The US Year End Summary Report RPYEU is used to verify that the totals are balanced with the Year To Date information before printing the W2 forms. The RPYEU process generates a summary of US payroll year end data.

Please click on this link for additional information for the NJ WR-30 format.

RPYEU Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters

Annual Form CodeMandatory.
Form Code that is defined on the IDFDV form.
NOTE: Always use the current year form code. DO NOT use a prior year form code as the Identifiers may be obsolete.
Quarterly Form CodeBlank for Annual Reporting. Defines the quarterly form code for the report. Optional
Govt Interface FormatBlank for Annual Reporting. Defines the government interface format for the report. Optional
Period TypeMandatory. Defines the period type. Enter "Year" for Annual reporting and "Quarter for quarterly reporting.
Period End DateMandatory. Defines the end date of the reporting period.
As of DateMandatory. Defines the date to start gathering demographic information.
Combine Employment TypeDefines if the employees on the report should be sorted by their Employment Type Set this field to YES to combine Regular and Other Types of Employment, such as Agriculture. Optional.

This parameter is used mostly for State filing so an employee is reported only once for a State, even if they have been paid by multiple Federal Registrations. Therefore, when this field is set to YES, RPYEU will not store the Federal Level amounts on the IPGH form because the Federal Registration Numbers are combined and will not be linked to a specific Federal Registration Number.

A warning message is issued when this field is set to YES: *** WARNING: Combine Fed Regist = Yes, IPGR Federal Amounts and Employee Remittance Header are not added by Federal Registration Number.

When reporting W2 Employment Types of Regular and Medicare Qualified, it is recommended that this parameter be set to 'No'
Combine Fed RegistDefines if all of the selected 'Federal Regist' for State/Local Reporting should be combined. Set this field to YES to combine all 'Federal Regist' for State/Local reporting. Optional
Media FormatDefines the Federal file format for SSA reporting. Optional
Directory Name Mandatory. Defines the name of the government Magnetic Media file.
Media File NameMandatory. Defines the media file name of the data being uploaded.
Create Data Dump Defines if a data dump file with the extension of .csv should be generated. Optional
Trace LevelDefines the tracing level (report messages) for the report. Optional. Users should always run RPYEU with the Trace Level set to 'Exceptions Only' for all employees, unless required for tracing.
Regist/Set Up AuditOption to print exceptions that may exist from set up. Optional. Options are:
00-Do not print, run
01-Print, do not run
02-Print and run
03-Excp and run
User CommentsEnter a comment to print on the header of the report. Optional
Govt Form OptionDetermines Government Run Stage, Government Print Stage and Government File Stage of created Government Run and Government Headers. Mandatory. See Lexicon X_GVT_FORM_OPTION for more details. Options support by RPYEU are:
01-New forms only
02-All normal forms
04-Amended forms
05-Rejected forms
Retain Amend/Reject FileDetermines if existing Gvt Run and Headers will be deleted or marked as archived.
No - Existing Government Run will be replaced
Yes - New Government Run will be created. Should only be used in combination with Gvt Form Option 04-Amended Forms and 05-Rejected Forms.
Print Report On Defines to print a report, output or both. Options are:
* Report only (default)
* Report and Output File
* Output File Only
* Do Not Print

RPYEU Report Filters

EntityTo define and report on a specific Entity. Optional
Federal Regist SetTo define and report on a specific Federal Registration Set, on IDGV. Optional
Federal Regist TypeTo define and report on a specific Federal Registration type, defined on IDGV. Optional
Federal Regist NumberDefines the Employer Identification Number, on IDGV. Optional
People ListThis field limits the process to the people in the defined list. Optional
PersonEnter the Person Code of the employee you are tesating with. Optional
Select StateDefines a State to report on. Optional. Do not enter a State when generating the Federal File or W2 forms. If a State is selected, the process will report on the defined State only.
State Regist SetTo define and report on a specific State Registration set, on IDGV. Optional. This field is not required for Annual reporting.
State Regist TypeTo define and report on a specific State Registration type, defined on IDGV. Optional
State Regist NumberUsed only for Quarterly State filing. Is a State is not entered, then the Federal Regist Number on IDGV is used. Optional
Local Regist SetTo define and report on a specific Local Registration set. Optional
Local Regist TypeTo define and report on a specific Local Registration type, defined on IDGV. Optional
Local Regist NumberTo define and report on a specific Local Registration set. Optional
Select CountyTo define and report on a specific County. Optional
Select CityTo define and report on a specific City. Optional
Select SchoolTo define and report on a specific School District. Optional

Processing Ammendments#

Complete the initial run using Government Form Option 02-All normal forms until satisfied with the results. For the inital submission, the preference will be to only have 1 government run referenced.

Once satisfied with the results of RPYEU, Run the W2 print with trial run "No". This will change the following:

By doing this the data is locked and you are ready for handling amended forms when needed.

If you need to amend an employees form you will have to do into IPGH and mark the Print stage as Amendment requested. Then when you run RPYEU with 04-Amended forms it will pick up these records and create the necessary file for W2C upload.

Notes #

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