This page (revision-49) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by kparrott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JMyers

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
49 26-Nov-2021 10:22 261 bytes kparrott to previous
48 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB kparrott to previous | to last
47 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB khiggs to previous | to last
46 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB JMyers to previous | to last
45 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB JMyers to previous | to last
44 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB JMyers to previous | to last
43 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB JMyers to previous | to last
42 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB JMyers to previous | to last
41 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB JMyers to previous | to last

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At line 17 changed one line
;[Product|]: This field displays the name of the product to which the function belongs.
;[Product|PRODUCT_CODE]: This field displays the name of the product to which the function belongs.
At line 20 changed one line
;[Usage|]:This field identifies whether the form table is pre-loaded or user defined.
;[Usage|FUNCTION_USAGE]:This field identifies whether the form table is pre-loaded or user defined.
At line 31 changed 3 lines
;[Seq#|]:This field indicates the sequential order by which the tables are linked to the function.
;[Data Source|]: This field will hold the official name of the table.
;[Table Alias|]:This field provides the abbreviated table identifier.
;[Seq#|SEQUENCE]:This field indicates the sequential order by which the tables are linked to the function.
;[Data Source|DATA_SOURCE_NAME]: This field will hold the official name of the table.
;[Table Alias|FORM_TABLE_ALIAS]:This field provides the abbreviated table identifier.
At line 35 changed 2 lines
;[Join Clause|]:This field indicates the clause that will join two or more tables or views.
;[Where Clause|]:This field is used to filter information being queried.
;[Join Clause|JOIN_CLAUSE]:This field indicates the clause that will join two or more tables or views.
;[Where Clause|WHERE_CLAUSE_CODE]:This field is used to filter information being queried.
At line 49 changed 2 lines
;[Seq # |FG_SEQUENCE]:This field indicates the sequential order that the groups appear on the form.
;[Form Group|]:This field provides the official name of the group.
;[Seq # |FG_GROUP_SEQUENCE]:This field indicates the sequential order that the groups appear on the form.
;[Form Group|FG_CODE]:This field provides the official name of the group.
At line 54 changed one line
;[Group Usage |]:This field identifies whether the form group is pre-loaded or user defined.
;[Group Usage |FORM_GROUP_USAGE]:This field identifies whether the form group is pre-loaded or user defined.
At line 57 changed one line
;[SS Rows Displayed |]:For any layout types of ‘Table’, this field will indicate the numbers of rows to display.
;[SS Rows Displayed |ROWS_DISPLAYED]:For any layout types of ‘Table’, this field will indicate the numbers of rows to display.
At line 63 changed one line
;[Title (Lang)|]:If your database uses a secondary language, this field allows you provide the title of the group in that language.
;[Title (Lang)|FG_TITLE_TRANSLATE]:If your database uses a secondary language, this field allows you provide the title of the group in that language.
At line 68 changed 5 lines
;[Max W|]: This is the maximum width (expressed in pixels) of the group if the user stretches their screen.
;[Max H|]: This is the maximum height (expressed in pixels) of the group if the user stretches their screen.
;[Seq #|]: This field indicates the sequential order of the group item.
;[Item Name|]:This field holds the official name of the group item.
;[Type |FG_TYPE]:‘Type’ allows you to categorize the field
;[Max W|MAXIMUM_WIDTH]: This is the maximum width (expressed in pixels) of the group if the user stretches their screen.
;[Max H|MAXIMUM_HEIGHT]: This is the maximum height (expressed in pixels) of the group if the user stretches their screen.
;[Seq #|ITEM_SEQUENCE]: This field indicates the sequential order of the group item.
;[Item Name|ITEM_NAME_lk]:This field holds the official name of the group item.
;[Type |ITEM_TYPE]:‘Type’ allows you to categorize the field
At line 78 changed one line
;[Width |]:This field indicates the width of the area for the group item.
;[Width |ITEM_WIDTH]:This field indicates the width of the area for the group item.
At line 83 changed one line
;[Height|]:This field indicates the height of the area for the group item.
;[Height|ITEM_HEIGHT]:This field indicates the height of the area for the group item.
At line 86 changed 2 lines
;[LOV |]:This field allows LOV’s to be associated with specific types of fields.
;[Prompt |]:This field shows the name that will appear on form for the item.
;[LOV |LOV_CODE]:This field allows LOV’s to be associated with specific types of fields.
;[Prompt |ITEM_PROMPT]:This field shows the name that will appear on form for the item.
At line 92 changed 3 lines
;[Prompt (Lang)|]:If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the group item.
;[Dftl Sort Order |]:
;[Format|]:This field is used to define the date or numeric format.
;[Prompt (Lang)|ITEM_PROMPT_TRANSLATE]:If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the group item.
;[Dftl Sort Order |SORT_DIRECTION]:
;[Format|VALUE_FORMAT]:This field is used to define the date or numeric format.
At line 100 changed one line
;[Item Usage |]:This field indicates if the item is pre-loaded, user-defined or obsolete.
;[Item Usage |FORM_ITEM_USAGE]:This field indicates if the item is pre-loaded, user-defined or obsolete.
At line 138 changed 5 lines
;[Function Name|]:
;[Drill Down Usage|]:
;[New SS Window|]:
;[Where Clause|]:
;[Function Name|FUNCTION_NAME]:
;[Drill Down Usage|DRILL_DOWN_USAGE]:
;[New SS Window|NEW_SS_WINDOW]:
;[Where Clause|WHERE_CLAUSE_CODE]: