This page (revision-32) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by jescott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by KateN

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32 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB jescott to previous
31 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB JMyers to previous | to last
30 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB JMyers to previous | to last
29 26-Nov-2021 10:22 14 KB JAiken to previous | to last
28 26-Nov-2021 10:22 14 KB JAiken to previous | to last
27 26-Nov-2021 10:22 14 KB JMyers to previous | to last
26 26-Nov-2021 10:22 14 KB JMyers to previous | to last
25 26-Nov-2021 10:22 14 KB JMyers to previous | to last
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 14 KB JMyers to previous | to last
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 14 KB JMyers to previous | to last TYPE_SEQUENCE ==> PREMIUM_TYPE_SEQUENCE
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 14 KB JMyers to previous | to last
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 13 KB JMyers to previous | to last

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[Premiums|PREMIUMS] are used to track and pay extra time and earnings that are not strictly wages. Premiums are created and maintained on the Define Premiums (ISPM) screen.
[Premiums|PREMIUMS] are used to track and pay extra time and earnings that are not strictly wages.
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;[Type Sequence|PREMIUM_TYPE_SEQUENCE]:The sequence field is used to determine an order of priority for premiums. Users may enter a sequence number to define the order of the premium. This sequence will override the sequential order defined before (pay line over assignment over position over job) and is only applicable to the Time Scheduling module.
;[Type Sequence|TYPE_SEQUENCE]:The sequence field is used by the [UTTG] process to determine an order of priority for premiums. Users may enter a sequence number to define the order of the premium. This sequence will override the sequential order defined before (pay line over assignment over position over job) and is only applicable to the Time Scheduling module.\\This feature works for all premiums of the same type.\\ \\ Example:\\Unit - Hourly has two premiums with the Premium Type of TIME; MINREST and TIMEOT\\
*MINREST pays double-time and TIMEOT pay time-and-a-half.
*MINREST is added to the Time Entries upon Clock OUT for the MIN HRS BTW SHFT Time Rule.
*TIMEOT is added to the Time Entries and Pay Transactions during [UTTG] for the PREM TIME OF DAY Time Rule.
;:Previously this meant that the TIMEOT premium would override the MINREST premium as related to order of processing. By making the ‘Sequence’ of the TIMEOT premium ‘1’ and the ‘Sequence’ of the MINREST premium ‘2’, the MINREST premium will be applied instead of the TIMEOT premium if both are encountered by the [UTTG] process.
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|| ||Premium Calc Rule:||Formula / Notes||FTE Pro?||Example:
|01|Premium Rate|Premium Rate\\Premium Type attached to [IPPC]\\Created when Pay Line is created/saved|Yes|Premium Rate=6.00\\Frequency = (not applicable)\\Result = $6.00 for each transaction with this premium attached
|02|Prem Rt Per Period|Premium Rate for the pay period frequency\\Flat amount created during [UPAUDT]|Yes|Premium Rate=6.00\\Pay Frequency=Monthly\\Result = $6.00 given once each pay.
|03|Prc x Wage Rt|Premium Rate as a Percentage X Employee’s Rate\\Premium Type attached to [IPPC]\\Created when Pay Line is created/saved|Yes|Premium Rate = 100.00\\Rate Basis = WK (from [ISPM] form)\\EE’s Wage Rate = 50,000/year\\Calc = 100 / 100 * $50,000 / 52 wk\\Result = $961.54 for each transaction with this premium attached (100% of 1 weeks’ pay)
|04|Prem Rt x PC UVar|Premium Rate X PC User Variable Rate\\Premium Type attached to [IPPC]\\Created when Pay Line is created/saved|Yes|Premium Rate = 10.00\\Rate Basis = (not applicable)\\User Variable Rate = 1.5\\Calc = 10.00 * 1.5\\Result = $15.00 the rate basis of the premium and the pay component that originated the transaction (if there is one), are not applicable
|05|Prc x Wg Rt x UVar|Premium Rate as a Percentage X Employee’s Rate X PC User Variable Rate\\Premium Type attached to [IPPC]\\Created when Pay Line is created/saved|Yes|Premium Rate = 15.00\\Rate Basis = WK (from [ISPM] form)\\EE’s Wage Rate = 10.00/hr\\EE’s Hours/Week = 40 (from Assignment)\\User Variable Rate = 2\\Calc = 15 / 100 * $400 * 2\\Result = $120.00 for each transaction with this premium attached ($400 is the weekly rate)
|06|Prem x EV|Premium Rate X Entered Value\\Premium Type attached to [IPPC]\\Created when Pay Line is created/saved|N/A|Premium Rate = 10.00\\Rate Basis = DY (from [ISPM] form)\\EE’s Hours/Day = 8 (from Assignment)\\Entered Value = 4\\Time PC basis = HR (from transaction)\\Calc = 10.00 / 8 * 4\\Result = $5.00 for this transaction
|07|Prem x EV x Wg Rt|Premium Rate X Entered Value X Employee’s Rate\\Premium Type attached to [IPPC]\\Created when Pay Line is created/saved|N/A|Premium Rate = 0.25\\Rate Basis = HR (from [ISPM] form)\\Entered Value = 8\\Time PC basis = HR (from transaction)\\EE’s Wage Rate = 10.00/hr\\Calc = 0.25 * 8 * 10\\Result = $20.00 for this transaction
|08|Prem x EV x UVar|Premium Rate X Entered Value X PC User Variable Rate\\Premium Type attached to [IPPC]\\Created when Pay Line is created/saved|N/A|Premium Rate = 4.00\\Rate basis = DY (from ISPM form)\\Entered Value = 6 \\Time PC basis = HR (from transaction)\\EE’s Hours/Day = 7.5\\User Variable Rate = 1.5\\Calc = 4 * (6 / 7.5) x 1.5\\Result =$4.80 based on the fact that a day is 7.5 hours, so the time was 0.8 days
|09|Prem x EV x Wg x UVar|Premium Rate X Entered Value X Employee’s Rate X PC User Variable Rate\\Premium Type attached to [IPPC]\\Created when Pay Line is created/saved|N/A|Premium Rate = 5.00\\Rate basis = HR (from [ISPM] form)\\EE’s Wage Rate = 15.00/hr\\Entered Value = 9\\Time PC basis = HR (from transaction)\\User Variable Rate = 0.005\\Calc = 5 * 9 * 15 * 0.005\\Result = $3.38
|10|Contract Limit Prem|Only applied to the Contract Limit on [IEAS] when an employee is in a ‘Contract’ type Group|N/A|Premium Rate = 1500.00\\Rate basis = CT (from [ISPM] form)\\This amount is included in the Contract Limit.
|11|Cell Points| | |N/A – custom calc rule
|12|[UPTG] Period $$$|Premium Rate the frequency indicated\\Flat amount created during [UPTG]\\This rule is only applicable when generating dollars and not if you’re generating hours.|Yes|Premium Rate = 6.00\\Frequency = WK (from [ISPM])\\Pay Frequency = Biweekly\\Result = $12.00 for this pay period (6.00 per week).
|13|UPTG Period Cell Pts| | |N/A – custom calc rule
|14|Increment Time|Increment Time is used in [ITIO] -determined by the Clock In and Out times and the Time Type.| |Used on premiums attached to the Pay Line, and – not to the Position, Job or Assignment. This restriction is imposed since the ‘Override Rate’ is the key value in the formula and it would always be entered for premiums of this type.
|15|Pay Period Premium|Flat dollar amount that is given once per pay period. If there are multiple pays in a pay period, this will be give only once.| |
|16|Flat Amount Per Day|Flat dollar amount that is given once for each day worked. If there are multiple transactions on the same day, it will be given only once. FTE is not relevant here.| |
;:%%information The examples show that where there is a difference between the rate basis of the premium and the rate basis of the employee or the time transaction, a conversion of the rate will occur using the employee’s hours per day, or the rate basis of the time transaction, as applicable.%%
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;[Frequency|FREQUENCY]:This field indicates how often, or for what types of pay, the transaction line will be created. Personality uses the term “frequency” to control the timing of payroll deductions, benefits, and earnings. Frequencies are defined during Payroll training and once created may be accessed by the LOV.\\ \\‘Frequency’ is only applicable to the “Prem per Period” and “UPTG Period Premium” calculation method. However, if either of those methods are used, frequency is REQUIRED.
;[Frequency|FREQUENCY]:This field indicates how often, or for what types of pay, the transaction line will be created. [{$applicationname}] uses the term “frequency” to control the timing of payroll deductions, benefits, and earnings. Frequencies are defined during Payroll training and once created may be accessed by the LOV.\\ \\‘Frequency’ is only applicable to the “Prem per Period” and “UPTG Period Premium” calculation method. However, if either of those methods are used, frequency is REQUIRED.
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;[User Variable|USER_VARIABLE_CODE]:This field allows you to choose a specific user variable for a premium. When a premium amount is calculated the system will read the user variable associated with the [Pay Component|PAY COMPONENTS]; however, if a user variable has been specified in ISPM then this will act as an override.
;[User Variable|USER_VARIABLE_CODE]:This field allows you to choose a specific user variable for a premium rather than relying on the user variable associated with the [Pay Component|PAY COMPONENTS].
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;[Prorated|PREMIUM_PRORATED]:If the toggle is ON, the premium paid will be prorated based on the employee’s FTE value. This is not applicable to Premium Calc rules that include time in the formula, as actual time worked is already included in those calculations.
;[Prorated|PRORATED]:If the toggle is ON, the premium paid will be prorated based on the employee’s FTE value. This is not applicable to Premium Calc rules that include time in the formula, as actual time worked is already included in those calculations.
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;[Incl in Highest Rate of Day|HIGHEST_RATE_OF_DAY]:If the toggle is ON it provides the ability to apply the highest rate of pay received on that day worked including premiums. The highest rate on a day of course cannot be determined until all transactions for a pay are available and ‘official’. Because of this, the perfect place to ‘Rate’ [Pay Components|PAY COMPONENTS] with this option, is when the Pay hits the Pay Stage to be audited, so the [UPAUDT] function will be given the responsibility to apply the ‘Highest Rate of the Day’ feature.
;[Incl in Highest Rate of Day|HIGHEST_RATE_OF_PAY]:If the toggle is ON it provides the ability to apply the highest rate of pay received on that day worked including premiums. The highest rate on a day of course cannot be determined until all transactions for a pay are available and ‘official’. Because of this, the perfect place to ‘Rate’ [Pay Components|PAY COMPONENTS] with this option, is when the Pay hits the Pay Stage to be audited, so the [UPAUDT] function will be given the responsibility to apply the ‘Highest Rate of the Day’ feature.
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;[Abbrev.|PC_ABBREVIATION]:This field displays the abbreviated description of the Time PC Code selected above. This data for this field will default in once the Time PC Code has been selected.
;[Abbrev.|ABBREVIATION]:This field displays the abbreviated description of the Time PC Code selected above. This data for this field will default in once the Time PC Code has been selected.
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;[Abbrev.|PC_ABBREVIATION]:This field displays the abbreviated description of the Amount PC Code selected above. The data for this field will default in once the Time PC Code has been selected.
;[Abbrev.|ABBREVIATION]:This field displays the abbreviated description of the Amount PC Code selected above. The data for this field will default in once the Time PC Code has been selected.
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