The UPUTR screen loads US Tax Rates and US State Miscellaneous Parameters into the system.

UPUTR Report Parameters#

Load Effective DateMandatory. Users must enter an Effective date for the tax rates. Date, LOV Available
Remove Old Tax RatesOptional. When set to YES, the report will remove old IPUTR Tax Rates that match the defined Effective date.

Users can run UPUTR to remove old tax rates without loading new rates, to clean up historical tax rates.

Yes or No lexicon available
Load Tax RatesOptional. When set to YES, the report load the IPUTR Tax Rates for the defined Effective date and the selected States.

When this toggle is set to YES, users do not need to set the 'Remove Old Tax Rates' toggle to YES. UPUTR will automatically match or create new entries with the same Effective date. This is because UPUTR needs to retain the Overridden User Rates and therefore cannot remove Old Rates with the same Effective Date before loading.

Yes or No lexicon available
Load State Misc ParmsOptional. When set to YES, the report will load the IPUTP Tax Parameters for selected States.

Yes or No lexicon available
Load Tax District TypeOptional. If defined, the PSD Codes (Political Subdivision Codes) for Pennsylvania will be loaded and stored on IDSD.

District Type lexicon available
TrialOptional. When set to YES, the report will be run in trial mode.
When this toggle is set to NO, the IPMT and IPUTR forms will be updated.

Yes or No lexicon available
Print Load Detail Optional. When set to YES, the report will show the detailed dump of the Tax Rates and State Misc Tax Parameter information.

When set to YES, the report size may be quite large, therefore users should leave set this toggle to NO, unless required for tracing purposes.

Yes or No lexicon available
Exception LevelOptional. This field defines the exception level (report messages) to be printed.

Users should run the report with this toggle set to 'Exceptions Only' unless reuqired for tracing. When this toggle is set to 'Utility Trace, the report could be over several hundred pages.

Exception Level lexicon available.
User CommentOptional. Users can enter test that will be printed on the header of the report.
This is useful during testing phases to identify similar reports from each other. Text field.

UPUTR Report Filters

CountryMandatory. Users must enter the Country code in order to filter the list of States.
StateOptional. Users can enter a list of States to be processed.

If no states are defined, then all States will be processed.
If a user wants to load the Federal rates, this field should be defined as 'Federal' from the list of States.

If a user wants to load County or City rates, a list of States MUST be entered, and then define the Jurisdictions parameters below.
Load All JurisdictionOptional. When set to YES, the Jurisdiction Tax Rates will be automatically loaded for each jurisdiction. The default for this field is NO because the volume of information could affect the performance of UPUTR.

Some employees may pay into jurisdictions that have taxes, while others do not. To view the Tax Rates by Jurisdictions on IPUTR, you can:
(1) Set this toggle to YES to load all Jurisdiction Tax Rates into IPUTR for all IDTX entries for the State, OR
(2) Enter a list of jurisdictions in the 'Load Only Jurisdiction' field.

Note: IPUTR Jurisdiction entries are for information purposes only. The tax calculation will be calculated directly from the Symmetry Tax Server; the rates (except for Overridden rates) are not picked up from IPUTR.
Yes or No lexicon available
Load Only JurisdictionOptional. Users can enter a list of jurisdictions to load in the County or City rates. Example: City of Yonkers.

Note: If the "Load All Jurisdiction" toggle is set to YES, this toggle will not be used.

UPUTR Print Parameters

Print From DateOptional. Users can enter a date that is different than the ‘Load Effective Date’ for printing of IPUTR and/or IPUTP.

If the Print From Date is not defined, the Load Effective Date is used.
Print IPUTR Tax RatesOptional. Defines if the IPUTR Tax Rates should print for the selected States.
Print IPUTP Misc ParmsOptional. Defines if the IPUTP Misc Parm should print for the selected States.
Print Tax District TypeOptional. Defines if the PA PSD Codes should print for Pennsylvania.
Print on ReportOptional. Defines if the IPUTR or IPUTP basic information should printed on report.

Users can generate a .csv file without printing on the report to save some paper
Create FileOptional. When set to YES, a .csv file is generated with IPUTR / IPUTP information
Directory NameDefines the valid Directory Name for the .csv file
File NameDefines the File Name for the .csv file

UPUTR - Processing#

At the Federal and State level, UPUTR loads in the US Tax Rates and Miscellaneous Tax Parameters for the defined list of States.

In order for Federal rates to be loaded, users must define the State field as "Federal".

If your organization is paying County or City taxes, users can load in the County or City rates by either setting the "Load All Jurisdictions" toggle to YES, or by defining a list of Jurisdictions in the "Load Only Jurisdiction" field, such as City of Yonkers for New York State.

After UPUTR is run, users should go into the IPUTR and IPUTP forms to view the newly loaded Tax Rates and State Miscellaneous Tax Parameters.

In order to load in the latest tax rates and State Miscellaneous Tax parameters, the frequency of the UPUTR run should be as follows:

  • Annually as of January of each year. UPUTR should be scheduled as part of the Legislation Cycle to be run at the beginning of the year.
  • When Symmetry Tax Engine is upgraded. When a new STE release is delivered, due to either a software upgrade or tax rate changes, users should run UPUTR to pick up any new rates or the State Miscellaneous Tax parameters.
  • At a User's request. When an organization starts to pay into a new state, users should run UPUTR. UPUTR can be run at any time to load in the County or City rates.

If the 'Print Detail' toggle is set to YES, UPUTR will list the detail entries that are processed for each Tax Rate level and each State Miscellaneous Tax parameter.

UPUTR will load in all tax rates, regardless of when they become effective. During the tax calculation, UPCALC will pass to the the Pay Period Issue Date to the Symmetry Tax Server to determine which tax rates to use for the period being paid.

The IPUTR US Tax Rates are for information purposes only (except for the overridden SUTA / FUTA rates). The tax rates are not passed to Symmetry for tax calculations, rather Symmetry retrieves the tax rates directly within their tax engine (Symmetry Tax Server).

The UPCALC process will read IPUTR for SUTA / FUTA Overridden amounts and will pass these overridden amounts to Symmetry for the tax calculations.

There are two options to set up Overridden Rate, Overridden Wage Base or Overridden Tax Limit:


  • Enter the rate or wage base provided by the government on the Override fields.
  • These overrides are applicable for the entire organization, for the State.
  • Rate overrides are only applicable for FUTA, SUTA, SUTA SC, SUI EE and SDI EE tax identifiers. Overrides entered for other tax rates will not be read.


  • If there is a specific rate given by the government for a different State Registration #, enter on IDGV, "Reg Type" field. This overrides the IPUTR rate.
  • UPCALC retrieves the IDGV information by Government Registration, from the employee's pay header group.

The Effective Date entry on IPUTR is not used by Symmetry. The UPUTR process will load in all tax rates, regardless of when they become effective. During the tax calculations, UPCALC will pass the pay period issue date to the Symmetry Tax Server to determine which tax rates to use for the period being paid.

The Effective Date entry on IPUTR is used by the UPCALC process to determine which record to read for any overridden tax rate for the pay period being paid.

If a user needs to add in a new effective date entry for a change to an overridden tax rate, such as new government supplied SUTA rate, users should run UPUTR for the new effective date.

When UPUTR is generating new sets of Effective Date entries, the Overridden Rates and Amounts will be copied into the new Effective Date entries.

If an old Tax Rate entry is not used by Symmetry in the current load, this old Tax Rate will not be copied into the new Effective Date set, however, if a user is reloading with an existing Effective Date, then this old Tax Rate will remain unchanged for historical purposes.

For more information on the UPUTR function please read the page US Load Tax Rates and State Parameters