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[{TableOfContents }]
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!!Define Interface Formats’ Usage and Examples
;[Code|INTERFACE_CODE]:This field identifies the name of the interface.
;[Interface Type|INTERFACE_TYPE]:This field identifies the program to be executed and restricts the variables that are available.
;[File Format|FIELD_DELIMITER]:This field identifies how the data is going to be created. e.g.fixed position, comma or tab delimited, XML.
;[Form Type|FORM_TYPE]:This field is typically used for legislation type interfaces such as [UPROEF].
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a brief description of the purpose of the interface.
;[File Name|FILE_NAME]:This field specifies the default file name; otherwise the file name is entered on a parameter in the function.
;[File Creation Number|FILE_CREATION_NUMBER]:Some programs (mostly banking ones) use this number to uniquely identify the execution.
;[Taxation Level|TAXATION_LEVEL]:This field is used for year end and quarterly reporting by functions such as [RPYEC] and [RPYEU].
;[Code|INTERFACE_CODE]:This field identifies the name of the interface. The Interface Code is a 16-character mandatory field.
;[Interface Type|INTERFACE_TYPE]:This field identifies the program to be executed and restricts the variables that are available. The field is tied to the [X_INTERFACE_TYPE] fixed lexicon. Some of the common types used and by which functions are:
;:G/L Interface - UPGLF
;:Bank Deposit - UPDTB
;:Cost Interface - UPGLF (2nd file)
;:Savings Bond - UBBD
;:Disbursement File - UPDIF
;:New Hire Interface - UENH
;:AP Interface - UPVEND
;:Pay History Interface - UPPHF
;:EEM/EAS Interface - UEEF
;[File Format|FIELD_DELIMITER]:This field identifies how the data is going to be created. e.g.fixed position, comma or tab delimited, XML. This field is tied to the fixed lexicon [X_FIELD_DELIMITER].
;[Form Type|FORM_TYPE]:This field is typically used for legislation type interfaces such as UPROEF. This field is tied to the fixed lexicon [X_FORM_TYPE].
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a brief description of the purpose of the interface. The Description field is an optional field which may hold up to 50 characters.
;[File Name|FILE_NAME]:This field specifies the default file name; otherwise the file name is entered on a parameter in the function. File Name is an optional 50 character field.
;[File Creation Number|FILE_CREATION_NUMBER]:Some programs (mostly banking ones) use this number to uniquely identify the execution. File Creation Number is an optional 10 digit numeric field.
;[Taxation Level|TAXATION_LEVEL]:This field is used for year end and quarterly reporting by functions such as [RPYEC] and [RPYEU]. The field is tied to the fixed lexicon [X_TAXATION_LEVEL].
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;[Beginning Position|FIELD_START_BYTE]:This field will be the starting value for the fixed position in the file. If the File Format = 'Fixed Format', you must specify the Beginning and Ending positions. These positions must be continuous without gap, otherwise an error situation will occur. Beginning/Ending positions are not needed for XML and other file formats - the value -1 should be used.
;[Ending Position|FIELD_END_BYTE]:This field will be the ending position for the for the fixed position in the file. If the File Format = 'Fixed Format', you must specify the Beginning and Ending positions. These positions must be continuous without gap, otherwise an error situation will occur. Beginning/Ending positions are not needed for XML and other file formats - the value -1 should be used.
;[XML Tag|XML_TAG]:This optional field is used for XML File Format only. If XML Tag is not specified for XML File, then the Name field is used as XML Tag.
;[Beginning Position|FIELD_START_BYTE]:Used if the File Format is a 'Fixed Format'. The Beginning and Ending positions must be continuous without gap.
;[Ending Position|FIELD_END_BYTE]:If the File Format = 'Fixed Format', you must specify the Beginning and Ending positions. These positions must be continuous without gap, otherwise an error situation will occur. Beginning/Ending positions are not needed for XML and other file format.
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;[Variable Name|X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME]:Variable Name is used for outbound interfaces only.
;[Variable Name|VARIABLE_LK]:Variable Name is used for outbound interfaces only. You will select from the lexicon [X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME] 35nnnn
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;[Record Type|RECORD_TYPE]:Record Type is typically only used for outbound interfaces.
;[Record Identifier|RECORD_IDENTIFIER]:This field is not currently used.
;[XML Tag|XML_TAG]:This optional field is used for XML File Format only. If XML Tag is not specified for XML File, then the Name field is used as XML Tag.
;[Reference Id|REFERENCE_ID]: This field is used in the [UEINH] program. This will contain the ID of the column to be loaded.
;[Record Type|RECORD_TYPE]:Record Type is typically only used for outbound interfaces. The lexicon [X_RECORD_TYPE] values are:
*Not Specified
** may be selected if not required for the interface
*Header Record
** generate Header records at begin of file
*Employer Header
** used to generate Employer data
*Employer Summary
** used to generate Employee data
*Detail Record
** generate Employee Detail record
*Detail Level 1
** Detail Level 1 to 5 hangs beneath
*Detail Level 2
** the Employee Detail record and loops
*Detail Level 3
** through BE plans or Contacts etc.
*Detail Level 4
** depending on UEEF parameter
*Detail Level 5
** Interface Level selection criteria
*Detail Summary
** wraps up for Employee Detail record
** mostly used for XML file XML end tag
*Total Record
** used for total type records
*Trailer Record
** generate Trailer records at end of file
** may contain File totals, record counts etc.
*Qualify Record
** should be used for Record Number 0
** the Qualify records are performed at the beginning of every Detail record to qualify employees etc.
** user can use derivation expression to BYPASS certain criteria
;Record Identifier:This field is not currently used.
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;[XML Tag Option|XML_TAG_OPTION]:This is applicable to the XML file, if the Variable Name = 'XML begin Tag' or 'XML end Tag'. This field option indicates if the XML Tag should be written.
;[Accum Option|ACCUM_OPTION]: This field is applicable to the Numeric field only and is used for Record Type = 'Detail Record'. This field indicates if this Record #, Field # amount should be accumulated or not. e.g. if the field is a 'Pay Number' or 'Check Number', then do not accumulate \\If the field is 'Element Value' or 'PC Amount', then you may want to accumulate to avoid writing too much detail per element or per pay component.
;[Total Option|TOTAL_OPTION]: This field is applicable to the Numeric field only and is used for Record Type = Detail Record, Detail Level n. This field indicates if this Record #, Field # amount should be totaled for Header or Trailer record. e.g. if the field is a 'FTE' or 'Rate of Pay', then do not totaled \\If the field is 'Statistics Amount' or 'User Calc Amount', then you may want to calculate the total for Trailer record.
;[Domain|DOMAIN]: This is used by certain pre-loaded programs to further define characteristics and behaviours of a field. This field is not used in [UPPHF], [UEEF], [UPGLF], [LMTD], [LBEN] or [LPTS].
;[Derivation Expression|DERIVATION_EXPRESSION]:This field specifies the derivation expression for the Variable name. Derivation expressions provide the ability to translate values or to retrieve information otherwise not accessible in an interface format in IDIF. Data from within the Personality database may need to be translated to match the requirements from a receiving third party system. Also, data within a source file may need to be translated to match the Personality specifications.
;:For additional information on what may be used within the Derivation Expression field see the page titled [CALLABLE FUNCTION].
;[Comments|COMMENTS]: This field can be used to add notes to the actions taking place in the interface. This is an ideal location to add notes on derivation expression set up or vendor notes.
;: Print Zero Rule is tied to the fixed lexicon [X_PRINT_ZERO_RULE].
;[XML Tag Option|XML_TAG_OPTION]:This is applicable to the XML file, if the Variable Name = 'XML begin Tag' or 'XML end Tag'. This field option indicates if the XML Tag should be written. This field is tied to the fixed lexicon [X_XML_TAG_OPTION].
;[Accum Option|ACCUM_OPTION]: This field is applicable to the Numeric field only and is used for Record Type = 'Detail Record'. This field indicates if this Record #, Field # amount should be accumulated or not. e.g. if the field is a 'Pay Number' or 'Check Number', then do not accumulate \\If the field is 'Element Value' or 'PC Amount', then you may want to accumulate to avoid writing too much detail per element or per pay component. Accum_Option is tied to the fixed lexicon [X_ACCUM_OPTION].
;[Total Option|TOTAL_OPTION]: This field is applicable to the Numeric field only and is used for Record Type = Detail Record, Detail Level n. This field indicates if this Record #, Field # amount should be totaled for Header or Trailer record. e.g. if the field is a 'FTE' or 'Rate of Pay', then do not totaled \\If the field is 'Statistics Amount' or 'User Calc Amount', then you may want to calculate the total for Trailer record. The Total Option field is tied to the fixed lexicon [X_TOTAL_OPTION].
;[Derivation Expression|DERIVATION_EXPRESSION]:This field specifies the derivation expression for the Variable name. Derivation expressions provide the ability to translate values or to retrieve information otherwise not accessible in an interface format in IDIF. Data from within the [{$applicationname}] database may need to be translated to match the requirements from a receiving third party system. Also, data within a source file may need to be translated to match the [{$applicationname}] specifications.
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!!Qualification Records
A qualification record can be added to assist in determining if the record should be loaded or can be bypassed.
For the field that will be used as the qualifier, its Record Type needs to be set to "Qualifier Record". Next, the a Constant value of 'TRUE' is added and a Derivation Expression is also added to the record.
Sample Derivation Expression:
then 'TRUE'
else 'FALSE'
!!!NULLVALUE in a GL File
For GL file that is not with Fixed File Format, if a field value is NULL, user may want to use NULL for this field or use a space for this field on the file
On IDIF screen with the specified Interface Code, user can click the Header section that is with the Code and Interface Type, then click the User Defined Field icon to pop into the User Field Values screen
[{Image src='NULL_VALUE_OPTION.jpg' width='100%' height='100%' align='leftt'}]
This option specifies when an IDIF field value is NULL, how UPGLF returns the field value for the Entire GL File. The value options are listed in the lexicon as shown below.
|__Lexicon__ |__Lexicon Value__
|X_GL_NULLVALUE|00 - Use IDIF Derivation Expression
|X_GL_NULLVALUE|01 - Use NULL for all NULL values
|X_GL_NULLVALUE|02 - Use 1 Space for all NULL values
Each option has specific usages associated with them. The chart below outlines each lexicon value and their specific usage within IDIF.
|__Lexicon Value__|__Usage__
|00 - Use IDIF Derivation Expression|__A:__ When no Derivation Expression is configured the system uses a space\\__B:__ When Derivation Expression is configured using decode(~,'','NULLVALUE',~) no space is populated.
|01 - Use NULL for all NULL values|All spaces (e.g ' ') are changed to Null values (e.g '') for entire GL unless specified otherwise by using a Derivation Expression, decode(~,'','NULLSPACE',~).
|02 - Use 1 space for all null value is|All fields that have a null value are populated with 1 space. (e.g. ' ' are changed to '') unless specified otherwise by using a Derivation Expression, decode(~,'','NULLVALUE',~).
If this User Defined Field ‘GL NULLVALUE Option’ does not exist, please exit this screen and then run UPGLF for any File Format in Trial mode, UPGLF will automatically generate this UDF when this UDF does not exist, then user can pop into this IDIF UDF screen to specify the GL NULLVALUE Option
[{InsertPage page='Internal.IDIF' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]
;:For additional information on what may be used within the Derivation Expression field see the page titled [CALLABLE FUNCTION].