomes the pay jurisdiction of this pay.
  • Users can view the pay jurisdiction information of a pay on the IPPH and IPVT forms, with its associated tax amounts.

IDTX - Tax Jurisdiction Form Layout#

  • The GNIS Code 00-000-0000 is used for the Federal Level Taxation. The UDGNIS process automatically loads this entry
  • Each IDTX entry is for a unique combination of State, County, City, Municipality and School District
  • If the same GNIS Code displays multiple entries, please note that these are not duplicate entries. Entries must be defined for different Municipalities or School Districts. Review the State, County, City, Municipality and School details to identify each unique entry.
  • In order for the School District tax to calculate for Ohio and Pennsylvania, the School District must be defined on IDTX for the appropriate Tax Jurisdictions.
  • For the IDLN, IEPI, IEAS, IPTR, IPPH forms that require a Jurisdiction code, these forms will pop into 'Tax Jurisdiction Editor Utility' with the GNIS Code icon US_Tax_Screens_geocode_icon.JPG(info) to enter the Jurisdiction information.
  • There are 2 options to create new Tax Jurisdictions in IDTX:

1. Users can manually enter the Tax Jurisdiction combination on the IDTX form
Example: enter each State, County, City, Municipality, School code 2. Users can click the GNIS Code icon US_Tax_Screens_geocode_icon.JPG(info) to pop into the 'Tax Jurisdiction Editor Utility' dialog box

  • To manually convert an existing Vertex GEO Code to a Symmetry GNIS code, please read the 'Manually Converting Tax Jurisdictions' section in the following pages.

Option (1)
To manually create NEW tax jurisdictions:

  • Manually enter the tax jurisdiction on the IDTX form. Example: The State will default in, select a County, City, Municipality and School Code
  • The new GNIS Code will be automatically built with the selected State-County-City Code
  • If a user is unsure of the County the City belongs to, select the City and the system will default in the associated County.

Option (2)

Manually Converting Tax Jurisdictions

There may be times where the UDGNIS process could not convert a tax jurisdiction. This could be a result of a spelling error, or the jurisdiction is not classified as a city by the US Postal Service. Therefore the UDGNIS process will not find the correct GNIS code to use.

To manually change a Vertex GEO Code to the Symmetry GNIS format follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the GEO CODE into the Alternate Geo Code field. This is required so that when the UPCALC process is run using Vertex, UPCALC knows which Vertex GEO Code to use.
  2. Select the correct County and City. This creates the appropriate GNIS Geo Code. The name defined in the Jurisdiction field will be replaced with the City name.

Tax Jurisdiction Editor Utility#

IDTX - Tax Jurisdiction Dialog Box#

When the IDTX, IDLN, IEPI, IEAS, IPTR or IPPH form requires a Jurisdiction code, users can click the US_Tax_Screens_geocode_icon.JPG(info) icon beside the GNIS Code field, which will pop up the 'Tax Jurisdiction Editor Utility' dialog box.

In the Tax Jurisdiction Editor Dialog there are two sections to enter information. Users can enter information in either one:

1. Enter Selection or Jurisdiction Details GEO Code:

  • Users can click the GNIS Code lookup icon and select from the list of existing GNIS Codes
  • After a GNIS Code entry is selected, the valid State, County, City, Municipality, School is displayed

ZIP Code:

  • Users can click on the magnifying glass icon (LOV) of the ZIP Code and select from the displayed list
  • Alternately, users can manually enter a ZIP code
  • If a ZIP Code is selected from the LOV, the valid State, County, City, Municipality, School is displayed, such as ZIP 17815 for PA
  • If a ZIP Code is manually entered, and the ZIP code is unique, then the valid combination is displayed


  • Users can click on the magnifying glass icon (LOV) of the Location Code and select from the displayed list
  • After a Location code is selected from the LOV, the system uses the Location code to retrieve the Jurisdiction from the IDLN form, if it exists, and displays the State, County, City, Municipality and School District of the IDLN Jurisdiction

After the selection of the GNIS Code, ZIP Code or Location Code is defined, users can modify the Jurisdiction Details if these combinations are not correct, or click OK.

2. Enter the Jurisdiction Details State: The State will default in, however users can select a different State from the list

County: Users can click on the magnifying glass icon (LOV) for the County Code and select from the list.

City: Users can click on the magnifying glass icon (LOV) for the City Code and select from the list.

  • If a user does not know the County the City belongs to, users cannot enter the County information and just select a City. The County will default in according to the selected City.

  • Users can click on the magnifying glass icon (LOV) for the Municipality Code and select from the displayed list.
  • Only the State of Pennsylvania will display Municipalities to select from

  • Users can click on the magnifying glass icon (LOV) for the School and select from the displayed list
  • Only Ohio and Pennsylvania States will display Schools to select from
When using the magnifying glass icon (LOV) to look up a County, City, Municipality or School, if a user does not know the code of the County or City, they can use the '%' character to look up the column. Example: "%Ph" will display a list that contains 'Ph'

The Message Box will display the DTX_00001 to DTX_00007 messages, depending on the selections made above.

The Return GNIS Code will display the generated GNIS Code based on the selections made above.

List of Forms that use the Tax Jurisdiction Dialog Box#

The following is a list of forms that contain the tax jurisdiction:

  • IDLN - Define Locations
  • IDTX - Define Tax Jurisdictions
  • IEPI - Maintain Personal Information
  • IEAS - Maintain Assignments
  • IEHR - Establish Personnel Profiles
  • IEQH - Quick Hire Employees
  • IPTR - Maintain Pay Transactions
  • IPPH - Maintain Employee Pays

Definition Forms#

IDGV - Maintain Government Registrations#

  • Government Registrations must be set up by "Registration Type" for Federal, State and Local Levels
  • Users can also define the Government Registration by County or City, if necessary
  • The Year End document describes the reporting requirements of the Government Registration
  • Any Government Rates defined on IDGV for a specific Government Registration will override those defined on IPUTR.

IPUTR - Maintain US Tax Rates#

  • Users MUST run UPUTR to load the US Tax Rates, by Effective Date, into the IPUTR form
  • Please read the US Load Tax Rates and State Parameters documentation for details
  • Users can click the applicable State to view the Tax Rates
  • The 'Tax Rate Seq' field is in format of XXnnnn, where XX is the State code and nnnn is a consecutive 4 digit number
  • The State Code for the Federal Level is 00
  • The Tax Identifier is retrieved from Symmetry. The format is pre-defined by Symmetry and contains the Tax Type
  • The Tax Rate and Wage Base information are provided by Symmetry, or may contain zero to indicate this Tax Type will be calculated
  • To sort by Effective Date, users can drag the Effective Date column to the left side of the State Column

IPUTR - Override Tax Rates#

  • To calculate ER FUTA/SUTA, Symmetry requires organizations to define an override tax rate for both FUTA and SUTA, as these are typically different for each organization.
  • Users have 2 options to set up ER FUTA/SUTA override rates:

1. For FUTA, on IDGV define the Reg Type 'US FUTA Regist n' with 'US FUTA Rate' for every IDGV registration.
For SUTA, for the appropriate State/Registration, define the Govt Rate Type as 'US SUI ER'.

2. On IPUTR, enter the appropriate tax rate in the 'Override Tax Rate' field for the appropriate Tax Identifier. Example: 00-000-0000-ER_FUTA-000 under Federal.

  • The IDGV Rate will be used if one exists, otherwise the IPUTR Rate will be used.

IPUTP - Maintain US Tax Parameters#

  • Users MUST run UPUTR to load in the US Miscellaneous Tax Parameters for Federal and State taxation.
  • Users can select the applicable State from the find block to view the State Miscellaneous Parameters by Misc. Tax Parm.
  • Miscellaneous Identifiers are retrieved from Symmetry during the UPUTR process. These are passed to the Symmetry Tax Server for tax calculations in UPCALC. Example: FILINGSTATUS
  • The IPUTP form information is used by the IPRLU 'Miscellaneous' tab for each employee to enter their filing information by State.
  • The Reference Text field contains the editing information for the Miscellaneous Identifier
  • ‘Federal’ taxation level means the Miscellaneous Identifier will be generated with State Name = 'Federal' and will be used at the Federal Level taxation. Certain Federal Identifiers are applicable to all States of the same pay.
  • ‘State’ taxation level means the Miscellaneous Identifier will be generated with State Name = 'UPUTR' selected list of States, and will be used at the State Level taxation. These State Identifiers are specific to the defined State only.
  • The Miscellaneous Identifiers are given a usage to define where the Identifier is used within the application, and who provided the Identifier.
    There are three types of Identifier usages:
    • 01 - Employee Level (STE)
    • 02 - Employee Level
    • 03 - Legislative Level
  • The Identifiers with a usage of ‘Employee Level (STE)’ are provided by the Symmetry Tax Engine and are available in the IPRLU / IPRLUS forms for employees to provide their tax filing information. These parameters will be passed directly to the Symmetry Tax Engine for calculation.
  • The Identifiers with a usage of ‘Employee Level’ are system provided and are interpreted by the UPCALC process, prior to being passed to the Symmetry Tax Engine. These Identifiers are available on the IPRLU / IPRLUS forms to select.
  • The Identifiers with a usage of ‘Legislative Level’ are system provided and are interpreted by the UPCALC process, prior to being passed to the Symmetry Tax Engine. These Identifiers are Government Legislative type requirements allowing employers to provide/override tax requirements. These identifiers are not available to the employee in the IPRLU/IPRLUS forms.

The following table provides examples of the different usages and whether they allow an override on the IPRLU / IPRLUS forms.

Tax LevelMiscellaneous IdentifierIdentifier UsageAllow IPRLU Override
StateFILINGSTATUSEmployee Level (STE)Yes
StateSTATE_ROUNDINGLegislative LevelNo
StateSTATE_NEXUSLegislative LevelNo
StateSUP_PAID_WITH_REGEmployee LevelYes
StateSUP_PAID_WITHOUT_REGEmployee LevelYes

IPCU - Define Pay Component Usages#

  • All US PC Usages are delivered and loaded into the system during every US Taxation release
  • Users should go to the IPPC form and set up the Pay Components for the PC Usage Codes that will be used by the UPCALC process
  • For a list of US PC Usages, please read the PR_US_PC_Usages document
  • The Associated Pay Components section displays a list of Pay Components that are defined for the PC Usage Code
    Example: IPPC PC 6962 NY-MCTMT Commuter Tax is set up with Usage 7452
  • UPCALC will store the Tax Result for New York Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax in PC Usage 7452. Example: store in PC 6962

IPPC - Define Pay Components#

  • Users should go to the IPPC form and set up the Pay Components for the PC Usage Codes that will be used by the UPCALC process

Employee Forms#

IPRLU - Miscellaneous tab#

  • IPRLU is the original Tax Filing form where employees must define their Tax Filing information. The IPRLU form contains all of the original fields used by Vertex. There is a also tab for the Misc Tax Parameters needed for Symmetry.
  • All employees MUST be set up on IPRLU 'Miscellaneous' Tab prior to running UPCALC to calculate US Taxation by Symmetry
  • The IPRLU form can be set up without a State code. This entry will be used for multiple States. If the specific State IPRLU entry is defined, this will override the generic State IPRLU entry
  • When IPRLU is set up without a State, the 'Misc. Tax Seq' column can be defined for many States. The Reference Text will help users to enter the correct information in the Field Variable column
  • If the 'Misc. Tax Seq' field type is Char, and the 'Reference Text' defines a list of values, the Field Variable column will be edited with the list of values. Example: 000001 FILINGSTATUS only allows S or M or MH or NRA
  • When IPRLU is set up with a State, the 'Misc. Tax Seq' must be defined for that specific State only. The IPRLU entry contains information to be used for this State only

IPRLUS - Tax Filing Form#

  • IPRLUS is a trimmed down version of the IPRLU form, used for Symmetry taxation.
  • The 'Misc Tax Parameters' are on the 'State' tab.

IPPH - Pay Jurisdiction Tab#

  • If the Pay Stage is prior to Calculated/Paid, the Work Jurisdiction and Home Jurisdiction area can be used to enter the Home Tax Jurisdiction and Work Tax Jurisdiction. Note: These can also be entered on the PAY HEADER Tab
  • Users can click on the Jurisdiction Name icon to look up, or to pop into the Tax Jurisdiction Editor dialog box, to enter the State, County, City, Municipality and School
  • The Tax Jurisdiction is returned by the lookup or the Tax Jurisdiction Editor dialog box and becomes the Pay Jurisdiction of this pay
  • On the Pay Lines tab, each Pay Line Jurisdiction can define the Work Jurisdiction for the line, so that the Hours and Earnings are allocated to the defined Work Jurisdiction of the line
  • After this Pay is calculated by Trial Calc or UPCALC, the Tax Audit Information will be displayed for the list of Jurisdictions, and the summary of all Pay Components are displayed on the 'Pay Amounts' tab.

IPVT - View Employee Pay Totals#

  • After the UPCLOZ process is complete, the Pay Header's Work Jurisdictions and Home Jurisdiction will be updated on IPVT YTD / QTD

IPGH - Manage Government Report Details#

  • The RPYEU process will generate the IPGH information by Jurisdictions
  • Users can view the Jurisdiction information on IPGH 'Pay Jurisdiction' tab

Site Preference - US Taxation#

IMST - Site Preference#

  • For each database server, the IMST Site Preferences below should be set up during the installation of the US Symmetry taxation


US TAX SERIESDefines the US Tax Series to be used in UPCALC; field size: char(1)
0, N - N/A: Defines that the organization is not using US Taxation. UPCALC is used for BE/AT purposes only
1 - Main US tax module: the Symmetry Tax Engine (STE) is used
L - Legacy Series: the Vertex COBOL version tax module is used
US TAX HOST NAMEDefines the Database Host Name of the Symmetry Tax Server that is installed
US TAX PORT NUMDefines the Port Number of the Symmetry Tax Server that will be listening for incoming Tax Server requests. This must be the same as serverConfig.txt PORT_NUMBER


US STE LOG DIRRequired. Defines the Output Directory for Symmetry Log File
*This directory should be the same Output Directory that is used to generate Interface Files for the Application Server, such as Tantus\output. If the full location is not defined (example: C:\Output), the directory will be relative to the server where the Symmetry Tax Engine is defined.
IMPORTANT: Please define a valid Directory Name with the Path Name. The Database Object for Output Files MUST NOT be used. Example: OUTPUT object cannot be used
US STE LOG LEVELRequired. Defines the Symmetry Logging Level that will be passed in STE_LOGGING_LEVEL
*Users can define one of the following LOG LEVELS: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF
*This should be set to DEBUG as the default. When Trail Calc or UPCALC is run in Utility Trace, this Log Level will be used
*When the STE_LOGGING_LEVEL is passed to Symmetry, Symmetry will display the information pertaining to the Level defined. Example: If WARN, it will show only WARN information
*Set to DEBUG to see all information when running in Trace
US STE LOG FILEFuture functionality. Optional. Users can define an overridden Symmetry Log File name.

Notes #

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