The data information for Record Complaints screen may be found on the P2K_LR_COMPLAINTS and P2K_LR_COMPLAINT_PARTICIPANTS tables.
- Complaint
- This field displays detailed information about the complaint. This field is for display only.
- Participant
- This field displays information about all the participants involved in the complaint. This field is for display only.
Record Complaints (ILCM) - Complaint#
- Entity
- The field identifies the entity associated with this complaint. Entity from IDEN (P2K_CM_ENTITIES) is a mandatory field you must enter manually or through LOV (F9) provided.
- Complaint
- This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the complaint being defined. While you may define the complaint code, there is also the option of setting this field to automatically assign a sequential number to each new complaint entered. You may set up this option through the IMCS screen. Complaint_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field you must manually enter.
- Date Issued
- This field records the date the complaint was issued. Date_Issued is mandatory field you must fill manually or through the calendar provided (F9).
- Dispute Type
- This field identifies the type of dispute under which this complaint falls. Dispute_Type from ILDT (P2K_LR_DISPUTE_TYPES) is a mandatory field you must fill manually or through the LOV (F9) provided.
- Status
- This field indicates the status of the complaint. Complaint_Status is a mandatory field you may select from the fixed lexicon X_COMPLAINT_STATUS.
- Stage
- This field is displays the stage of the complaint. eg Logged, Settled. Complaint_Stage is an optional field you may fill with the user-defined lexicon X_COMPLAINT_STAGE.
- Severity
- This field indicates the severity of the complaint. Complaint_Severity is an optional field you may fill with the fixed lexicon X_COMPLAINT_SEVERITY.
- Incident Date
- This field displays the date the complaint incident took place. Date_of_Incident is a mandatory field you must fill manually or with the calendar icon (F9).
- Description
- This field allows you to provide a short description of the complaint. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Settlement
- This field displays any settlement amount that may have come from this complaint. Settlement_Amount is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually.
- Date Closed
- This field shows the date of the complaint issue was closed. Date_of_Incident is an optional field you may fill manually or with the calendar provided (F9).
- Disciplinary Issue
- This field displays the disciplinary issue under which this complaint falls. Disciplinary_Issue from ILDI (P2K_LR_DISCIPLINARY_ISSUES) is an optional field you may fill from the LOV provided (F9).
- Decision
- This field shows the final decision made on this case. Complaint_Decision is an optional field you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_COMPLAINT_DECISION.
Location of Incident#
If information is added to this area, the data will be displayed in the text box at the top of the ILCM screen. For instance: if a location is identified, the text box at the top of the screen will indicate ‘The Complaint Involves All Employees in Location ‘XXXXX’ if a unit is identified, the text box will indicate ‘The Complaint Involves All Employees in Unit ‘XXXXX’.- Employee #
- This field shows the name of the employee whom the complaint is against. For example, if this were a sexual harassment complaint against a supervisor, the supervisor’s name would be displayed here. Employee from IEID (P2K_HR_IDENTITIES) is an optional field you may fill manually or with the LOV (F9) provided.
- Name
- This field identifies the employee by name. This field will be automatically completed when the Employee # field is filled.
- Location
- If the complaint is on behalf of an entire location, that location may be entered in this field. Location from IDLN (P2K_CM_LOCATIONS) is an optional field you may fill manually or with the LOV (F9).
- Unit
- If the complaint is on behalf of an entire unit, that unit may be entered in this field. Unit from IDUN (P2K_CM_UNITS) is an optional field you may fill manually or with the LOV (F9).
- Department
- If the complaint is on behalf of an entire department, that department may be entered in this field. Department from IDDP (P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS) is an optional field you may fill manually or with the LOV (F9).
- Escalate Grievance
- This button can be used to escalate a complaint into a grievance.
- View Grievance
- If a grievance has been created from this complaint, this button can be used to take you to the Record Grievances (ILGV) screen.]
Record Complaints (ILCM) - Notes#
- Witness Information
- This field allows you to provide additional information about the witnesses involved. Incident_Witnesses_Info is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may enter manually.
- Union Notes
- This field allows you to provide additional information associated with the union involved. Union_Reference is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may enter manually
- Contract Information
- This field allows you to provide additional information from and associated with the union contract. Contract_Reference is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may enter manually.
Record Complaints (ILCM) - Participants#
This area will identify the participants in the complaint. At least one participant must be entered.
- Participant Type
- This field identifies the type of participation for this individual. Participant_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon you must fill with the fixed lexicon X_PARTICIPANT_TYPE provided.
- Description
- This field allows you to provide a short description of the participant. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Settlement Amount
- If the participant has received a settlement amount through this grievance, this amount may be listed here. Settlement_Amount is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually.
- Employee Name OR Contact Name
- These fields display the identity of the participant. You may only complete one of these fields. This is a mandatory field you may fill manually or retrieve from the LOV provided.
- * For internal contacts, use the Employee Name field. The link to IEID (P2K_HR_IDENTITIES) is made through the foreign key EID_ID.
- * For external contacts, use the Contact Name field. The link to IECI (P2K_HR_CONTACTS) is made through the foreign key ECT_ID.
- Participant Type
- This field identifies if the participant is an employee (internal) or a contact (external). Type will default in once the ‘Name’ field has been filled.
- Address
- This field identifies the street address of the participant being defined. Address will default in once the ‘Name’ field has been filled.
- Locality
- This field identifies the city or town of the participant being defined. Locality will default in once the ‘Name’ field has been filled.
- Phone
- This field identifies the phone number for the participant. Phone will default in once the ‘Name’ field has been filled.
- Participant Text
- This field allows you to provide additional information about this participant. Participant_Info is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may enter manually.