The My Qualifications screen allows you to view or edit your qualification information.

Your qualifications will indicate the skills, experience and education that you can bring to the postings for which you apply.

Note that a common customization to this screen is to add the Expires field into the main grid. This will allow the employee to quickly see and find those qualifications that are about to expire. This is accomplished in IMFD by adding the field RQL.QUALIFICATION_END_DATE into the Form Group HDRTABLE at seq 1. with the Dflt Sort Order of 'Descending'.

This screen is also at times added to the ESS_Training menu when the Training module is used before the Recruiting module is ready to go online.

At the top of the screen, you will see a list of your qualifications identified by:

This field identifies the actual qualification.
This field groups the qualification into a specific type.
This field allows you to further classify the qualification into specific categories.
If the qualification requires testing, this field will display your status with regards to testing.

If you highlight a specific qualification, full details about that qualification will be provided through the following fields.

Qualification Details#

This field identifies the actual qualification.
This field displays a short description of the qualification.
Acquired Via
If the qualification is a certified level of education, this field will display the institution where that certification was earned.

Validity (e.g. for Licenses, Certifications, etc.)#

If the qualification applies only a specific time period (e.g. a first aid certificate that has to be renewed each year), the first date of the time period is indicated here.
If the qualification applies for only a specific time period, the last date of the time period is indicated here.


This field identifies level of skill that you possess for this qualification.
Years of Experience
This field indicates the number of years of experience you have for this qualification.


Interest Level
This field displays your interest level in this qualification
Last Used
This field indicates the number of years since you last used the qualification.

Additional Info (Where is it valid or recognized, etc.)#

This field displays additional information about the qualification.

Notes #

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