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[{TableOfContents }]
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Forms are the user interface components that allow a user to view and/or maintain data stored in the system tables. The Maintain Form Definitions (IMFD) form is used to manage a form's functionality and details.
Functions provide the rules to access and process the data stored in the tables. Forms are the user interface to view/maintain the data.
%%information Every form is associated with a function, however not every function has a form.\\ \\For example, the function ‘C2310_IMADD’ is better known as ‘Create Record’. There is no ‘Create Record’ form, only the action executed when the user selects the F6 function key or the green plus sign.%%
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%%warning Forms should not be changed without guidance from your consultant or support person.\\ \\With the exception of the Menu tab, the data kept in IMFD is normally intended for internal use only.\\ \\Changes made to forms without the assistance of a consultant may not be supported.\\ \\It is recommended that wherever possible, object security ([IMOS]), translations ([IMLA]) and user defined columns be used to modify the appearance of functions, as these changes will not be affected by upgrades.%%
%%warning This function has been deprecated as of version 5.XX and has been replaced by the ([IMFDH]).%%
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The definition data for the Maintain Form Definitions screen is stored in the [P2K_AM_FUNCTIONS], [P2K_AM_FORM_TABLE_USAGES], [P2K_AM_FORM_GROUPS], [P2K_AM_FORM_ITEMS], [P2K_AM_EXECUTION_RIGHTS], [P2K_AM_PREFERENCE_VALUES], [P2K_AM_MENU_ITEMS] and [P2K_AM_FORM_DRILL_DOWNS] tables.
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At the top of the screen, you will see a list of the current forms within the application identified by the following fields:
;[Function Name|FUNCTION_NAME]: This field displays the function associated to form.
;[Product|MPD_ID]: This field displays the name of the product to which the function belongs.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the function.
;[Usage|FUNCTION_USAGE]:This field identifies whether the form table is pre-loaded or user defined.
By clicking on one of the forms listed, you will be able to see further details about that form in the following fields.
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!!Table Usages tab
The Table Usages tab identifies where the form gathers its data.
Data can come from one or more database tables or views. If there is more than one source, the way they are joined and their Where Clauses (or files) may also be defined here.
%%information Where Clauses require familiarity with SQL and databases.%%
;[Seq#|SEQUENCE]:This field indicates the sequential order by which the tables are linked to the function.
;[Data Source|DATA_SOURCE_NAME]: This field will hold the official name of the table.
;[Table Alias|FORM_TABLE_ALIAS]:This field provides the abbreviated table identifier.
;[Parent Data Source|DATA_SOURCE_NAME]:If this table has a parent table, that parent table will be listed here.
;[Join Clause|JOIN_CLAUSE]:This field indicates the clause that will join two or more tables or views.
;[Where Clause|WHERE_CLAUSE_CODE]:This field is used to filter information being queried.
;:For instance, for an employee driven form, this may indicate that only active employees should be called up.
;[Table Usage|FORM_TABLE_USAGE]:This field identifies whether the form table is pre-loaded or user defined.
;[Create|CREATE_ALLOWED]/[Retrieve|RETRIEVE_ALLOWED]/[Update|UPDATE_ALLOWED]/[Delete Allowed|DELETE_ALLOWED]:These toggles allow you to defined the privileges allowed for this form.
\\ \\
!!Form Layout tab
This Form Layout tab defines the information displayed on the form and the visual details
such as layouts, field labels and widths.
The layout areas of a form, including the form itself, are referred to as Form Groups.
;[Seq # |FG_GROUP_SEQUENCE]:This field indicates the sequential order that the groups appear on the form.
;[Form Group|FG_CODE]:This field provides the official name of the group.
;[Parent Group|MFG_ID]:If the group is part of another group, that parent group will be listed here.
;[Layout |FG_LAYOUT]:This field indicates the how the group will be presented.
;:e.g. as text, table, box or tabs.
;[Group Usage |FORM_GROUP_USAGE]:This field identifies whether the form group is pre-loaded or user defined.
;[SS Rows Displayed |ROWS_DISPLAYED]:For any layout types of ‘Table’, this field will indicate the numbers of rows to display.
;[Title |FG_TITLE]:This field will show the title of the group which will appear on form.
;:In our example of WECT
*The group ‘CONTACT’ has the title ‘Below is the list of contacts from your profile’
*The group ‘BOTTOM’ has the title ‘Contact Details’
*The group ‘CTYPE’ has the title ‘List Multiple Contact Types’
;[Title (Lang)|FG_TITLE_TRANSLATE]:If your database uses a secondary language, this field allows you provide the title of the group in that language.
;:e.g. If the title of the group is ‘Find’ this field may provide the Spanish translation, ‘Buscar’.
;[Decoration|FG_DECORATION]:This field is used to identify how the form is to be decorated, for example 'Line Border'.
;[Width|FG_WIDTH]: This is the default width (expressed in pixels) of the group when a user first opens the form.
;[Height|FG_HEIGHT]: This is the default height (expressed in pixels) of the group when a user first opens the form.
;[Max W|FG_MAXIMUM_WIDTH]: This is the maximum width (expressed in pixels) of the group if the user stretches their screen.
;[Max H|FG_MAXIMUM_HEIGHT]: This is the maximum height (expressed in pixels) of the group if the user stretches their screen.
;[Seq #|ITEM_SEQUENCE]: This field indicates the sequential order of the group item.
;[Item Name|ITEM_NAME]:This field holds the official name of the group item.
;[Type |FG_TYPE]:This field allows you to categorize the group.
;[Width |ITEM_WIDTH]:This field indicates the width of the area for the group item. The size will default in from [{$applicationname}], however you may change it.
;[Height|ITEM_HEIGHT]:This field indicates the height of the area for the group item. The size will default in from [{$applicationname}], however you may change it.
;:If you change the default size or prompt of a group item and that item is repeated anywhere on the form, those changes will remain. You will not be able to edit the size or prompt of the second occurrence separately.
;[LOV |MLOV_ID]:This field allows LOV’s to be associated with specific types of fields.
;[Prompt |ITEM_PROMPT]:This field shows the name that will appear on form for the item. This name will default in from [{$applicationname}], however you may change it.
;:If a prompt is not specified in IMFD, the 'Field Prompt' from the Column Detail field on [IMCD] will be displayed as the name of the group item on the form.
;:There are screens where a displayed prompt is not necessary or desired. In this case, you will enter two quotation marks (" ") in the prompt field to get a blank title.
;[Prompt (Lang)|ITEM_PROMPT_TRANSLATE]:If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the group item.
;[Dftl Sort Order |SORT_DIRECTION]:The Default Sort Direction field indicates how the data in the LOV is sorted.
;[Format|VALUE_FORMAT]:This field is used to define the date or numeric format.
;[Item Usage |FORM_ITEM_USAGE]:This field indicates if the item is pre-loaded, user-defined or obsolete.
\\ \\
!!Function Info tab
Each form has a function associated with it and when the application calls that function name, the form will appear on the computer screen. The Function Info tab is used to manage certain properties of the form related to its corresponding function.
Function details should not be changed without the guidance of your consultant or support person. This form is normally intended for internal use only.
While you can modify function-related properties of a form through this tab, it should NOT be used to add new functions or delete existing ones. You must use the Maintain Functions ([IMFN]) form to add or delete a function.
For an in depth explanation of the Functions Info tab and its fields refer to [Maintain Functions|IMFN] screen.
\\ \\
!!Menu Info / Drill Downs tab
This tab allows you to attach the form to a specific menu. A form may be attached to more than one menu within the system.
;[Seq #|MENU_ITEM_SEQUENCE]:The number in this field will determine the sequential order in which the functions will appear in the menu.
;[Item|MENU_ITEM_CODE]:This field displays the unique name of the menu. (Mandatory)
;[Menu|MENU_CODE]:This field is the unique abbreviation which identifies the individual menu. (Mandatory)
;[Type|MENU_ITEM_TYPE]:This field classifies the menu item into a specific type. (Mandatory)
;:For example: Call Function, Sub-menu
;[Function|MFN_ID]:If the menu item is a function, that function will be identified in this field.
;[Submenu|MMU_ID_SUBMENU]:If the menu item calls another menu, identify that sub-menu in this field.
;:A menu item may call either a Sub-Menu or a Call Function but not both.
;[Action Type|MENU_ACTION_TYPE]:
;[Action Value|MENU_ACTION_VALUE]:
;[Label|MENU_ITEM_LABEL]:This field will display the complete name of the menu item.
;[Icon Name|ICON_NAME]:This field allows you to identify the icon which you would like to use. You need only enter the icon name in this field, not the path.
;:e.g. address_ phone.gif
;:The file name must be entered with the exact spelling and case as indicated in the icons folder.
;:The application will look to the following path for the icon indicated.
;:For example:
;[Usage|MENU_ITEM_USAGE]:This field identifies whether the menu item is pre-loaded or user defined.
;:A Pre-loaded usage means that the system created and controls the information and it will be overwritten with every update.
;:A User-Defined usage means that the user created and controls the information and it will not be overwritten when you receive a software update.
!Drill Downs
;[Function Name|FUNCTION_NAME]:This field identifies the function associated with the drill down.
;[Drill Down Usage|FORM_DRILL_DOWN_USAGE]:This field indicates if the drill down is user-defined or system provided.
;[New SS Window|NEW_SS_WINDOW]:
;[Where Clause|WHERE_CLAUSE_CODE]:This field is used to filter information being queried.
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