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The My Leave Balances (WEALB) screen allows you to view the amount of leave you have remaining. The WEALB_PRT is the printable version of this form.

The definition data for the My Leave Balances screen is stored in the P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUALS table.

The leave balances are listed by leave type (vacation, sick, executive leave) and full details about the leave, such as time taken, time accrued, and time owed will be provided in My Leave Balances screen.

The leave balances will be listed and identified through the following fields: Please note that in the numerical fields, the amount of decimal points is determined in Personality, not in Self Service.

Type of Leave
This field displays the type of leave recorded for this policy.
e.g. Floating Holiday or Vacation Policy
This date field indicates the last time the leave time was evaluated
This field provides the time basis for the leave.
e.g. hour, day
Prior Year Balance
This field displays how much leave is remaining from last year.
Earned (Capped)
This field displays how much leave was earned for the current year.
This field displays how much leave was taken for the current year.
Earned (Unoff)
This field displays how much leave has been earned after the bank was last updated.
Taken (Unoff)
This field displays how much leave has been taken after the bank was last updated and prior to the current date.
Current Balance
This field displays the amount of time you may take from.In order to have the Current Balance stand out from the rest of the report, you may set the color of this field.

This is done through the IMFD Form Layout tab. Under the Form Group field, select 'Leave Accurals' and then select the Item Name '80 - ALA.DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE', for this item supply the following in the Prompt (Eng) field:

<font color=#FFFF00><b>Current^Balance</b></font>

The color of the field can be changed but lighter colors appear to blend better in the screen.
Planned Leave
This field displays how much leave has been scheduled to be taken beyond the current date.

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