Processing Information#

If your organization creates direct deposits or Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT), an interface file needs to be created and then sent to the bank. You may generate this file through the Create Payroll Direct Deposit File (UPDTB) form.

The UPDTB will ignore/bypass deposits that have status of 'Cancelled'.

The UPDTB will create the bank deposit file according to the layout specified on the IDIF form.

The UPDTB supports the Scotia Bank ACH format - interface Type 28 is used for this.

Interface Type Interface Code Country
Bank Deposit HL$ACH USA
Royal Bank Deposit HL$RYBANK_STD152 Canada
Scotia Bank Deposit HL$BNS_BANK Canada
CIBC Deposits HL$CIBC Canada

Note that record 7 - Child Support addendum is created by the UPDISB and not through the set up of the fields on the interface.

The values on Record 7 of the IDIF will be used when creating an ACH file and the 'Debit Payroll Account' account is set to yes. These will be the totals for all deposits in the file.

Prenoting Employees without a Pay/Disbursement Feature: #

The Payroll Direct Deposit Interface program (UPBTB) will process pre-notification records when the employee has a disbursement (IPDS) resulting from a pay run. In the case where employers do not issue pay checks, it is desirable to enter the direct deposit information as soon as possible and send a pre-note to the bank for processing. Therefore the employee’s first pay would be a direct deposit not a check. In order to create a pre-note wihtout a pay/disbursement in a pay run, the following must be done:
• The parameter called 'Prenotes ONLY' needs to toggled
• When this toggle is ON, UPDTB will review the Payment Method table for all Active Records based on the ‘As of Date’ that have the Prenote Required toggle turned on. Then it will create a direct deposit file with the pre-note records. The record will be the same as currently being created, no changes are required.
• The UPDTB will update the disbursement (IPPM) Prenote Date with the As of Date from the UPDTB parameter.
• The UPDTB will update the disbursement (IPPM) Deposit Starts Date with the As Of Date (Prenote date) plus the number of prenote days from the employer’s bank (IPBA).

The current processing 'The Gross to Net' program will continue to work exactly the same. When the issue date of the UPCALC program is equal to or greater than the number of days on the employee’s Deposit Start Date then the deposit record will be used. The logic in UPDTB without the ‘Prenote ONLY’ toggle on will remain the same. This means that if an employee is hired after UPDTB is run for ‘Prenotes ONLY’, the employee will receive a check for the first Pay.

Report Parameters#

Report Parameters
Payroll Bank AccountMandatory, LOV Available
The bank account from where the deposits are drawn.
Entity CodeOptional, LOV Available
Limits the process to the Entity specified.
Debit Payroll AccountOptional, Toggle
This parameter is used only for the ACH format and will create conditional debit
to cover the total of all checks.
As Of DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
The date of the EFT.
From Pay Issue DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
The earliest issue date of the deposits that will qualify for this EFT
To Pay Issue DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
The latest issue date of the deposits that will qualify for this EFT.
Interface CodeMandatory, LOV Available
The report definition selected will determine the format of the output file (if any),
as well as the columnar content of the report.
Interface DirectoryMandatory, Text
Must be a directory on the data base server for which the current user (as signed onto the
client’s network) has write capability. For example the entry ‘C:\TEMP’ accesses the
‘TEMP’ directory on the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal
being used.
File NameMandatory, Text
Enter the name of the file that will be created in the interface directory specified.
Write or AppendMandatory, LOV Available
Append or overwrite any existing file.
Custom Header RecordOptional, Text
This exact text will be written as a separate record at the beginning of the file.
Custom Trailer RecordOptional, Text
This exact text will be written as a separate record at the end of the file.
Output Headers/TrailerOptional, Toggle
If this toggle is ON, these records will be marked as ‘/H’ at the beginning and ‘/T’ at
the end.
Test RunOptional, Toggle (Only used for the Royal Bank)
This is a function for Canadian installations. This field ensures that in the Royal
Bank format, Record ‘1’, Field ‘6’ will have a value of TEST. This indicates that this
is a test file and not an actual file that the bank will load. The file will still be created
ACH BlockingOptional, Toggle
This is a function for US installations only.
Some clearing houses require blocking as described in the ‘ACH Rules’. Normally
these are ones who still use ‘reel to reel’ tape drives.
ACH records must be written in groups (blocks) of 10 records. After the file control
record is written onto the file, the remaining unused records of the last physical
block is completed with all 9's. If the total number records (headers + details +
control records) is a number evenly divisible by ten then there are no records written
with 9's.
Prenotes ONLYOptional, Toggle
If 'ON', the Payment Method table will be reviewed for all Active Records based on the ‘As of Date’ and those that have the Prenote Required toggle turned on will have pre-note records created in the direct deposit file. This is a function for US installations.
TrialOptional, Toggle
If ‘ON’ then the update is not committed and UPDTB may be run again. If run in update mode the MEX_ID will be populated as a flag on the P2K_PR_DEPOSITS table. If the MEX_ID is populated the deposit will not be picked up on any subsequent runs.
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV Available
Users may increase the level of logging done from exception to user, legislation,
usercalc, program or utility levels.


The UPDTB process will flag all deposits as being completed if run in non-trial mode. The deposit will be updated with the MEX_ID of the UPDTB that processed them.

The UPDTB will report any outstanding deposits that do not have this MEX_ID and meet the additional conditions of

- Having a status of "Deposit Issued" in the lexicon X_DEPOSIT_STATUS
- Having a Pay Issue Date less than the "From" date in the UPDTB_CPA1496 parameters.


There is no standard function to "undo" a UPDTB that has been run in UPDATE mode. The UPDTB will update MEX_ID column found on the P2K_PR_DEPOSITS table with the execution ID created when UPDTB was processed. This prevents deposits that have already been sent to the bank from appearing in susequent runs of UPDTB.

A script can be used in situations where the file sent is rejected, or problems are identified after running the process.

Please note - '######' will be replaced by the MEX_ID from UPDTB

First verify the number of records to be updated;

select count(mex_id)
from p2k_pr_deposits
where mex_id = '######';
Once you have verified the number of records, the update script can be run;
UPDATE p2k_pr_deposits
set mex_id = NULL
where mex_id = '######';

Once the update script has been completed - commit the records;


Notes #

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